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Moving to LINUX


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Anyone here able to point me in the right direction for a move to Linux.

I want to rid myself of the Windows ball and chain, and run a PC for a live environment in a more efficient manner. Needs to run Win32 VSTi's though.....bit like Muse Receptor.

Any tips would be much appreciated.

Mark. :)

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Hey the exact three distros I was going to suggest.

Head over to the Create Digital Music blog and hit the "linux" tag"

And if you have more than one box, you could check out MOSIX - but that would be for advanced Linux users, because you'd have to build it into the kernel.

I kind of know what those words mean, but I wouldn't have the foggiest how to go about it.  ???

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What about Mandriva? I'll tell you why i'm asking. My main worry is compatibility with mobo, touch-screen etc, and mandriva seems to have a better support. I also need a good GUI for the touchscreen, as this is for live situations- ie no mouse, and happier about it too!!

Keep the comments coming,


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well, I guess that, if there is a driver for your touchscreen available, it should be installable in any installation as long as it's for the same processor type.

btw: that dynebolic.org link is not working for me, but what I read from other sides, this sounds quite well: special kernel for low latenices and maybe useful for midiboxers also GCC and IDEs.

I would try that, it's a LIVE-CD, can't get something better to check if that's the right thing for you (and works with your devices).

Have to check out Ardour now ;D



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I also want to switch to Linux but the only problem I see is that there are nearly no drivers available.

I tried Ubuntu Linux (just for Internet) and I worked quite well but when i wanted to hear some music (E-MU 0404) while surfing I wasn't able to find a Linux/Debian driver for it...


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I tried Suse 10 last year...as much as I wanted to embrace Linux, configuring it was theeee single most frustrating computer experience I've had. Just getting my monitor to work was a hell of a chore. Once I got it working I felt that being so used to windows and its idiosyncrasies I had taken a step back. It was a weird experience. :) Good luck though.

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hi everybody

I`m go out from windows 10 mounth ago to gnu/linux.

My favorities programs on windows: logic, TC plugins, reactor, kontact, wavelab...

I leave them all becouse I have no money for buy.

They are very good, but I need better: more plastic, open tools.

Now I`m also free from cracks. :D

I think that no difference between distros.

If you are good, and you know how to set system - you can prepare any distro for music. Becouse  I`m not an expert so I use alerady prepared: ubuntu studio and pure:dyne.

PureData - it is my favorite music program now.

At this time I leave others jack`s based synth`s, daw`s... and focus only at PD.

I hope this will be inspire somebody

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There are *nix clones of these apps though, If that's sufficient.... And of course real legit ownership is a major issue which qbas has pointed out - Statistically speaking, chances are that you are using those three apps illegally, so linux might hold an additional benefit of keeping you out of the big house (or at least keeping your karma in check) ;)

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do you mean there are no clones or that there are nice clones

i definately want to run legal code which is why ive got an old imac on the net with a legal mac os i prefere mac to windows it would be good to find a version of linux that is similar to mac

as for my karma thanks for the concern but my karma is very good i chant every day


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Browsing functions and possibilities of many ready to use programs is nice , but probubly earlier or later anybody will feel boring and need changing something. Of course programs has many options for customize, but if it is not enough for you = its time for looking better method for creating music without (or minimal) compromise. If you have a dreams about better technologies for music creation just DIY!

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