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Okay....finally going for a 1 voice midisid for now.....


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So... I've decided that for right now.. I just want a single SID midibox.. which i already have a 6581 sitting here for. (Thought it's soldered on the board so... I have to be tricky.)

NOW MY QUESTION.....is... hehe (sorry for the suspense)

1 Core module, 1 Sid module.. then do I NEED any other modules to keep this as a mono 1 voice synth? also... I can still use the matrix with the 99 leds for the 1 voice as well as all of the things needed in option C of the build...or are some of these just if you are going balls out with the 4 chips? Thanks guys....

Your about to se a badass acid etched front panel for this synth coming soon... woot woot, CANT WAIT TO START BUILDING HER!

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Yeah the "step C" control surface applies to one SID or many.

Only the four "SID" buttons relate to having more than one SID, and it's best to leave them in your front panel design should you upgrade later and add more Core/SID modules.

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So i'm about to order my SID and CORE kit from AVI showtech and.... little confused. For the SID which PIC should I order it with and PIC ID Headers?

ALSO I'm not going to be able to link this to my computer from uploading software and such (I'm on a MAC) So... will I be okay or? Thanks! :)

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.. little confused. For the SID which PIC should I order it with and PIC ID Headers?

Unless you are directly going to the 4xSID then you dont need to worry about it, both 1x and 4x have the first core as 0000000000.

You will also need to take into consideration that you will need a display and a DIN module for some of the controls so I recommend you get all the goods at the same time(IDC Cable, connectors, Memory for bankstick, connectors)

ALSO I'm not going to be able to link this to my computer from uploading software and such (I'm on a MAC) So... will I be okay or? Thanks!

You will have to at some point since you will not be able to program the PIC, Tim only preloads the bootloader and MIOS, you still have to upload the SID application

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So.. when I'm ordering the Core kit online... which pic should I have it sent with? There is 3 or 4 to choose from. Little confused on that... I'll probably order my DIN/SID/CORE kits in a week or so. WOO HOO, cant wait to start building!  Gotta dig out my 6581 though.. it's soldered directly to the board so I need to bust out the dremel and be VERRRY carefull!!!!!

Is there a way to test the sid chip itself to make sure it's a good one before I hook up the sid as a synth?

OH!!!! So...my Commodore didnt come with a powersupply... that kind of sucks. Is there another option I can go without having to track down a commodore power supply?


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My advice would be to locate a second working C64 and leave the one you have intact!

You could then use Prophet64 to test the SID's inside the box and decide which you like best. Desoldering is a pretty difficult job, and i'd hate to see you junk a C64.

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I should be okay... I"m going to use a dremel with a cutoff and get each pin seperated from the pcb, then I can with pliers and a soldering iron just heat up the little piece of pcb on each pin and pull one off at a time. I need to find a 8580... guess I need to track down a C64 C?

Now... I need a Core module kit, Sid Kit, DIN kit and a 20x2 LCD. Ribbon cable and.... anything else from coinop for a first order? hmmm... 2 female midi jacks I guess for the back panel.


Here is the Design for Mr.SID so far. :)

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