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MetaEvent help


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Hello everyone,

I'm having a hard time figureing out how to make metaevents work how I need them to. I would like to know how to send two cc's at once from an encoder or a button, and also how to send an nrpn stream. I have looked at all the examples I can find, but I just dont understand assembler. If someone could help me out with some code I would really appriciate it.



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Hi Luke,

how about trying C if you don't understand assembler (I don't understand Assember, too ;D)?

There are examples on the bottom of the C-Page @uCApps.de, which describe what you want to do (send CC's, send NRPN).

Or is there any particular reason, why you want to do this in Assembler?



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I always liked teachers that made me figure stuff out on my own. I finally got it. Im sure its not the most elegant technique, but it works for what I need.


;;MidiChannel 9 & 10
	;;Send first midi CC with fixed value
	movlw	0xB8		; send 0xb0 (Controller Header, channel 9)
	call	MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut

	movf	MIDI_EVNT1, W
	call	MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut

	movlw	0x7F	; send 127
	call	MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut

	;;Send second midi CC with incremental value
	movlw	0xB9		; send 0xb0 (Controller Header, channel 10)
	call	MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut

	movf	MIDI_EVNT1, W
	call	MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut

	movf	MIDI_EVNT_VALUE, W	; send enc/button value, stored in MIDI_EVNT_VALUE
	call	MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut

goto	MIOS_MIDI_BeginStream	; end stream and exit

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