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MIDIbox SID V2 Release + Feedback


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The MB Sid forum would be best imo,

maybe the walkthrough sticky could be removed if clutter was to be reduced.

Anyways here is a novelty idea/suggestion i had for the firmware.

A tone generator function, which would show the current frequency of an oscillator in Hertz.

Im not sure which way it could be done.

Either, you go to a GEN/TON function lets say in the menu,

and when its switched on the first osc of the first sid plays a note,

and the frequency is automatically at 0 Hz, until you use the transponse & finetune knobs.


You have to do the note manually via a midi controller, and it calcuates the frequency,

taking note of which note is on, and what the current detune is.

Totally novelty but might be useful for engineers.

Im sorry if im being a bit crazy here, if im suggesting it in the wrong place,

and if im wasting yere time by mentioning such a crazy thing.  :-\

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Calculating the frequency from the given OSC register value is either very time or memory consuming. It isn't a function you want to have in the MBSID firmware. Maybe in a seperate application? But I guess that somebody would only try it once, and then prefer to use the real firmware ;)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Calculating the frequency from the given OSC register value is either very time or memory consuming. It isn't a function you want to have in the MBSID firmware. Maybe in a seperate application? But I guess that somebody would only try it once, and then prefer to use the real firmware ;)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Yup, i was thinking of a seperate  application instead earlier, similar to the test tone one!

If i ever delve into C i might just make one.  ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

RC18 is out now, which got some improvements and bugfixes, but also some new preset patches.

There are no "placeholders" in the vintage bank anymore - time to start the next bank!!! :)

From the ChangeLog:

  o modulation matrix: comparison operators >, < and = now return 0 instead
    of full negative value if comparison is false
  o changed SusKey handling, so that it also works in Mono mode (previously
    it was only working in Legato mode)
  o SusKey and Legato flags now accessible in Bassline CFG menu
  o Individual Attack/Decay/Release Curve assignments now accessible in
    Multi/Bassline ENV menu
  o Trigger Matrix: since the BPM clock generator concept has been changed in
    one of the previous releases, we now have a Clk/6 and Clk/24 trigger instead
    of Clk/4 and Clk/16
  o LFO and ENV MIDI sync working properly again
  o portamento omitted after patch change when first key is played
[/code] From the presets/README.txt
   o replaced Placeholders A035 and A036 by new Drum Kits
   o replaced Placeholders A037..A044 by new trigger and modulation matrix examples
   o Patch A089-A91 (not working "Miami1"..3) replaced by "SEQ Bass 4"..6
   o Patch A103 and A104 (not working "WT Pseudo S&H") replaced by "Sample&Hold 1" and 2
   o Patch A107 (not working "WT Flip LFO") replaced by "Poly Trancegate"

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 weeks later...

BassLine Engine it's too magic for me. i'm playing from 8am.. now are 20.25pm!

I've try to wrote a mail to you, TK, but my smtp server it's fkn lagging.

I've noticed that in ENV menu, Cur & CAs afflict only the L SID if LR are selected in ACh.  8)

what can i say..

.. i come back to play!

i would suggest a useful select mode, but it is used few times.

when you turn the menu knob to change a parameter, KNB menu in ex, Pa1 jump to the Parameter Assign menu, and change the parameter of 1 step. would be good if the first step do not affect the value + or -, so you can read the actual parameter, and than change it, or leave it.

mmhhh, hope you understad. =)

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Cur/CAs will be fixed with the next release.

when you turn the menu knob to change a parameter, KNB menu in ex, Pa1 jump to the Parameter Assign menu, and change the parameter of 1 step. would be good if the first step do not affect the value + or -, so you can read the actual parameter, and than change it, or leave it.

You mean a "peek" function, which is sometimes found on other synths to check the value. Normaly "peek" is activated with a special button, or button combination. I guess, that this would be better than ommiting the first Inc/Dec (where a second Inc/Dec could quickly follow if you move the encoder too fast)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Cur/CAs will be fixed with the next release.

You mean a "peek" function, which is sometimes found on other synths to check the value. Normaly "peek" is activated with a special button, or button combination. I guess, that this would be better than ommiting the first Inc/Dec (where a second Inc/Dec could quickly follow if you move the encoder too fast)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

hi tk, yes i know peek function, but i think that i had explain not so good. :)

this will be useful just for Menu encoder, that is quite always detented, and just when Pa1 jump to the 'Parameter Assign' menu. When you change that parameter you always do just 1 enc step, to change the menu, and see witch parameter it's assigned. Instead the value jump to next one, than you must turn 1 step down.

i know, it's not so important. hope this time i had explain better.


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Could it be, that you mean a "slow" function which ensures, that even a fast encoder movement only increments/decrements a single step? Just press the SHIFT button and move the encoder! Alternatively, just don't move the encoder so fast for fine-tuning a parameter (wait ca. 0.2 seconds before moving to the next detent) - thats how I'm changing the Pa1 parameter, and it works great for me.

Wilba: this is in conflict with the requirement to change multiple parameters the same time (e.g. CutOff with the right hand, Filter Decay with the left hand). I could add such a "encoder tick filter" function easily, but I would disable it by default, because I don't like it.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Could it be, that you mean a "slow" function which ensures, that even a fast encoder movement only increments/decrements a single step?

ehehe not :) i mean that in that case of Pa1 Pa2, the first step of menu encoder, after pushing the select button, do not increment the value, in ex. 97 (CutOff BL Cur), but only show the full menu "Parameter Assign". Instead now it show the full menu and increase or decrease the value, 98 or 96.

But as i had say, this is not fundamental and i don't want to boring whit this. :P

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I have a few devices that work like what you said. Two come to mind:

- the volume on my mp3 player. Let's say it's on 20. I press the volume up button, the display pops up a little volume slider thingy, and it stays on 20. Then I press Up again, and now it goes to 21. After 1 second, this behaviour resets. The display disappears, and the next button press only brings up the display, and does not change the volume.

- the colour settings on my TV. Same deal, with colour settings in a list.

It sounds good in theory, but then it just becomes a pain in the ***. The delay in making the control actually do stuff, sucks. I get a thorn in my side from the mp3 player and the telly alone - in a live music situation it would seriously suck.

That said, it could be handy in the studio... and I don't think it would be too hard to implement.

Make a counter variable

Set it to 1000 when an encoder is moved

check that it's >0 before you do anything with the encoder except for change menus

Count it down in the SRIO prepare or finish functions

You could set it to some other value and count it down elsewhere, like setting it to 1 and counting down each 1/4 note or something (so it'll tempo sync)


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Ok, finally I got the point. But wouldn't it be more consequential to display the current parameter assignment in full text (instead of the parameter number) when the item is selected (-> the selection button below the item is pushed)?

I'm sure, that if the first Inc/Dec would be omitted for this particular menu item, it wouldn't take so long, until the first users would start to report a pseudo bug.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Ok, finally I got the point. But wouldn't it be more consequential to display the current parameter assignment in full text (instead of the parameter number) when the item is selected (-> the selection button below the item is pushed)?

I'm sure, that if the first Inc/Dec would be omitted for this particular menu item, it wouldn't take so long, until the first users would start to report a pseudo bug.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

yes, tk, you means, select the Pa1 with select button, and it jump to the full text windows?

it work fine too.

another little question, i know on changing patch the system it's reinitialize, so all sequences stop. than you need to send a note on event to start the sequences of new patch.

since i've not a seq, i would play bassline alone, receiving only midi sync/clock from a master (my friends powerbook) and start the sequences from the select button. it would be possible?

i've see that sequences start on clock start from midi master on SID CLK master,  slave and auto too.



;; new: play note/start sequencer function if SID buttons are pressed"

i think this is the function that i means. but i haven't SID buttons, so i must code it to another button :)


CS_MENU_MS_PlayNote that's it!



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good and tnx :)

i've see that the one shot lfo is present in bassline engine but i don't understand in witch way i can trigger it..

i like to have a button that trigger it. i'm thinking about. my CS it's quite finished but this will be a cool mod.

p.s. same problem in OSC PW just affect L, but i think that all this born from the same piece of code?

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Oneshot LFOs will be restarted with the gate.

Legato Mode: you need to release all keys, and play a new note

Mono Mode: with each new note

Sequencer: when a note is not tied (no retrigger on slided notes)

In all modes, the LFO Sync Flag needs to be set in addition

It currently doesn't work for the right channel bassline. I know about this, no bug reports required. These inconsitencies came in with the latest changes in the multi engine (improved poly handling), this handling will be deactivated whenever bassline engine reuses code from multi engine. There is a similar issue with some parameters of the right channel envelope...

In order to retrigger the LFOs, you need to set the flag SID_SE_TRG_EVNT_H, SID_TRG_TARGET_H_L1 for left channel LFOs, and SID_SE_TRG_EVNT_H, SID_TRG_TARGET_H_L4 for right channel LFOs (remember: right channel LFO handling currently doesn't work properly)

If this doesn't make sense to you, I cannot give you additional tips, as nobody understands them anyway ;)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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i've understand all things :) tnx. this last 2 week i've think in asm and dream in mios :P

the only think that i've not clean is

Sequencer: when a note is not tied (no retrigger on slided notes)

you means when a note it's 'off' in seq S/G - - and no slided notes come across this last one?

and this happen when the sync it's on?

because if sync it's off and one shot it's on, lfo it's not retrigged, and this is good because i can start it with the one shot flag LFO parameter! =)

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you means when a note it's 'off' in seq S/G - - and no slided notes come across this last one?


because if sync it's off and one shot it's on, lfo it's not retrigged, and this is good because i can start it with the one shot flag! =)

No, you can't. The trigger flag has no effect without the sync flag. See SIDSE_B_SYNC_LFO1_Skip and SIDSE_B_SYNC_LFO2_Skip.

And on the other hand: a LFO resynchronisation is required anyhow to process a whole LFO period, so I don't see a reason why it should make sense to use Oneshot without Sync. If you want to realize an oneshot mode, which works independent from the played notes, some more changes are required. The existing code gives you some hints.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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sorry i mean not the flag but the 'on off' parameter 'One' for the one shot.

i use it as well as the lfo over slided notes (sync), over long periods on sequences that have single rare slide. in ex having a one shot curve that open and close the cutoff in 4 loop. i do this having ONE always on.. than turn it off and on in 1 sec. the lfo start him curve. obviously this is not quite in sync as you mentioned.

i will take a look at the code tomorrow.

a sync - slide/tempo would be cool. :)

thankyou for now.


p.s. night!


i don't know if you have understand what i mean, but making some test, i've see that toggling on and off the One shot flag, with sync off, on L the lfo start and run all curve, the on R the curve is stopped when the parameter One it's turned  on. it's always because of the 'in common' code with Multi?

same happen when One flag it's on, and you switch on the sync flag.. and than after some loop, off. the lfo start him curve until him end.



p.s. please don't change this in future relese!  :-X

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i don't know if you have understand what i mean, but making some test, i've see that toggling on and off the One shot flag, with sync off, on L the lfo start and run all curve, the on R the curve is stopped when the parameter One it's turned  on. it's always because of the 'in common' code with Multi?

As mentioned above: it doesn't make sense to report any anomaly which happens with the right channel bassline

I must say, that I'm not able to understand your descriptions completely, but in general I'm very sure, that there is no bug in the Oneshot and Sync handling - it works as intended (at least for the left channel bassline, as highlighted several times...) - in general, you can assume that I know what I'm doing... ;)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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As mentioned above: it doesn't make sense to report any anomaly which happens with the right channel bassline

okok shutup G.

I must say, that I'm not able to understand your descriptions completely, but in general I'm very sure, that there is no bug in the Oneshot and Sync handling - it works as intended (at least for the left channel bassline, as highlighted several times...) - in general, you can assume that I know what I'm doing... ;)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

..and this is my problem! no one understand me.  >:( :( :P :) ;D

in general i can assume that am i that don't know what i'm doing! 8) but i'm learning!

so to cut this discussion, i will make some videos with my experiments.

tnx for the patience tk.

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