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GLCD 128X64 blue hurry up


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If you get foolish and grab the whole lot, let me know. I can probably buy at least one just to play with. That's a decent chunk of change for all ten I guess.

probably has even more than that which he hasn't listed yet

Reminds me of the guy with the boxes of hundreds of pot/encoders(??) and harmonicas (? ? ?). I told him they were probably listed wrong and he said they were almost gone anyway. I think he may still be selling them to this day. ;D


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i have 4 months to prepare my next project (a midi controlled carrot juice machine that will be triggered by the sweat on my armpits) but i want to have all the components within 2 months to draw all the eagle libraries, prepare eagle layouts for pcb, draw the front panel and get the material for the housing and, of course get some hundreds kilos of carrots.When i move out of Denmark end of September i want to go directly to etch sold etc.

so.... i want

a- 3 GLCD big enough to have an animated .gif of my mom saying hello on the        left corner

b- a bunch of nice soft illuminated pushbuttons, they have to keep me company when i am there all alone in the console.Anyone has tried those sparkfun buttons? how long is the throw? 5 mm is just too much otherwise i ll have to go for some hands building (it s like body building but just for hands muscles).

c- some short faders (is it 60 mm a standard?) with the proper caps

d- encoders, 24 non detented and if detented then dedetententable.Hopefully don voti.nl has some left and he could eventually slip in a bag of mushrooms..

e- 8 joysticks (is that another name for dildo?) .. sexy-farnell-shop has good ones for a cheapo

if you have anything to let me know just do it, advices, etc that would be best to get everything from the same shop for the shipping cost.Anyway i have to say that it was fun to make a controller out of an old IBM keyboard but this time i want to get nice stuff, it has to be rock solid it has to stand me, my fingers and all the rest (flying glasses of cuba libre, etc)

hope to hear from you soon


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hey there

i am not in a hurry anymore thanks to the shopping wisdom of stryd and jidis (btw jidis i didn t have any use yet for the stuff you ve sent me.. were those lcds backlit or not?)(and, i wonder how your place may look like,  ;-),, anyway i really want to get hold of some lcds within weeks, yes he also sells 2X20 and 4X20

QUESTION: do i need 2 cores to drive 2 4X20 lcds ?

                do you think is it better a 128X64 then a 4X20? o mean is it really better ?(MBLC)

i am in denmark and i am up for a group buying from that gut, he offers up to 30% discount for combined shipping, and he has some nice stuff..

let me know


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I didn't mean that as discouragement against getting them. Just that if you wanted them bad enough to buy a whole batch (I know the feeling), I could pitch in for one and PayPal up front if it would help.

Take Care,


PS- If you mean those long LCD things, no, they're just regular (reflective) types, but they work really well for testing apps and stuff (look like a calculator screen or something). The pinning is just the standard 1thru14 like in the MBHP LCD diagram, and there's pin number labels on them somewhere. I've got two in use here and actually like them. :)

- If you mean the studio, I'm actually stranded at the moment. :'(  My last day was April 15th. My Aunt (now in her 80's) has a semi-vacant house near there, so I hang out there for now and most of the stuff is being stored there. Not sure where I'm headed, but it's nice having a few bucks in the bank for the first time in six years. ;)

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