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Yes, I want to control it from my feet while I play guitar in a live setting, why would I not do that with midi?  I have seen this done before using one midi keyboard to control another, but i want to use my feet. Also,I will not be using a computer.

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as mentioned before, you'll need a core module and a DINX4 Module.

You also need a foot Pedal (best: rub some old organs).

The pedals are triggerin the DINs and the CORE "translates" this to midi.

You only once will need a computer to program the CORE.

Look in the forum under midification. There are several threads for "midifing" a keyboard or footpedal.



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I want to be able to control as much of it as I can, the keyboard has internal sequencer/drum machine and I want to be able to call up patterns on the fly as I play, It would also be nice if I could play the internal sounds that the keys play.  I have no Idea what is meant by cc's.  Also the keyboard already uses midi, I just need something to control it.

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It must be possible, with not much problems, but you definitely have to define what you want your "machine" to do,

and how to do it with midi (so understand it's base, like at a CC is (a control change), and that kind of stuff)

Dont worry, it's not very difficult and pretty fun to do ;)

You will need a technical documentation (or a user manual) about your keyboard too.

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if this were me, i'd break the project up into two sections.  first i'd worry about getting the program change and sequence start/stop to work.  that is as simple as putting two pieces of metal together to form a momentary circuit.  so as you can imagine, almost any kind of pedal would work for this.

note and cc data has information that needs to be sent and is not as easy as making a switch.  for notes, you have to send which note is played, but also what velocity (the harder you hit your keyboard, the louder the sound is) to play.  cc's work kind of the same way.  you not only send which parameter to change (like which knob you turn on your synthesizer), but also the value (where the knob is turned to) of the control change.  i'm not sure how you'd go about using the core for this.

you'll have to know exactly what you'd like your setup to look like and then see if it's possible.  for example, perhaps you'd use five seperate pedals, each going straight to a particular patch on your synth, or two pedals to select patches (up/down).  how many different notes do you want to trigger?  there's 128 available using midi data.  if you can live with having only program changes and sequencer start/stop, get a core and a dinx4 and start building.  in the meantime see what's possible with sending the note data.  if you need to be able to trigger notes with velocity data as well, hopefully somebody else on here can help you with that.  i'm new to midiboxing (building a seq) so i don't know that much about it, but i do know midi (wrote a sequencer program) so i can help you understand how the different commands work.

don't take mine as the final word.  it's just my advice to break the project up into sections and hopefully this can guide you into what those sections would be.

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