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How is the MBSID being used??


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This may sound like a stupid question I know, but I was wondering how people are using their MBSID's.

I'm in the process of building a fully stacked MB6582, as are many people,  but I never actually thought about how i'd use it once it's built.

The MB6582 for example, is going to have 4x Stereo SID's. That means that you've got four stereo channels, with three oscillators per channel. Great, so that's your big fat pads and things sorted, as long as you only want four part poly (or 8x Mono).

However, if you're going over to Mono, how would that work? I see it as being 4x part multitimbral in stereo, otherwise, the remaining SID's are wasted really, would there be any advantage to having 24 oscillators in unison?!!  Obviously, i'm thinking of this as a performance synth. In the studio each core can be running a different engine for multiple sounds.

I'm wondering how many people actually need all 8 SID's stuffed? What's your opinion??

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That's an interesting idea actually. I guess if you only wanted a mono sound, you could do something approaching additive synthesis. You could even use the ring mod feature to get some FM style algorithms.

EDIT: After thinking about this a little more, it occurs to me that a stereo pair of SID's will allow for 6 oscillators (assuming fixed filter and VCA settings), so the MB6582 with 8 sids would easily be able to produce a half decent 4xpoly organ sound with each of the triangle oscs set at octave intervals from say 32' to 1'. I'm thinking something like the Poly800 sound, though that uses pulse waves. However, to get more interesting additive tones would require the intervals of all the triangle oscs to be much closer.

If you take something like a typical DX7 6-op algorithm, that will have six sine oscillators, some possibly modulating others, but all at a fixed frequency ratio of say 1:1.5. I guess if you had a look-up table, you could program those intervals into the patch manually, but it's perhaps an idea for a future update.

The only problems I can foresee with this particular idea would be the lack of FM style feedback, and the limited frequency range of the SID.

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are 24 triangle oscillators good enough to make additive synthesis?

Additive (aka Fourier Synthesis) is done with sines....

24 harmonics would be interesting, but there are better tools for the job IMO, and it would require extremely high speed control of each oscillator, which I don't think the design will fully cater for.

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Lemme get this straight, you WANT the sound of 24 detuned oscillators?? I heard if you play a high E the world will end....

I think it would be a Good Idea, particularly if you want to try to replicate the operation of a pipe organ.

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