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rbv2 last won the day on February 8 2023

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About rbv2

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Hello all Selling my midibox sequencer including breakout box. The sequencer is fully functional, from a non-smoking household. Has never been used for live performances, only studio use. The breakout box is a bit obvious DIY but fully functional. You need a free slot in the modular system for the +-12V power supply. Selling price 1350,-€. best regards rbv2 https://www.ebay-kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/midiphy-sequencer-v4-midibox-stepsequencer/2241157248-74-4257
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  2. Hi all, would it be possible to implement saving mutes of the individual drum instruments (drum Tracks) when using s&top function in phrase mode? Have a nice weekend rbv2
  3. thanks for your reply. the m16 looks promising but I'm afraid i not fully understand the capabilities or how to set it up. would it be possible to make a standalone midi-router from it? probably have to wait until it's more prepared for soldering by numbers :) thanks
  4. hello, is it possible to get boards for this project or is it planned to offer it in midiphy-shop? I am very interested... would like to be able to route 32inputs to 16outputs (ports). thanks rbv2
  5. have found something.. https://mechanicalkeyboards.com/shop/index.php?l=product_detail&p=477
  6. i pulled them by hand. is there a special tool? the picture does not match the actual impression. one can clearly distinguish which steps are selected.
  7. pulling off the caps from the matias switches is quite tough. a lot of force is needed. The new caps looking great and help with the light diffusion. thanks
  8. just ordered
  9. now i'm curious :)
  10. :D yesss, can't wait. after a while of usage i find it a little bright too.
  11. i like the keycaps a lot :D
  12. when sending out triggers from AOUT Ch16 and then select in the parameter layer "lenght" i can change the lenght of the trigger/gate from 1% to Glide at 1% - no trigger at 2% - sporadic trigger from - 3-20% steady trigger from - 21-100 % double trigger with increasing distance (21% narrow / 100% wide) glide - only the first trigger before we fixed the grounding issue i got double triggers starting at 5% and other problems but now i'm pretty shure those are gates and not triggers making some modules being triggered at the beginning and the end of that rectangular pulse.
  13. thanks a lot, it's working much better now also the random triggers when inserting cables are gone now :) only get double triggers on very long "lenght" settings wich i assume is normal behavior. are those real triggers or very short gates? thanks @Hawkeye and @latigid on for your support and patience you deserve a beer btw. where is the "buy hawkeye a beer" button?
  14. no, its 5V didn't know how write it correctly. yes, isn't so well drawn but that's what I meant. thanks. i try it and report
  15. @latigid on thanks! to be on the safe side, I made a drawing. it shows my current wiring. the black line with the question mark shows how I understand it. would that be okay? thank you! rbv2
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