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frying the pic ?


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Today i worked pretty much (let's say more than usually ;) on my little mb project, and i've been uploading some C code all day long on my pic18f452 (hundreds of uplodad and restarts), then, my core board (no din nor douts, just nude) stopped to work. Of course i tripple checked my code, but i even cant run a "hello world" program anymore. My lcd show the "MIOS V1.9" splash message, then turn blank.

So i wonder if it's possible that i fried the pic by uploading too many times ?

The strange thing, is that when i try to upload, MIOS restart (then go 'blank'), as it should, so it's the proof it's not completely freezed.

What do you think ?

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(hundreds of uplodad and restarts)

Is it possible that you have reached the PIC's "100,000 erase/write cycle Enhanced FLASH program memory typical" physical limit?

I seriously doubt this, of course.

It's not ye olde "RAM between 0x60-0x7f is not directly accessible" issue?

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Strange, I did a LOT of uploads when working on projects and never had a failure

maybe your code got too big so that a part of mios was overwritten

(this has happened to me a few times before I used the 18f4620)

in that you can upload MIOS as Stryd suggested

It's not ye olde "RAM between 0x60-0x7f is not directly accessible" issue?

this is only an issue for the can enabled pics ...

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