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Inside - Poly Evolver, Nord Lead 3, Virus TI, pulse, XT & Andromeda (updated)


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For those of you who care about such things, here's a map of the andromeda controllers which dont (usually) send midi data. some of those missing mappings is a little annoying; however it makes sense from their point of view.

Mapping out the controllers, in order to use this synths control surface to edit other synths.. 16 bit values available ..yey ! - routing done in software.

on that general note, a midibox which retains as midi map for a 'controller' ..and allows you at a button press to remap its outputs for editing different synths.. would be -really handy- :)


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  • 1 year later...

Just trawling thru some older posts and noticed the mention of the evolver.

As many of you will know OnChip is the current name of the company once

known as CEM.

The chips used in the Evolver for analog signal processing are the PA397's.

These are  a tweaked version of the CEM3396 as used in the Obi matrix

6 and 1000. Also used in the Cheetah MS6. If you ask nicely and order

about 25,000 of them, OnChip will make you some..=)

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Several of us have sets of 6x 3396 chips for making a synth one day... They're a bit easier to get hold of (for now)

Don't start asking when it's due, because it's nothing but vapor right now, but the chips are bought, the money is spent, so one day...  ;)

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tizzle... well it makes for a more universal shortand than a bunch of fft plots ;) its not wine swilling :]

collector, well not exactly, that would be some kind of music crime.. these things actually get put to use; rather than relntlessly polishing n' dusting them off with grannys gusto, whilst thinking 'god damn your'e sweeeeeet' ;)


pa397 senseible answer.

it has far more high frequency/top end transparency & the filter/signals distortion elements are more pleasing to the ears :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, got some info!  :D

It's basically a 3396 with stereo outs.  It's now a 28 pin chip instead of the 24 pin package that the 3396 came in.  In reasonable quantities (100) it's less than $25 each - for 500, it's less than $20 each, but I don't have a spare $10k to invest in that kind of order.  Should I start a group buy?


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  • 2 years later...

Hey mate, im in australia i pulled my virus ti polar apart 1 day and im unsure if i put the 2 wiring harnesses back in their right plug, the harness that join the pitch and mod wheels to the main board inside, so i was wondering if you could please help with some photos of the inside of your virus ti showing exzactly where the harnesses should be pluged into which plug? Thanks if you can helpout mate?! Shane

Well after more months than id like to contemplate ..the alesis andromeda finally arrived..

Got a ton of photos of its innards & those of the access virus ti, which i will uplload later when i have time.

Theres a hell of alot of stuff inside an andromeda i have to say.. build qualitys much better than expected.. although its tempting to make some replacement cheerywood end panels & some other mods when its out of warranty ;) and if you see one for a good price, its worth bagging as they really do pack quite a punch for programing power.. not as mercilessly agressive & insane as a moog or a dsi poly evolver ..however very nice for silky/gritty complex sounds thatll not overwelm everything else ..does an increabile take on the church organ sound (didn't know an analog could do that !)

only downside is i had to take it appart for more reasons than  documenting it.. in transit, the little bit of shaking round it had been subjected to.. was enough to loosen up some connections internally ..which prevented it from tuning up the first time round. That remedyed that.. however these things shouldnt really happen :/

Btw heres a shocker.. the virus TI contains just TWO of the freescale dsp chips that the nord lead 3 uses SIX of ! ...hmm food for thought.

Right more later :)

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  • 1 year later...

Hi guys,

Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but I wanted to say thank you to the OP for posting the specs of the Virus TI + pictures.

For anyone whose interested, I have done a blog entry about the actual firmware that sits inside the TI, along with some background on the 563xx chip (I spent a day pulling apart the fw)


Any questions, feel free to ask.


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