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First Midibox Sid - Constant reboot...


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Hello Everyone,

First of all, many thanks to Thorsten, SmashTv and this community for so many great projects and information. I have been lurking around here for a little bit, mostly trying to get educated as I'm pretty new at this stuff. But, I have almost completed my first midibox sid from parts I purchased from SmashTv. I am having an issue however where things reboot after about five minutes of being powered up. ???

I'm currently running MIOS version 1.9f on PIC18F4685 with a 6581 SID. At first I thought the problem might be power related, but I checked the power supply on an oscilloscope and even during the reboot, the power was constant. In order to try and narrow the problem down I reinstalled MIOS. I ran that for a while and no rebooting ever happened. As soon as I install version 2 of the SID software however, then the reboots start to happen again. Has anyone else had this issue? I've tried two SID chips (6581) and both exhibit the same problem. Could both chips be bad?

Many thanks in advance for the help.

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I'm an electronics tech by trade and see problems like this at times.

Double check that ALL solder joints are good, hidden dry or bad joints

can cause issues.

Check for any shorts between PCB tracks. I have seen tiny "whiskers"

of solder that once a PCB is warm caused shorting before. You need

to use a magnifying glass to check.

Have you tried using another 18F4685?

Is there "noise" on the powersupply output?

If all the "hardware" side of things look ok, have you tried re-downloading

the SID file from the website and re-loaded that version. You may have

a corrupted application file.

All that said, does the reboot occur if no SID chips are fitted to the PCB but

with the PIC running the SID app?

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Thanks everyone for the help.

I did do the checks to the power supply for noise, I also reinstalled MIOS and the SID app. I think Thorsten nailed it. I don't have the pull up resistor installed. Now however, I'm not getting anything from my core module. When I apply power, my lcd backlight comes on dimly and there is no feedback from the core. Could not having the CAN interface resistor cause this problem? Good thing I have a link to this handy trouble shooting guide! Thanks, I was looking for something like this.

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Quick update.....

Looks like my board is fine after all. I'm just a NOOB!!! And had my power plugged into the wrong pins on the core module. This was causing my PIC to only get 3.0 volts instead of 5.0. :-[

Now to install that pull up resistor. Thanks again everyone.

One more question....How hot does the SID chip get while in operation? Mine seems to get pretty warm to the touch.

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Looks like my board is fine after all. I'm just a NOOB!!! And had my power plugged into the wrong pins on the core module. This was causing my PIC to only get 3.0 volts instead of 5.0. :-[

I'm sure that we've all misapplied power at one time or another.  I managed to swap Vcc and Ground to my LCD!

One more question....How hot does the SID chip get while in operation? Mine seems to get pretty warm to the touch.

IIRC my 6581 gets warm, but not too hot to touch.  If you're concerned (and your SID isn't going to be moving around much), you could always attach a heatsink to the top of the chip with a bit of thermal paste.  I had more heat issues from dropping 12VDC into my 7805 at 250mA, though - that one got the heatsink.

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