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Thingy for Cubase ??


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Hi there!

Just got a simple one:

I want to use a MBHP thing based on MIOS to control my whole Cubase (XP) and (perhaps) even some other apps like Reason and so on. What would you people suggest?

I have to say that I didnt go to much into this MIOS thing and so wanna use some simple solution. Did anybody try out the Houston Control clone of TK? Does it work good? Or do you suggest some other solution?

If you got some answers, it would be also cool, if you post schematics and so on, too (not the MBHP ones, but connection diagramms and so on, if you have them).

Regards, pay_c

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Hey pay_c

Have a look at my version of a MIOS box (Mackie clone + more), there is also a connection schematic.


With this box, I have all the controlles from the mackie controller and a 2. (button)layer what can control what ever you want. (Reason, Live ......)

My gool was to get a controller to use with Cubase SX controlling mix, effect, EQ, instruments and more, and have a small footprint (its 448x297mm or 440x266mm with out the woodside)

I did not go for the Houston, as it need alot more space (more buttons) and it only works with Cubase (again it can have a 2. layer to control ohter things.)

The only nice thing with the Houston clone is it only need a standart 2x40 LCD.

Hope this help some ;)


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This is exactly what I am doing with my box I will post some pictures soon as I get hold of a digital camera. it is based on the 16F MB64 at the moment with a MF module connected via MB_link. I dont have a need for an HC clone at present and it is very flexible as to what is assigned to what control also Cubase has banks for channels 1-8, 9-16 or what ever you specify.


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Hey pay_c

I have not started with the firmware yet, but I will use Thorsten's LC Clone firmware as base and modify it for my clone.

When I am finish with the firmware, anyone who want it will get it (as it is on Thorsten free code so why not ;D)

See you all


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Yeah, youre right. I think, I will do it myself, also. Read a little bout MIOS yesterday. This isnt simple, this is fantastic! Thought, I´ve gotta programm some stuff. Forget that! Thats not programming, thats babysitting!


I think, I´ll also built a LC clone, but perhaps without a second button layer.


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