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Well.....I create this topic to show all midiboxers my almost finished midibox to control Ableton LIVE. (I think this might be the second or first MB from argentina lol)

Up to now i have used 32 pots 32 buttons and 32 leds for basic  live´s channel control and launching clips; on the second stage i will use the 32 buttons and pots left to control effects on the return channel and replacing the mixer front panel from one made of aluminium.

I hope you all give your opinions, thank you very much.




Hi there

Well the panel is made of wood, so i plan to make it of aluminium. The biggest problem i had when planing to do it in alluminium was how to make the slide pots holes, so practical solution was wood.

Can any of you tell me how to do the holes for the slide pots??

BTW: Any comments about the front panel?


as far as I know there is only 1 way to make decent holes for faders - CNC milling, or get someone who is really good with working with metal.

You can do it with a Dremmel cut off wheel, but personally speaking I can't get anything close to a professional job. Or you could drill lots of holes in a line and then file them out to a nice finish...



there a cheaper way to cnc machines, you need a good dremel, a dremel press, a good  tool of the proper size (2 or 3 mm maybe depending on the fader) and a specific platform for the dremel press with x and y ax movement.Proxxon make one of those, as usual images are better than words ...



that would be a nice tool to have at home


IIRC those are called a "milling table" .... I was looking at them myself but they don't come cheap and are generally too small to do a whole panel.... Should be perfect for one or two fader slots though.


I've got a drill press like that for my dremmel, it's magic for doing holes, but I don't think you'll get great slots like that.

stryd makes a good point about the size of the table... :( no way it'd do a panel the size I need...


ok new word.. milling table! save and reset

(i think i ve read somewhere also compound table)

i think that the tool with a round somethingwhatsoever piece of plactic arount the bit is the best choice, you need to know the distance between the edge of the round somethingwhatsoever and the center of the drill, f++k

enga man en espanol a ver si me sale mejor, la herramienta que mejor te va a servir es la mas sencilla, la que es nada mas que una rueda de plastico que se pone al rededor del taladro.Suponiendo que sepas el diametro de esa rueda, no tienes nada mas que hacer un hueco para empezar el corte, poner algo que te guie a mitad de la medida del diametro (se llamarao verdad?), paralelamente a la linea del fader, inspirar bien y adelante, mucha suerte



All this maschines look very great, but most they cost a lot of money. When you wanna built a big pannel you will have problems with some of them. I needet 16 holes for faders for my midibox. I drill one hole to the next and filed them out. Thats not so much work cause aluminium is an very soft/bland kind of metal.

At least as a hint:

When you have drilled the holes one next to one and you have finished that, you should take some tape on the left and right to the beginning and the end hole.

So you have an the two endlines you´ll need for filing a linear line.

My english isn´t the best. Hope I´ll could help you.



  • 2 weeks later...

thanks for your reply Markus, i have bought a dremel and a router for dremel so i will see the results very soon. ;D ;D ;D ;D

On the race for finishing my midibox, I would like to know wich PIC should I buy, since i have bought the pcb kit from mike´s electronic site. I know that is the PIC 18F452, but does It has to be form microchip.....national......any special trademark?

Sorry for this lot of questions... :P


thanks for your reply Markus, i have bought a dremel and a router for dremel so i will see the results very soon. ;D ;D ;D ;D

On the race for finishing my midibox, I would like to know wich PIC should I buy, since i have bought the pcb kit from mike´s electronic site. I know that is the PIC 18F452, but does It has to be form microchip.....national......any special trademark?

No, nothing more you should know, just ask/search for PIC 18F452, and they are made only by Microchip.  ;)


ok then.............it is 5 AM in the morning here in Argentina, i will wait for the electronic shops to open and go to buy the missing components.

Other point I would need someone to help me understanding is the BANKSTICK.

I have read all data on the wiki, but I do not know where to start programming; my MB64 has 3 square buttons on the right part (check the photo on page 1), how can I make them to change the bank when pressing them?


hola snorkman

i see you ve bought the kits from mikes shop but the PICs.It s fine you buy them somewhere else, but are you aware of the fact that you will have to burn the bootloader with a special module before being able to upload MIOS via MIDI ?

It s nice to see you are getting things done,,, cheers


  • 2 weeks later...

Untidy? ...man, you know nothing about untidiness!  You gotta try much harder to have untidy workbench like mine. 8) I might picture it once to scare you all. Keep on trying  ;D ;D ;D

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