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How many characters(horizonal) exist in original MCU's LCD...??


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And I want to know ...

Axel's 24 motor fader controller using what kind of LCD...

Axel's LCD looks like more suit for MC emulation than other's MBHP LC projects....

How can I abtain that LCD....

Is not there any LCD like original MC ???

We have to use 2X40 or Graphic LCD??

What is the best LCD(2X??) for MBHP LC....?????

Teach me the character number....   2 X ??   ...    Hi Axel....  Teach me your experience....  please....

Thank you for youre reading.....

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Axel used 2x24 LCDs. With this configuration he cannot display all characters. But it is the best compromiss between space and information.

The original MCs have a 2x55 CLCD.

I have searched everywhere: You won't get one except you order a original spare part (I never tried).

The best (buyable) solution is the 2x  2x40 LCD at the moment.



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Thank you Doc.....

I'll ask more about MBHP LC .....

I plan to make 48 or 32 motor fader control surface with dedicated nuendo control room section and dedicated chennal edit section....

Please help me .....  continue......

Thank you.... and sorry for my poor english.. ^^*

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Wellcome aboard Pillgrims. I am building LC and I decided to solve the easthetic problem by hiding unnecessery/unused part of 2x40 LCD module under the panel. Panel is cut to show just needed section of screen without sacrifying the character count. New problem is space between every 4 faders which is directed by the length of LCD modules itself so If you are making big 32 or 48 chanell controller it could increase the width alot, so you might consider using 2x24 characters LCD.

Good luck

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Thank you for your interest and advice...

I'll refer to your comment.... 2x24 LCD.....

So... How many character sacrified ?? in theory...  6(=55-48)?

If it would be not big problem to using controller with nuendo....

I'll certainly follow your advice.... 

Thank you for your reading and valuable opinion...

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I have tried get custom C-LCD for our MBHP-LC (55x2) but faild (I had asked manufacturer in my country about 55x2 c-lcd)

but but but .....

Every 8channel control surfaces employs 55x2 LCD ( MC, Command8, O1X.....)

Is there anyone who can find 55x2 C-LCD supllier of these manufacturers ????

Is there anyone who can find manufacturer's name by opening who's MC.... (May be ... it's lcd contain manufacturer's inform...  ;D) ??

Let's find that factory !!  ;D

^^*   Oh my God...!!  2 2x24 lcd is best at this time???   :'( :'(

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You could find dozens of manufacturers who would be willing to do a run of custom LCD's with google, but trust me, you won't be able to afford it.

Maybe you could find out the part numbers for the spare LCDs from a commercial controller. I don't mean the manufacturer of the part, but the manufacturer of the desk. Of course you'd need to pull apart all the controllers to find one which had the LCD on it's own assembly, and not with other parts included... Then you'd need to find an nameised service center that was willing to order for you...

Give up dude ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been pondering this one a bit.

I found a very brief mention of a 32x2 character LCD here: http://www.myke.com/lcd.htm

this would result in a (64x2) LCD. You'd get the full width of 55x2, with extra space besides, and slightly less cavernous than (80x2). I have not been able to find 32x2 LCDs for SALE however.

Even a 32x2 display would not solve the issue of space between banks of 4 faders, as there would still be the ends of the LCD to hide (the non-viewable parts of the LCD).

Mostly related n00b question: Is it (relatively) easy to change the character spacing in fader and Vpot modes? If I end up using a 40x2 display, it would be nice to at least use all of it...


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  • 1 year later...

Hi ,

I opened my M-AUDIO ProjectMix I/O and I found the manufacter for the 55x2 LCD display: It's VARITRONIX and the model is VLUK2137-03.

Can anyone find a re-seller or any other place where to buy them? I tried but unsuccesfully!!!!

Another question: now I changed the display size on my 32Ch MB LC from 40x2 to 24x2, how can I remove the space between track name or how can I fix the track name to 5 characters and not 6?

thank you very much in advance!!!!!

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