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The Pedal Box and Pedal Board Thread


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hey fonebone

I had set it up so upon recieving a program change midi handling is suspended for 10ms to prevent extra messages showing up.

The major flaw is that any extra messages won't be calculated... meaning the indicators also won't work

I've now changed it so upon recieving ANY event, only the lcd update is suspended for 10ms. This should mean that when you change the amp, the amp is displayed rather than the last message which in this case - i guess is the cabinet changing.

And should allow the indicators to light up accordingly.


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hi durisian,

sorry to say, that there's no difference to the previous version. When I change the amp on the POD, the lcd displays all messages and ends up with the cabinet.

btw: when I change the preset on the POD and pedal board is on the first bank, the indicators only work for the first 4 buttons (I have only 4 bank buttons). But I guess it would be nice, if the first bank button light up again, when I change to the first preset of the second bank.

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:( i'll have to get the pod deep editor and test it with that.

Assuming PB is on bank 1

if you change to the first preset of the second bank from the POD, that should correspond to the 2nd bank of your pedal board, so if you bank up, the first banked button indicator should light up.

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During testing with your files I found some pretty wicked bugs

mostly with buttons set to momentary not behaving properly, as well as thier led's not behaving at all.

If your banked buttons were still set momentary the leds would not have been working.

Software's updated - also included in the config file is an option to enable midi input for pedal board.

You'll still have issues with the LCD and multiple commands being sent back.

The input handling may be too slow to get your settings when doing a program change :(

This is gonna be a tough one to fix

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In the meantime here's a fix:

makefile will look like this:

include Makefile.orig
Add the two lines that start with "export":
export MIOS_PATH
include Makefile.orig


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  • 2 weeks later...

sweet, you can play some rounds between sets 8)

Some notes on the next major software update:

Device event maps will be restricted to CCs and program changes only.

Their will be support for note on, note off, aftertouch, channel pressure and pitch bend without having to assign them in the device event maps.

Pedal Board will only be available for PIC18F4620.

Pedal Box will be available for 18F452 and 18F4620.

Eventually you won't need device banksticks - unless you want the enhanced display functionality

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Just finished the work at the new enclosure. I damaged my display a little but it works (with this little failure) at the moment.

As you can see banked buttons work... I guess it was a soldering problem.

And I found out that the TAP-LED only works when another static-button is activated.

Btw: Why is is necessary to use at least one pot?

EDIT: And will it be possible, that the LEDs of the UP- and DOWN buttons light up while pushing?

IMG_6879 (Medium).JPG

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lookin good

Yeah i'll make the bank up down button leds light up. I'm in the midst of a major update at moment, I'm having a lot of issues with changing the settings from the box - without the pc editor, I need to decide whether to keep driving myself insane - or just do a complete re-write of program mode handling (which is half the application :( )

The pot is only required to adjust the settings without using the pc editor

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In the meantime you can add this code to main.c:

if(pin == DIN_BANK_UP || pin == DIN_BANK_DOWN) {
    MIOS_DOUT_PinSet(pin, ~pin_value);

Just after:

void DIN_NotifyToggle(unsigned char pin, unsigned char pin_value) __wparam




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In the meantime you can add this code to main.c:

if(pin == DIN_BANK_UP || pin == DIN_BANK_DOWN) {
    MIOS_DOUT_PinSet(pin, ~pin_value);

Just after:

void DIN_NotifyToggle(unsigned char pin, unsigned char pin_value) __wparam




Thanks a lot.... now the UP and DOWN LEDs light up ... great!!!

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I've got an idea for an external extension... a MIDI Router/Switcher/Looper for stompboxes.

But maybe this is a new project, what's your opinion?

Here are some pics about it.

1. Schematic

This looper-box should work with the Core-, 1 DOUTx4- and 1 LTC-Module (cause we need a MIDI Thru!!!)

2. DOUTx4

It shows the connection of one relay (in my case it's a DIP 9051-D 5V).

3. Loop

This shows the way of the music signal. At each loop (SND/RTN) is one (or more) stompbox(es) connected.

The intention is to have only the pedalboard in front of you.

My main problem is, that I have no idea, how to code the app in C.

Any suggestions?




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This is pretty much what Flo is working on. Although he's trying to do it without using a dout module



Pedal Board itself is capable of controlling the relays, the functionality is already there.

It's something that i'm going to build into my own pedal board.

but if you want a separate box -

This example could be used to control 128 relays (in place of LEDs) with note on and note off.


It could easily be modified to work with cc's

In the "NotifyReceivedEvnt" function there are 3 key variables:

evnt0 = recieved midi status byte

evnt1 = recieved midi parameter 1 byte

evnt2 = recieved midi parameter 2 byte

be warned: Pedal Board started with one of these examples, that was over a year ago  ;D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Orkspalter

no banksticks - not yet, is a fair way off.

2x40 LCD - Possibly in the future, the main screen would be 2x16 or 2x20 as it is now, with a second perhaps 4x20 for working with patches and cue list. - This is just an idea at this point and has no real plans

They wouldn't display names of controls like they do on the LC....

....hmmm... hey yeah... I could get a 2x16 display for every ped... NO STOP IT! *Durisian starts tearing his eyes out*

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