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Lazertran printing woes


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I've just tried experiementing with Lazertran and the results are terrible!

I'm getting lots of ink clumping on the surface and running. The image is really bad too.

I've followed the instructions and tried a few different settings, but it's all rubbish.

I'm using an Epson R265.

Can anyone else who's had success please tell me what printer they are using and please share any tricks they might have.


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are you using the lazertran that match with you printer (there is a lazertran for inkjet printer and another one for laser printer), sorry if my question is too stupid!

have you keep your lazertran dryin after the printing, or the problem appear as soon as your paper get out of the printer?

from my side, i've used a HP inkjet printer (don't remember which one, a cheap one) and have no problem...

have you try to select "normal" paper for your printer, so the printer don't put too much ink on the sheet?

maybe it's better to ask directly Lazertran, this paper is not so cheap, so makin a lot of test is not the solution, I remember that I've been obliged to finish my seq panel with the two last sheet after doing some mistake (mainly cause the sheet was dammaged on one side by the package Lazetran use to send me the sheet..)

I know, all that won't help you...sorry

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I found out the issue!!

I rang the lovely people at LAzertran and it turns out that the media in the Inkjet packaging was in fact Lazer media!

I couldn't remember where I got it when I was on the phone, but they said they'd send me out a pack of inkjet free of charge and said call 'em if I ever want any more and they supply direct at a great price.

I am totally blown away by their customer service - this is the UK and it's a rare thing to find service like that, so anyone who want lazertran go here www.lazertran.com/index.htm and save some cash.

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quick update and a cry for help!!

I tried 2 tests with lazertran inkjet and vitrail (a liquid glass top sealant) on aluminum.

Test 1 was using a background and text on the background - this worked well but I've come to the conclusion that the background looks tacky so I'm gonna drop it.

The Vitrail had air bubbles in it that I couldn't get rid of - but this could be down to the way I applied it, might be able to sort this with more experimentation.

Test 2 was black txt with a clear background. The resolution was great, the vitrail dried with a lovely golden hue, BUT the lazertran can be seen with lots of little cracks and blisters - not good.

Anyone got any suggestions as to what I did wrong? Tips for improvement.

I've gotta say I'm thinking screen printing might be the only way to go.

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yes lazertran is picky stuff.. however cracking and blistering (to any huge degree) i have not encountered ...its possibly a reaction to the way the gum holds to the vitrail.

I applied mine onto aluminum finished with (very lazy) plasticote matt white 1 part spray paint.. seems to get along fine.

You may also find (although it doesnt logically explain whats happened) ..that you soak your lazertran for too long ...just need to soak it in room temp water for long enough to free the backing and not dissolve the gum ...apply and align ..leave to dry. any segnificant Bubbles that occur need to be gently rolled out by hand ...or released with careful use of a pin prick

Provided that the cracks dont break up the artwork ..and the bubbles arent too major ...then you should find that they dissapear on applying an overcaot varnish (the lazertran goes somewhat more transparent). I use ronseal waterbased satin (?) varnish (to avoid melting the artwork with solvents) ...and apply with a small painters foam roller ...avoids brush strokes ..and gives a wonderful, fine orange peel finish which hardly shows :)

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coolio - thanks for the reply.

I'll try those products and tips you suggested and see how i get on...

I applied mine onto aluminum finished with (very lazy) plasticote matt white 1 part spray paint.. seems to get along fine.

ahhh! this could be the issue - the test I did with a background you couldn't see the issue I described, but on the plain metal you could...

dissapear on applying an overcaot varnish (the lazertran goes somewhat more transparent)

that's the thing, the artwork looked coolio until I applied the Vitrail overcoat...

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