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MBSID V2 Teaser #3


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jumping Jehoshaphat.. thats awesome..  love that there is a ful arp section.. and love the sounds and the manual itself.. very nice..

(little arp idea.. not only up&down.. but 2 of them.. 1234321234 etc.. and 1234432112344321etc.. and also while im at it.. first note played first in line in the arp seq.. (for example you play c f e d after one another.. instead of cdefcdefcdef cfedcfedcfed..))

but again.. great great great.. its getting me all psyched..

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(little arp idea.. not only up&down.. but 2 of them.. 1234321234 etc.. and 1234432112344321etc..

You might get lucky and get the 1234432112344321 sequence  ;)

and also while im at it.. first note played first in line in the arp seq.. (for example you play c f e d after one another.. instead of cdefcdefcdef cfedcfedcfed..))

This is already there, you just turn off sorted note stack.

IMHO the coolest one is random on all six oscs (3 left, 3 right)... awesome! sorry, now I'm teasing too  ;D

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Thorsten, niiiiiiiiiiice  ;D

Before I kept telling myself, "meh, the existing V1 SID stuff is good enough."  But now, now I'm definitely thinking that I will need to go and upgrade my unit to V2.  The volume-to-analog will probably be a lot easier than bothering to build a proper noise gate, and gate-stays-active will be great for using a proper VCA (at least for mono patches).

Looking forward to this!

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Thank you! :)

Wisefire: as Wilba has already mentioned, notes are played unsorted by default. Sorted order is provided as an option. There is not only an Up&Down, but also a Down&Up. I just have added UD2 and DU2 as alternative modes where the border notes are played twice.

However, this is only one of many new features compared to MBSID V1 - and I must say, that programming this firmware really makes fun, as I don't have to take so many compatibility issues into account. :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Thorsten!

Great work on MBSID2!

It seems as though the project is progressing faster than planned?

One question: how is the ring modulator thing carried out? Will there be an fx wet/dry percentage control for this..?

I love that phase stuff. Wonderful idea, I haven't seen any synths that have that. It will be great for drum sounds.



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Thank you! :)

Wisefire: as Wilba has already mentioned, notes are played unsorted by default. Sorted order is provided as an option. There is not only an Up&Down, but also a Down&Up. I just have added UD2 and DU2 as alternative modes where the border notes are played twice.

However, this is only one of many new features compared to MBSID V1 - and I must say, that programming this firmware really makes fun, as I don't have to take so many compatibility issues into account. :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

thnx TK,

whats the difference between the both, UD and DU.. starting note?

and im really glad to hear you are having so much fun with this.. that means we will eventually get something thats more fun (produced with fun = a fun product)

i cant wait..

and yeah that phase thing (osc phase offset) knocked me out as well, cheater.. thats like crazy cool..

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I added some more details about the arpeggiator to the manual yesterday - also the difference between Up&Down and Down&Up is described, and this evening I will propably add two or three samples.

Btw.: the method, how to control the phase offset between the oscillators of a SID (a feature you will propably not find on any other SID synth since it is not natively supported by the hardware), has been invented by Wilba! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Btw.: the method, how to control the phase offset between the oscillators of a SID (a feature you will propably not find on any other SID synth since it is not natively supported by the hardware), has been invented by Wilba! :)

One way I can think of controlling the phase offset between separate SIDs would be to use different PWM outputs to generate the 1 MHz clock, and stagger the start times slightly (with an occasional delay).  That would only work for separate SIDs, though.

For individual oscillators, how did you do it?  Is it a matter of not using the built-in envelopes, but controlling the volume of each OSC manually;  then gating each osc a partial waveform apart?  That way you could still have seamless envelopes while phasing oscillators in and out by retriggering the gates at slightly different times.  I would've imagined that each osc was constantly running and incrementing its accumulator, but maybe not...

Very interesting from a technical perspective!  :)

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For individual oscillators, how did you do it?  Is it a matter of not using the built-in envelopes, but controlling the volume of each OSC manually;  then gating each osc a partial waveform apart?  That way you could still have seamless envelopes while phasing oscillators in and out by retriggering the gates at slightly different times.  I would've imagined that each osc was constantly running and incrementing its accumulator, but maybe not...

Very interesting from a technical perspective!  :)

If you recall the "OPS" (Oscillator Phase Synchronization) parameter in MB-SID v1, this would toggle the "Test" bit of an oscillator when that oscillator was gated, which would reset the waveform phase. This could put some or all oscillators in phase. Internally, an oscillator is set to a frequency (pitch) which will clock the waveform generator at a certain rate. Changing pitch does not reset the waveform phase, it is just clocked faster or slower. Therefore, once two oscillators have the same pitch and are in phase, you can change the pitch of both oscillators to the same pitch, and they'll continue to stay in phase.

To set two oscillators to have a phase offset, you set both oscillators to the same pitch, toggle the "Test" bit on both (so they are both in phase) and then after a delay, toggle the "Test" bit on the second oscillator, which resets the second oscillator's waveform generator. The amount of phase offset is then relative to the delay and the oscillator's pitch. For example, if the oscillator's pitch is 1 kHz and wavelength is 1ms, then resetting one oscillator's waveform at 0.25ms produces 25% offset, 0.5ms produces 50% offset, etc. (TK actually uses a much higher frequency and much shorter delays, but the effect is the same).

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I'm no genius... ;D

The idea actually was more of a discovery, in MB-SID V1, if you turn on OPS and add delays to each osc, you can hear the phase offset being different (intermittantly deterministic!) depending on the note played. When I had a think and worked out why this was happening, I realised you could achieve any phase offset just by "Test" bit toggling. Then I had to explain it to TK, and failed about three times, and finally wrote an app that demonstrated it and sent it, and that seemed to work... I'm sure TK had an "Ahh!" moment when he ran it.

So some credit should go to Razmo who suggested OPS in the first place, this is just an extension of the idea.

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That's awesome... I would have never thought of fiddling with the test bit to reset the phase of the oscillator!  I mean, it's the *test* bit.  If it's working, why bother testing?  :)

Nice work, I'm really looking forward to V2.  Methinks I'll have to use a proper 1U rack enclosure for my SID this time, in order to have room for AOUTs and all kinds of other fun stuff...

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