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Tac II like midicontroller?


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I'm quite new to this forum and currently checking out the possibilites with this great invention, MidiBox!

I'm very close to purchasing a midibox SID kit to fulfill my analog synth wet dreams! ;)

But, I do have a question.. What are the possibilities of using standard Dsub 9-pin joysticks like modifiers?

for instance, A tac II joystick connected to a AIN or DIN module and routed to the core to transform the joystick signals to MIDI..

Are there simpler ways?

Thoughts appriciated!

/Jonas Petrini, SWEDEN

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Oh, Allright so if I'd want to make an old digital joystick like the Tac II (2 cool!) into a MIDI controller, All I need is basically a core module and a DINx? I realize that you don't have many key combinations on a joystick like that, but It should be programmable right?

my Idea is this...

Tac II--->[programmable converter]--->midi

..so that I can control every midicontrollable thing  I feel like!


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.... maybe there's an easier way of going about it?

Jonas, whact could be easier than just connecting the buttons to DIN? Code customisation is not what you need. Belive me.

You should really start reading everything you can find about MBHP. There are alot of hints about programming in C and asembler. Also, lots of coments you can find in MIOS and aplication files itself.

I don`t think you need to strip down anything, just do some reading, make the core module and one DINx1 and you will have minimal configuration to experiment and get idea what do you really want.

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