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A Question concerning R12 on the core module


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I would like to know if R12 is necessary on the core if no IIC devices are being used. The reason I ask is that I have one of Smash's R-4c boards and I noticed that there is now a new revision (R-4d) which has R12 added.

Maybe I'm fussy, but I like tidy PCB's and would rather not add it if I don't need to.



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Does this mean the R4C board will not work with IIC modules unless R12 is added?

R12 is just a pull-up resistor, R4C+IIC -might- work without it (many variables come into play here like cabling, what exactly it's connected to, how clean your power supply is, etc.) but it's a good idea to add it to avoid issues if cabling to anything IIC. 



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Thanks for the respones Thorsten. That clears thing up nicely

Thanks for the discription Smash (by the way your boards were a plesure to stuff).

I've got an idea for a small modification to the layout of the DIN and DOUT boards which could cut down wiring in some situations.

What I sugget is to change the spacing BETWEEN J3 -J6 of the DIN and DOUT (I guess this would be useful on the AIN too) to a multiple of 0.1".

The reason I suggest this is it would allow the DIN/DOUT/AIN to be used as "Plug-in" Modules/daughter boards for strip/matrix board that have DIL Sockets mounted on them. I could mount all my buttons, pots, encoders etc on Strip board, then mount some DIL sockets spaced the same distance apart as J3 - J6 on the other side of the board and plug the module directly on to the board which has the controls on it.



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