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I have been kickin this around and need some help, neil young uses a device called a whizzer, it is a box that sits on top of his amp and controled from 4 switches on his pedal board. each switch, when activated, will turn the knobs on his amp to a predetermend setting. i was wondering if that could be done with a core, din, mf, and some motorized pots? and if some one would know how to program it or give me some help, i would appreciate it. i need all the help i can get.

Thank you


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Yes that could definitely be done. I'm guessing it works like the old EHX Hot Foot, in that it has a cable that attaches to the pot shaft.

I actually did some design work on a remote switcher that would work for switching between two settings, but that was a simple CMOS+Relay design. MBHP would make for a far more useful piece of kit i'm sure.

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What i was thinking with the pots were using them for the motor. my controls are on top of my amp.they would be mounted in a box facing my pots on my amp and round knobs on them with rubber tube clamped to them and slots on the other end that would fit over the chicken head knobs on my amp. the only thing is the motor pots would have to turn backwards. that was what i was thinking. so the unit could be lifted off and my amp would stay origanal.

the other help i need is programming it, or if some one could do it for me?

Thanks for all your help


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Neil youngs amp tech built it for him because he had found a setting on his amp that if you breathed on it it would go away. all i know is that it has 4 settings that move 3 knobs on his amp (tone, volume and volume) the box sits on top of his amp and controled by foot switches on his red pedal board. besides that i'm trying to figure out the rest. i cant find any more info on it.


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