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Tools for drawing wiring diagrams?


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I'm wondering what program TK uses for drawing

the interconnection diagrams for the midibox projects?

I want to document my c drumseq project

and if possible I want the led/button wiring diagrams

to be consistent with the official MB projects..

Thank you,


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I think it's Eagle from http://www.cadsoft.de, I'm not sure though...

Hello, I know the schematics and pcbs are done in eagle,

but I want to draw something like this:


about my project, I'm building a simple drum sequencer

based on the clockbox example


-8 drumtracks with 32 steps

-each step has note on/off, accent on/off,(roll on/off)

-16 patterns (nr of patterns will be increased)

-patterns are stored on a bankstick

-loading/saving of patterns is possible when seq is running

user interface:

-20x2 lcd

-5 softbuttons + menu/ok button + encoder

-16 step buttons/leds

-8 dedicated buttons with play/pause, stop, menu shortcuts


-seq is running with 16 steps with user interface

-currently there's only one loop length, note division for all tracks

-I'm able to run the seq with 32 steps but due to performance

issues the running led when seq is playing has to be disabled  :(

there's still a lot of work to do, I've written all the code in C to test the concept

without losing much time in code optimalisation

next week when my exams are done I will have more time to work on the code,

maybe some of you could help me with some C/ASM optimalisation

this is only my second C project so I expect there's a lot of room for improvement  ;D

here's a picture of my testsetup:


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A promising project! :)

I don't use the schematic tool of eagle, because the results are looking ugly and not always understandable for electronic newbies.

Instead I'm using xcircuit (a derivative of xfig) - not because it's the best, but because I'm familiar with this program since ca. 10 years and just love it :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I've uploaded the files to this location: http://www.ucapps.de/tmp/mbseqxc.zip

Thanks Thorsten,

I will post the diagrams together with my code when everything is finished...

don't expect too much from it , I just want to make a basic drumseq for my micromodular  :)

Looks like you've made some excellent progress!

If you need anyone to make up some PCB layouts or whatever then give me a shout.

Thanks Jaicen, I'm using a core module, a Dinx4 module and 3/4 of a Doutx4 module

so it's all standard pcbs...

I could use some good suggestions on the user interface and stuff like that,

will post more on that after my exams...

I like Geda.  See http://geda.seul.org/.  It's freeware, open source, and very capable.

I sure will try this program, I'm using eagle for drawing pcbs at school

and I don't like it that much  :)

for this project I will use Xcircuit so that the diagrams have the same look as the MB ones


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