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Would it be posssible to make a samchillian-like* controller based on the MIDIbox?

Only for discussion, I have not planned to do this... yet.


* As I understood it, it is a controller that does not play notes, but intervalls. Seems like a quite ideal controller for monophonic lines.


like said before; anything is possible with midibox ;D

the interface could be easily made with standard midibox

from the Samchillian site

Here's how it works: each key on the keyboard does not denote a fixed pitch, as it would on a normal keyboard, but rather a change of pitch

this feature is something that you will have to make yourself entirely (writing the code)

cheers, marcel


Heh I didn't know about that thing. Neat idea. Lame that he patented it.

I'm getting so tired of people patenting new ways of implementing old ideas, and effectively attempting to block the growth of those concepts beyond their own implementation. Grr... This dude loves to throw around the words 'patented' and 'unique'. Good thing that this forum proves I had the idea before him... Shame about all the others that had the idea before I did and got no credit either.

This is one of the concepts which the vX was designed to handle (sequencing by intervals). There are actually several ways you could do it, check out the wiki page and have a ponder about it :)

While the vX can be a manually triggered relative sequencer, a relative controller (which is similar but different) would be a great tool and they'd go together sooo well. I'd certainly be interested in making one. The tricky part is the scale engine, everything else is a snap.

You just need an algorithm to process the last midi note output by an interval and scale to find the next midi note. You could use math or tables or a combination... Have you given this much thought? Share your ideas, let's do this thing.....

PS Has anyone patented the fart yet?

PS Has anyone patented the fart yet?
Probably.... ;)

The best one I have seen is a process/method patent on swinging in a playground or tree swing, granted to a guy trying to prove how broken the US patent system is......US patent #6368227

Whether this makes you laugh or cry, everyone reading should pay attention to your respective govt. so that your system does not slip into this level of insanity......  ;)




Oh my Lord.... I think I'll laugh at that one... While I plot my revenge ;)

Is anyone else interested in doing this interval controller/sequencer? Shouldn't be too hard really... If not, I'll still do it anyway, but it might take a lot longer :( I've pretty much got the scaling engine written in my head already, but now it's a matter of thinking of ways to implement it...

Is anyone else interested in doing this interval controller/sequencer?

interested in; yes of course.. capable of; different story  ;D

i was reading some stuff on fractal music, (choosing notes etc with a fractal equation) i can see if i can find some nice algorithm which could be used

a wild guess/tip;

do you know the mididelay TK made some time ago? know it is quite different but maybe there are some usefull bits in there for this.. you could even combine the 2?

cheers, marcel


I hope that I'll be capable of doing it, but the downside of having me do a project is time... I've got too much work on my plate :(

Keep the ideas coming though, because the concept takes just as long as the coding :)

What about you ghost_dog? You started all this! :)

  • 3 months later...

i just noticed that reply-notification was turned off in my preferences - no wonder 'nobody ever answers'...

sure i'm still interested in that but i know nothing about mios yet, so i suppose there's not much i could do...


I'm just glad you reminded me about this!!  ;D

Well the good news is that the scale engine has been implemented in the new MBSEQ beta (see the other thread) which was really the hardest part about this. Now making this controller is a simple matter of incrementing/decrementing a variable and passing it to the existing engine :) Bad news is, I am going to be unavailable to do it for a long time, I've got other projects I need to focus on for the meantime.... I hope someone will find the time to build this before I do :)

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