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MBSID V2: Hardware Changes


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OK, back on topic, sort of...

I actually encourage and applaud TK's decision to let people know ahead of time what the future hardware might be, and then change his mind for the better of the project, even if it means us "experienced users" he speaks of now have chips they don't need.  ;D  This CAN network stuff is brilliant, a much nicer design than using MIDI.

If it's too hard getting a PIC18F4685, then just stick with PIC18F452. There's not much advantage to upgrade now, other than avoiding the cost of a new chip in six months.

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Hey comrades!

Did anyone managed to get hold of a PIC18F4685 and tried Sid v1.7 with CAN ?

Is a public release for PIC18F4685 version MbSid v1.7 planned soon?

The full featured PIC18F4685 version of the bootloader, MIOS and MBSID V1.7 is already distributed to experienced users.

I'm waiting for feedback to ensure, that everything works flawless before new users are starting with the overworked firmware - this is to avoid an immense support effort at my side for this new technology.

Patience please!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hey Thorsten can you add (or maybe it is added) one function:

possibility to set "4 Synthesizer Subsystems" by MIDI?

I mean: possibilities of switch beetwen for egzample

4x MBSID-Drum to 3xMBSID-Drum + 1xMBSID-Lead by MIDI.

Loving qbas

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The engine reference is stored within the patch. By selecting a drum patch, you will automatically select the drum engine, by selecting a lead patch, you will automatically select the lead engine, etc...

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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No, the assign layers have predefined functions which you don't want to miss. See the V2 user manual

But if you mean internal SID parameters with "predefined NRPNs": then read the "KNoBs" section of the v2 user manual

Alternative functions are not planned.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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OK I see, but I found new one interesting :  EXTernal menu.

If I understood right it will be posiible to save with patch settings of external voltage controlled gears!

I right now start build cheap one delay, and MBHP_AOUT_LC interfaces. Thanks x milion

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You can always add DB connectors on your 1.7, so when V2 is ready you can make brake-out box with additional hardware. TK already said he want throw away his cases. I like it better to have all in one housing, but this is not bad solution if you in a hurry to finish it. I`m not waiting for V2 to finish mine.  ;)

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Well the biggest concern here is that how much different hardware will V2 have? So is it even possible to update the 1.7

Well nobody knows, because it isn't finished yet.

Originally it used the PIC18F4620, and then changed to the 4685, which is why Wilba is redesigning his PCB, and a perfect example of the kind of reasons why I haven't started yet.

You can find out about the current alpha's hardware if you read this thread, and chances are, nothing else will change. But I do not own either a time machine or mystic crystal ball, so I can't say ;)

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Well, i´m so eager to build that i don't have the time to wait for 2.0 >:D

I bet that when 2.0 is ready, there will be some cool plans how to update.

And most of the updating costs will come from the new PIC:s which actually at the

same time can be the cheapest parts, if you catch my drift ;) ;) ;)

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