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MIDIBox SpeakJet K64 Modul & Commodore 16


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C16/PLUS4 Keyboard, Joystick, Cassette, Serial, Sound, User Port

FD30h-FD3Fh - 6529B Keyboard Column Output Latch

The lower 4 address bits are don't care, normally FD30h is used.

  7-0  Keyboard Column 7-0 Selection    (0=Select, 1=Deselect)

The 6529B chips appears to be bi-directional, so reading from this port does (probably?) usually receive the state of the outputs, however, if two keys are pressed in the same row, then one column output may appear on two column inputs.

FF08h - Keyboard/Joystick Strobe (W) and Row Input Latch ®

Write: Output unlatched Joystick column & strobe keyboard/joystick row latch.

  7-3  Not used

  2    Joystick 1        (0=Select, 1=Deselect)

  1    Joystick 2        (0=Select, 1=Deselect)

  0    Not used

Read: Latched keyboard/joystick row input (latched at time of above write)

  7-0  State of Row 7-0 for any selected columns (0=Pressed, 1=Released)

  7    Joystick 2 Fire    (0=Pressed, 1=Released)

  6    Joystick 1 Fire    (0=Pressed, 1=Released)

  3    Joystick 1/2 Right (0=Moved, 1=Released)

  2    Joystick 1/2 Left  (0=Moved, 1=Released)

  1    Joystick 1/2 Down  (0=Moved, 1=Released)

  0    Joystick 1/2 Up    (0=Moved, 1=Released)

Flowchart: Output latched keyboard column to FD30h, then output unlatched joystick column to FF08h, then read latched row input from FF08h.

The Keyboard Matrix is almost same as on C64, a couple of keys have been reassigned, mainly because the C16 has four (instead two) cursor keys.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure... i've used Bill's C64 Keyboard Matrix with a C64 keyboard, but if C16 keyboard have the same connection cable like C64 Keyboard it should work.

check this out:


i used his KB-Board for K64.

The Keyboard Matrix is almost same as on C64, a couple of keys have been reassigned, mainly because the C16 has four (instead two) cursor keys.

so you have to check out how it works (write Bill a mail)... if you are interessted for application for testing, let me know, because the server is still down for download.

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C16 and Plus/4 Keyboard Matrix

Almost same as on C64, only 10 keys are reassigned, mainly cursor related:

  C64  "-"    "+"    POUND HOME  DOWN  RIGHT  RSHIFT <--  "^"    "@"

  C16  UP    DOWN  LEFT  RIGHT  "@"    POUND  ESC?  HOME  "+"    "-"

if that are only the changes, i can compile a adapted C16/plus4 K64 version, with additional key assignment

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if you start building, let me know... notice: you need to build AC's SpeakJet Board (for that you need the mbhp_iic_speakjet firmware for PIC16F88) and Bill's KB Board first and you need at least 2x Core Moduls inside your c16 chassie.

notice: A future version of k64 will compatible with ac's k2, but will only include the speech parts, because the synth stuff is to different....

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well, tnx rio, i've read all docu about, there are some little things that i've not completly understand but the project is very simple.

i've just 2 core and my pc it's from 1999 than i've a cool parallel port for programming PIC.

the hardest thing now it's find a shop that ship Speakjet chip for less money than the chip itself cost..

- Acroname Robotics (http://www.easierrobotics.com/) ask $55.95 - UPS Worldwide Express + chip

- http://www.thebotshop.com/ ask me 25$ + chip

- the UK distributors have not in the shop

well at http://www.speechchips.com/shop/item.aspx?itemid=6 the askme 6$ for a chip! alè..

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