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Has anyone made a front panel layout with the neew buttons options?


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Just curious if anyone has made a .fpd layout of the Seq V3 with the added buttons/leds: 

    *  Group Select LED 1/2/3/4: to display the selected group

    * Trigger Layer A/B/C: to display the selected trigger layer

    * Step View: either one LED which shows if step view 17-32 selected, or two LEDs which display if step view 1-16 or 17-32 are selected.



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I have done it.

I will post-it tomorrow cause I don't have it here.

But I'm still confusing about wiring and compiling the right asm file... Is anyone done the complete wiring and modifiyng the asm file ? And if done, could this person post it ?

See you tomorrow ;o)


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Well, it's not an FPD file, but here's the design I'm working on...


Transport controls on lower right below jog/data wheel.  Above that are group select, track select, layer select and trigger select buttons.  On the LCD display panel, the 1-16 and 17-32 LEDs are on the left and there's a beat LED on the right under the three digit LED BPM display...


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I just finished my sequencer.  What do you want to know?

Well... It isn't finished.  It's all wired up and functional and has a temporary acrylic panel.

I'm having so much fun using it, I don't know when I'll build its case and a proper front panel.

I'll try to add some photos to my synth diy website tomorrow.  Compared to what a lot of the people here are doing, it doesn't look good at all, but it works!

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Here is my FDP file : http://files.filefront.com/mbseq+v32fpd/;9145708;/fileinfo.html

There is a lot of "missing" hole for led, but in fact, I'm planning to use buttons WITH LED inside. The Edit / Song / Pattern and layers buttons are same with differents shape. I found them in a french store.

A print-screen :


wicked1 : in fact I'm not a electronician nor a programmer... So :

1 / should I buy an other DOUT ? Because, I think that I will run out of output with only 1 DOUT. Is that right ?

2 / Is there a ASM file already made for additional buttons and LED ? I tried to read this file, and I know it's only a "text adventure"... but I'm definitly not Idiana Jones ^^. So if you have ever modify it, could you post it ?

Thanx for you help

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Here's my sequencer.  The panel is NOT professional!  I made all of my buttons, so they are all a little different, and it was my first time using PCB mount components and none of them are straight.  I just threw it all together in a box so I could bring it to a friends house and play around w/ it for a while.  I can't do anything about the uneven buttons now, but I will be building a much better front panel and a nice case for it.


scroll down to the bottom of the page

The four buttons on the very right of it are the group select buttons.  I'm building the 4x16 button matrix, and those 4 group select buttons will be moved onto that panel.

I don't have any good photos of how I did the wiring.  For everything on the panel I used verowire which was great!  it certainly made the job a lot easier.  I connected all of the buttons w/ a common ground, and all of the led's w/ a common ground (actually, it's by side, so all the buttons on the left share one ground, all the buttons on the right share one ground, etc...)

The wiring for the LED's is all on the front, under the frosted acrylic, so you can't see it.  Basically, I used the verowire to connect all the led's to 8 pin headers, which go through to the back of the panel.  Then I use the ribbon cable to connect those headers to the douts.

My past experience was w/ building my modular synth, and this sequencer looked easy in comparison.  There wasn't a lot of complex thought involved in building the sequencer but man... that was a lot of wires to solder and keep track of!  It ended up taking a lot longer than I thought it would.  Do it right the first time, because you won't want to build another control surface! 

As for the software, it was actually quite easy.  The setup.asm files have all the options available.  I think I started w/ TK's.  I just had to change which register and pins certain buttons and led's were connected to.  Your wiring will be different than mine, so my file won't do you any good.  You just have to be able to count to make the changes :).

after that, you have to compile the software, which was really easy too.  Just read this page


And yes, you'll need another dout

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To further clarify how I figured out all of my DIN's and DOUT's what I did is print out my panel layout.  Then as I soldered my buttons and led's I wrote down on the printed panel layout what each button and led connected to.  The main ones like the encoders and general purpose  buttons were the same as in TK's setup file.  I had to change some things for the others.  So, basically, next to each button on my printed sheet I have something like 2/3 in black ink, and 1/4 in red ink.  That tells me that that button connects to shift register 2, pin 3, and the led connects to SR1, pin 4.  Then I made the appropriate change in the setup.asm file.

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i made a v3 layout too with extra buttons.  i left off metronome and scrub, but i might put metronome back on.  my layout replaces the datawheel with a normal knob, and moves it up to have the encoders all in a row.  some people have recommended against this but i think it will work out.  the switches are the illuminated (with matching non-illuminated) TL1240 by e-switch.  soon i should have a .fpd file for this.  the big things on the side are the rack handles.

it's the top one in this image.


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