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Midi router MPB3 vs MidiBox Midi Router


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Did a jam with a friend last night, with midibox seq, Creamware Noah, Cme5, Korg Elevtribe + a nn Guitar echo box -ish (and my not so rock solid laptop)

Discovering that my cme5 only had 1 midi out, made it near impossible to sync all our stuff together (a guitar delay-loop box as clock master - with only midi out),,,, i had to use midiox on my laptop to get thing going...... I rather leave the instable stuff home (windows pc)

I stumbeled over an interesting page regarding a midi router diy:


I also found a thread in German: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=8400.msg58550#msg58550

Now.... Have anyone here built the MPB3 or the Midibox Midi router ?  How do the two compare?

I still fawor the idea to build it myselves rahter that buing a M-Audio midi router / Moto, etc...

Any thouhts out there?

(I know the thread also excist in the German forum, .... I can read German,,, but not write well written German)

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that non midibox router can just rout one of 8 ins to one out I think when reading.


it routes 1 IN of 8 to 1 of 2 groups of 4 OUTs (V3.1)  (LOL) or to all 8 (V3.2)


P.S.: oh Im Guru now (500th post) lol Senf Senf Senf...

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I´ve got a Motu Midiexpress 6x6 PC from Ebay for 2,59.- Euro  :P so I think my Routing Problem is solved now.

But this Patchbay operate with an ISA-card so I´ve builded an old 200mhz PC to control it. In 2 weeks I´ll see how this baby works with my new Studio-configuration when I got my new C2D  :D *yehaa

I mean to say I´m still interested to create a MBHP-Based 4x4 or 8x8 IIC-Router who do all the features like a midisport or something other do....

But, no time yet, 1st I´ll finish my Edrum and the final Traktorizer. But when you do the starting-hole for this project and need help, spam me at ICQ  ;D

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I'm trying to build that guy's ring modulator-> BUT HE WON'T SAY HOW TO MAKE IT! He gives a schematic but there's a switch that uses 5 wires in a certain config that he won't tell me unless I buy his kit! I can't believe it.

Take a look at his board design, it's just mean.



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The WARP633 module compute the following simplified equations according to the mode switch position.

Out = (X.Y).m+Z

Out = (Y/X).m+Z

X,Y = signal inputs carrier and modulation ( ac/dc ,10Vpp)

m = gain factor - require one extra potentiometer (option)

Z = input to add extern modulation/offset to the output (option)

There are notes there such as the above for one example, which give a hint about how the switch works. You should consider that if he helps you out, he has to help everyone. He has to draw a line somewhere, before he would be spending too much time helping people out.

If you spend some time looking at the schematic, and the schem it is based on (linked at the top) you can find out which parts of the circuit do what, and how the switch mixes them.

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Well you could just build the Roman Sowa version at:


I'll have ago myself and see if I can hack the divide switching, It's just a DPDT switch, but I'm not quite sure enough of my analysis to talk without testing. I note that in the changeover state the op-amp is left open loop as the switch goes over, which should make for an interesting noise! I have to jack it together and see.

Marc Bareille's PCB's are quite good, and whilst not in the MIDIbox range of value, are still, in my opinion, quite good.


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I'm not saying the product is not good, it's just that I can't afford it and the whole idea is to learn how to make them myself!!! I designed the PCB in Eagle and will be trying to etch it this week.

I'm pretty certain the original Sawa version is just joining pin 1+2, not sure about the 3 others or how they join. Please let me know if you figure something out! I'm making the board no matter what anyhow.

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Ok, I've had another look at the diagram, and since I can't get any AD633's for 2 weeks, I'll let you have my 'best guess' at the wiring.

The switch is a double pole, double throw toggle.

Using Marc's circuit pin-outs, arrange it so that in multiplier mode, Pin 1 connects to pin 2, and pin 4 connects to  pin 3. In divide mode, Pin 1 connects to pin 3 and pin 4 connects to  pin 5. That's why there are only fives wires to six terminal on the switch.

Looking at the back of a normal DPDT switch, (the "o's" rrepresenting switch pins), we would have:


      2 o  o 3

      1 o  o 4

      3 o  o 5


I can't guarantee that this is right, but I'm fairly certain.

The data sheet at http://www.analog.com/UploadedFiles/Data_Sheets/AD633.pdf shows the divide circuit on page 5.

Pretty cool doing you're own PCB's: I've never been too good at it.

Hope this helps


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