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Need Updated PCB Layouts (CORE_R4, AIN_R4 ...)

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Hi all,

I'm a complete newbie to midibox and my english is getting worst every year (thanks to 20 years of computer programming) so please, let me apologise for any typo and the absolute lack of technical knowledge in microcontrollers, schematics etc. :)

I have little knowledge in electronics, but already did few stompboxes projects and know how to deal with a multimeter.

I live in Brazil and electronics parts and everything related are hard to find things. Also, importing is almost prohibitive due high customs rates (60% over invoice+shipping).

That's why I'm trying to build my own MIDI controller all by myself. I mean: build PCBs and solder every single piece with my own hands.

Having come across SmashTV, I found improved PCB versions (CORE_R4, AIN_R4, DIN_R5, etc) that would free me from a lot of jumpering. Unfortunately the schematics and PCB layouts aren't updated at uCApps.de.

Any chance to have them updated?

I'd like the Eagle or Gerber (.BRD I think) files, so I could order them locally with a company that accepts batches of six boards.

Thanks in advance.

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hi and welcome aboard

i am not an official voice but i can tell you you won t get those .brd easily.

That said i don t want to discourage you at all, don t you have a friend in the states who can ship you, as a normal letter, the boards?


a little edit: the .brd you can find in ucapps.de are the same sold by the european "dealer" for midibox: Mikes shop.While the boards sold by SmashTV are created and designed by a multitude of bots working secretly in Tim s backyard.

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Sorry to hear that.  :(

I have several friends in the states, but shipping as a normal letter to Brazil became dangerous as they don't have tracking and due changes in customs regulations. I lost two packages in last three months.

The cheapest option with tracking is Priority Mail, but at initial prices of US$18 for 1lb package, I'm affraid the final costs become prohibitive.

Also I found communication with SmashTV is not so easy. I've dropped him two emails w/o answers in the last two months. I've no idea what is the total weight for a 6 CORE + 12 AIN + 12 DIN + 12 DOUT kits package. I can't get a quote for Priority Mail at USPS web site without this weight estimate.

Let me see if TK or other official voice can elaborate on BRD files.

Thanks for your time.


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It sounds like you're trying to build 6 of the same MIDIbox.  I'm not accusing you of anything, but why do you want 6 COREs if you have never built a MIDIbox?  Do you realize that you are not allowed to build them to sell?

BTW if you order direct from SmashTV's web site, weight for everything you list totals 6 pounds.  I don't know if this helps.

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Also I found communication with SmashTV is not so easy. I've dropped him two emails w/o answers in the last two months. I've no idea what is the total weight for a 6 CORE + 12 AIN + 12 DIN + 12 DOUT kits package. I can't get a quote for Priority Mail at USPS web site without this weight estimate.

Let me see if TK or other official voice can elaborate on BRD files.

Thanks for your time.



don't take this the wrong way, but if your emails to SmashTV were along the lines of "please give me your brd files so i can copy them" then that would be why they were ignored...

SmashTV's voice is official enough, don't bug TK with this.

also smash is very accessible, but also is very busy.

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It sounds like you're trying to build 6 of the same MIDIbox.  I'm not accusing you of anything, but why do you want 6 COREs if you have never built a MIDIbox?  Do you realize that you are not allowed to build them to sell?

don't take this the wrong way, but if your emails to SmashTV were along the lines of "please give me your brd files so i can copy them" then that would be why they were ignored...

good points.... one name: blue lantern    :-\

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hey hey hey

we don t need to freak out now and accuse anybody just because he s buying or willing to buy boards on a multiple of any number

anyway since you guys took out this argument let s give yankohurta the proper explanation, SmashTV won t give out his layouts (aside because it s his own work) because there have been people series producing MBs and selling them, for example, on ebay.

yanko we had a nice chat yesterday and i am sure you re an honest gut, nonetheless (does this word really mean anything?) you won t get the layouts.as dot

please contact mr_kholl, if he didn t contact you yet, he may help you or just advice, he s from brasil and he got boards from ST.

and, after all, i think i convinced you enough to use TKs layouts and etch, well, can i say it? use that cnc machine you have at home and make your own boards, moving the bridges to the top layer is a piece of cake.

best regards to everybody


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hey hey hey

we don t need to freak out now and accuse anybody just because he s buying or willing to buy boards on a multiple of any number


for the record, i didn't mean to  accuse yankohurta of anything, but your explanation is probably better than mine.

i agree making 6 cores is no indication of anything sinister, i gots 14 of them myself...

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