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1 button to rotate between bank sticks?


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The title says it all ;D, has anyone done this?

Ideally:1 press of the button gets next bank stick selected, when the current bank is the last one , selection goes back to the beginning.


edited:and then I found a possible answer: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=3925.0

so, CS_MENU_MS_NotifyBankChange has the wanted behavior already? need to know before committing to a certain panel layout :-[

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I wonder if anything changed from that 2005 thread :D

no, MBSID V2 is just a fake to sell more MBHP modules - nothing but the version number has changed. ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

P.S.: IO functions are now defined in setup_*.asm

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...MBSID V2 is just a fake to sell more MBHP modules...

I knew it! ;D

thanks TK!

let's suppose i'll use the SID3 button:


movlw 0x00

movwf SID_BANK

goto CS_MENU_MS_NotifyBankChange

this line "movlw 0x00" selects bankstick A0, right? and "movlw 0x01" would select bankstick A1?

so, if this is correct, it would not work as I wish, just one button to select next available bankstick on each press and back to first if we already have selected the last one ???

sorry if this is somehow obvious, but I have not the slightest idea about how to hack my way to this mod, just a big desire to have it ;D

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You need to store the actually selected bankstick number somewhere.

If the up button is pressed check if the number equals [numberOfBanksticks]. If so set it to 0 else add 1 to it. Call NotifyBankChange.

If the down button is pressed check if the selected one is 0. If so set it to [numberOfBanksticks-1] else subtract 1 from it. Call NotifyBankChange.



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I agree


If the up button is pressed check if the number equals [numberOfBanksticks]. If so set it to 0 else add 1 to it.


means: When you are in the last bank the "next bank" will be the same (=same number), because its the last bank already. If this happens ... goto bank 0. It's like a circle

Hope that helped.


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