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Bankstick pcb layout from mike shop


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I just got my bankstick pcbs from mike and I had a question. One side has the copper tracings and the other side is just plain bread board. My question is do the banksticks get placed on the bread board side ,then I flip the board over and solder the pins on the copper side correct? There is no nice legend like on smash's boards. I would hate to solder the banksticks on the wrong way. I don't need any dil sockets to mount the banksticks to the pcb right? Sorry that these are very simple questions which I should know by now but smash has spoiled me. ;D Also what are the pins to the right with the red line going down used for?



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I just got my bankstick pcbs from mike and I had a question. One side has the copper tracings and the other side is just plain bread board. My question is do the banksticks get placed on the bread board side ,then I flip the board over and solder the pins on the copper side correct? There is no nice legend like on smash's boards. I would hate to solder the banksticks on the wrong way. I don't need any dil sockets to mount the banksticks to the pcb right? Sorry that these are very simple questions which I should know by now but smash has spoiled me. ;D Also what are the pins to the right with the red line going down used for?

What you have is a single-layer board.  Parts go on the plain side (see the pictures for the correct alignment).  About sockets, YES.  Use sockets.  The red line probably indicates where a jumper wire needs to be soldered.  Again, check carefully.

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Thanks for the reply. So I guess banksticks can be mounted on 8 pin Dual sockets? Banksticks seem so small is there a special type of socket? Has any one ordered these before. I asked mike if I need anything else when I ordered but never got a reply. Mike Help me out! :P

If I don't use sockets can I damage the bankstick when soldering?

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If I don't use sockets can I damage the bankstick when soldering?

Yes, these chips are heat-sensitive. Get normal 8-pin sockets, they're just a few cents each.

They are quite common, plain 8-pin IC sockets like the one for the optocuppler on the Core:

eg at Reichelt:

- GS8 for 0,03 EUR (!)

- GS8P (golden contacts) for 0,10 EUR



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  • 10 months later...

hi all

i also received a bankstick PCB from Mike.

and of course i have a question.

my banksticks are all soldered in like shown here: (with sockets  ;) )


my question is regarding the pins:

is the position of the pins the same like here?:


and is it still necessary to add the jumper-wire.

i watched the copper traces for about a hour to find out about the pinning but  ???

is it possible to find out the pinning by using a multimeter?

thank you all

btw. i also received my displays last week...switched on...aaaand

its alive and says hello (READY)    ;D  feels good

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my banksticks are all soldered in like shown here: (with sockets  ;) )


my question is regarding the pins:

is the position of the pins the same like here?:


Yes, it is the same circuit.

and is it still necessary to add the jumper-wire.

Yes, it is necessary to bring Vcc to IC5-IC8.

i watched the copper traces for about a hour to find out about the pinning but  ???

I can't fully understand your question. Anyway, try to imagine each chip rotated by 180 degrees. The "pin 1 marker", located in the ICs' upper side in the schematic and in their lower side in the board, says that.

is it possible to find out the pinning by using a multimeter?

Why not?

Best regards, RAZ

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