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Moving to LINUX


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Well there are two of them... dynebolic is the original, and that team (RastaSoft ;) ) are working on a core (dyne:II) around which other distros can be built, and there's Dhoruba (the new dyne:bolic live CD) and that one you're talking about is called pyre:dyne and is intended especially for PD users.

Praise Jah  :)

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i get really confused with all the different distros

when i said id like to find a version of linux like mac os i didnt explain myself properly

the thing i really like about mac is the way i can arrange files visually in folders rather than just in rows and colums like windows being dsylexic this makes my whole creative process more efficient and more rewarding  because i can arrange my samples etc in nice patterns and remember whats where visually rather than having to remember exact file names  and search for them  wow that was long winded but id like to find a distro of linux thats like that

has anybody had experience of this  daw for linux ARDOUR it looks very interesting


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Nautilus, the file manager for GNOME, has a spatial interface like Mac OS 9.  Depending on the distribution you try, it may not be the default as many people didn't like it (probably raised on Windows).  Ubuntu and Fedora are the two most popular Linux distributions that use the GNOME desktop.

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