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F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7 string every 20 ms *solved*


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Hi cimo, I got the same on my mbSid wilba is right, no MIOS installed.

To get rid of this first set all on the MIOSstudio to wait for a request, then turn on your core

I spent like 1 hour before doing the right steps by coincidence ;D and of course this is discussed somewhere here on the forums but very buried to be found when you need it ;)

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i know that that s the upoload request, there is just a strange behavior, now for example it will send it just twice, then nothing.I ve managed to start a MIOS upload bu t then it gets stuck here:

Sending block 00000B00-00000BFF

which is block # 8

hardware seems to be ok and i ve just uploaded MIOS in another core




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  • 1 month later...

oops i don t really remember but you can test each resistor one by one, can t you?

try the 2 seconds manual upload trick: ie: don t use the MIOSStudio feature "wait for upload request", instead try to do that manually, it could take a few times before you get the upload to start.


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try the 2 seconds manual upload trick: ie: don t use the MIOSStudio feature "wait for upload request", instead try to do that manually, it could take a few times before you get the upload to start.

Huh? Sorry cimo but that's a recipe for trouble. MIOS Studio smart mode=on, should do the exact same thing as smart mode=off or midi-ox or whatever, but with added error checking. Normally, when someone presents these kind of issues, the first thing I tell them is to turn ON smart mode.

Of course, it's important to have a properly working midi interface and java client, etc. as well...

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@S1: i can tell you that this trick has brought back to life a few PICs of mine and i am not the only one.

See for example:




MIOS Studio smart mode=on, should do the exact same thing as smart mode=off or midi-ox or whatever, but with added error checking. Normally, when someone presents these kind of issues, the first thing I tell them is to turn ON smart mode.

I would then advise to enable the feature but start the core manually as a first approach and then trying to disable the feature, if that is more safe wise.

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@S1: i can tell you that this trick has brought back to life a few PICs of mine and i am not the only one.

Time to ask yourself why that is... You haven't solved the problem yet, you've just worked around it. I'm gonna guess that you've got a dodgy java installation, but I'll leave the 'fun' stuff up to you ;)

He doesn't mention smart mode:

try using mios studio for uploading the sysex with the enabled function "wait for upload request" (it WONT work witout this ! - i tried several times). click "send sysex" and then reset your core to make it send the upload request.

matrigs' "unexpected upload request" messages, mean that his core was not receiving the uploaded data. He hasn't really solved the problem yet either, because he doesn't know why it wasn't getting there. He said it eventually 'just worked' and doesn't know why that one worked either. In his case I suspect a dodgy midi interface or core misbehaviour (voltage maybe).

Whether you use smart mode or not, when the PIC sends that message, the upload has already failed.

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we all (or not) ended up with a "stuck" core, in my case it hasn t been because of a faulty Java installation or similar, but for some faulty upload, faulty apps, etc, one of those weird situations that end up with a "stuck" core.

In these cases, when MIOS upload won t start, the only way out was the "manual trick"; now you know i am not a "manual trick" vendor, i just think it showed up being useful a few times, so feel free to demonstrate the bad quality of my product  :P


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we all (or not) ended up with a "stuck" core

Now you're talking about the cause of something different... This time, you are talking about the cause of the core becoming faulty...

I was referring to the cause of 'smart mode' not working, when another method does. There are some occasions where this could be possible, with some very rare and exact corruption of the bootloader*, but more likely, is that there's another problem with your setup which prevents a clean upload. Moreover, even if you do manage to upload MIOS to a bootloader which is corrupted in this very special manner, you won't fix the problem - MIOS doesn't overwrite the BSL, so it will remain broken.

*Really really rare. Bordering on impossible. You have a better chance of winning the lottery twice in a row ;)

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first of all

try the 2 seconds manual upload trick: ie: don t use the MIOSStudio feature "wait for upload request", instead try to do that manually, it could take a few times before you get the upload to start.


Huh? Sorry cimo but that's a recipe for trouble. MIOS Studio smart mode=on, should do the exact same thing as smart mode=off or midi-ox or whatever, but with added error checking. Normally, when someone presents these kind of issues, the first thing I tell them is to turn ON smart mode.


He doesn't mention smart mode:

Quote from: matrigs on 2008-02-19 at 18:02

try using mios studio for uploading the sysex with the enabled function "wait for upload request" (it WONT work witout this ! - i tried several times). click "send sysex" and then reset your core to make it send the upload request.

no he doesn t and i didn t either! maybe there s been a bit of confusion.

Now lemme try to picture the typical situation:

-the BSL is intact (this is demonstrated by the fully functional MIOS after using the 2smt (2 seconds manual trick))

-MIOS or an app. are corrupted, probably by a corrupted app, a bad upload (unstable supply, cabling), whatever, the point is that MIOS/app don t react as supposed, don t send the upload request, send weird messages.Something is wrong

-we try to upload a new app. but it doesn t work; then we want to reupload MIOS to erase the app and try to fix the app and/or MIOS but with or without the "wait for upload request" enabled it wont start

-the only way out in my experience, and Jidis, see http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,7467.msg50414.html#msg50414

is to dump the sysex just after boot, MANUALLY.

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-the BSL is intact (this is demonstrated by the fully functional MIOS after using the 2smt (2 seconds manual trick))

No not true. It can be corrupted without stopping MIOS from loading later on. It just means that those parts of it are fully functional. Just cause the engine runs, doesn't mean the car has tyres ;) As I said though, such corruption is rare, and I don't believe that primary BSL corruption is to blame at all.

-MIOS or an app. are corrupted, probably by a corrupted app, a bad upload (unstable supply, cabling), whatever, the point is that MIOS/app don t react as supposed, don t send the upload request, send weird messages.Something is wrong

yes, you are  ;D I know what you mean about the behaviour of the core though, I've seen it before (in fact, I could make it happen right now by dropping the voltage on the PSU by 0.4V and uploading an app) But remember: The primary BSL sends the first upload request. You obviously don't believe me and don't want to try it (that's wise!) so take TK's quote from the BSL page on ucapps:

In fact two bootstrap loaders are provided by MIOS: the primary and the secondary loader:

    * The primary loader gets active immediately after power-on for about two seconds. During this time the loader waits for a SysEx command which initiates a flash write. If this command is not received, the loader deactivates itself and MIOS will be started.

    * The secondary loader gets active after MIOS has been booted and the application is running. In difference to the primary loader, the secondary doesn't allow to overwrite the memory allocated by the operating system. This kind of protection saves you from destroying MIOS if your application overlaps the system area by mistake.

After the upload and for the case of an application failure ("blue screen"), the PIC will be reset and the primary loader will be started again for 2 seconds.

It's already implied from the above, but I'll quote the newbie page too:

It's important to know, that MIOS itself can only be uploaded with the primary loader.

So when you upload MIOS, you're uploading it via the primary BSL.

-we try to upload a new app. but it doesn t work; then we want to reupload MIOS to erase the app and try to fix the app and/or MIOS but with or without the "wait for upload request" enabled it wont start

So, it's not receiving the upload request, from the primary BSL... Why?

-the only way out in my experience, and Jidis, see http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,7467.msg50414.html#msg50414

is to dump the sysex just after boot, MANUALLY.

OT where does jidis say he did the manual upload there? Doesn't change my point anyway so I'll go on....

Don't get me wrong - I've busted up my cores on several occasions by uploading stuffed-up custom apps, or by uploading to a core via bad interface, or with bad power, or PC problems, and I've seen the exact symptoms you refer to.

Unlike you however, after fixing it, I knew that the problem was not with MIOS studio (or smart mode) but with my setup, so I went looking to find out exactly what the cause was... It's been a few different things (including weak power supply, shorted wire, bad midi interface, bad java install, and leaving motion detecting webcams running and maxxing out the CPU so that java (being the resource hog that it is) was too slow to respond to the upload request/checksum.

So, having read the quotes from TK above, maybe you would like to re-read my posts, and you'l see what I meant...

You can only upload MIOS via the primary BSL.

MIOS does not overwrite the primary BSL. So,

If the primary BSL upload requests/checksum responses are not working,

Uploading MIOS won't change it.

So you could only fix it by uploading the primary BSL update.

The primary BSL update and MIOS upload use the same mechanism (for the upload procedure anyway, the incoming data is stored differently but that's not relevant), so,

If uploading the primary BSL update works

Then uploading MIOS should work

Now, if your MIOS bootloader (secondary) is failing, so you can't upload apps,

Then you may have a dodgy MIOS installation,

Which means that you'd still want to update MIOS,

Which means you'd be uploading it via the primary BSL

But the primary BSL bootloader is functioning correctly,

So it should work in smart mode too.

But, as you have pointed out, we are not the only ones to have had this problem with the upload... And we've both fixed it by doing a manual update, and there are others... But there are also others (inc myself) who have had the same problem, and fixed it in manual or smart mode, with or without 'wait for upload..' ticked.... So it could be argued that manual mode makes it work, or that smart mode makes it work, or whatever makes it work - but that's all coincidence. Most of these case come down to the same situation as yours: An unknown fault which happened to go away for some unknown reason. It's easy to come to the conclusion that using manual mode fixed your problem, because it kinda does... I'll use another automobile analogy to demonstrate the flaw in that logic:

You're driving along and smoke comes flying out of your hood, and you pull over. It seems like the engine is overheating. You wait a while, and check the radiator fluid, and it's low, so you fill it up. You start the car and drive, and it runs smoothly, so you say, "the water was low, and so it overheated".

Some weeks later, you are driving along, and smoke comes flying out of your hood again. You check it again, refill it, and drive away. Darn thing always runs out of radiator fluid.

Few weeks later, same thing happens. This is when you get frustrated and take it to the mechanic. When you come back the next day, he tells you that he has replaced an instrument in the dashboard, and refilled your engine with oil. You say "WTF, it was the water?! You're trying to fool me!!"

....and he says, "no, the oil was low, so it was overheating when you drove down the highway, so it was thinning out and causing increased friction, causing the smoke - and when you stopped to refill it, it cooled down because it wasn't running, so it worked after that. You just didn't see it because the oil temperature gauge was broken, so I replaced it. This model of car always leaks radiator fluid, just carry a bottle in the trunk."

Think about it ;)

Edit: Added the word "primary" in front of "BSL" a few times... I tend to refer to the primary bootloader as the BSL and the secondary mios loader as the MIOS bootloader... thought I should remove the 'slang' for clarity. Edit2: Damn I found two more! hahah

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dunno, i have to admit that i see your tactic but i don t see your goal (and i don t even  like football, if that matters)

i had this kind of problem a few times, independently of my PC, laptop, midi card, osx, it happened a few times, not enough times to be concerned with my java,midi drivers, cheap cables, bad soldering skills, ungrounded mains, whatsoever or whosoever (cause it s my fault) had brought up the problem.

S++t happens.I take it like that.

The only way out it s been the manual trick and some patience.

It would probably work with the automatic "wait for upload request", maybe, probably, again i dunno, doing it manually it worked for me, it worked for others.

After i got MIOS installed again it s all fine no more problems, forever, or maybe not, i am not tracking all possibly variations among all the PICs i owned (15?) the different computers (4?) the soundcards (2) the os (3) all the bad cables i always had badly soldered on my boards (xx).

I think it s a good trick, but i am ready to understand and accept why it isn t (this is the "i ve been a bit harsh but you know i do respect you" part  ;)).

If i had constant problems on my uploading procedure then i would understand your point and agree, but i had this problem just a few times because of specific circumstances, usually it is all ok, but sometime it freaks out and no more uploading is permitted.Then i use this trick and it s all good.

I am not stopping people to find out if their setup is in good state or not, i am just offering a workaround (or solution) to a factual problem.

Geee i got smoke coming out of my ears, you S1 always prove my logical capacity.


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I've checked all resistors. One, on MIDI IN optocoupler had 2k200, not 1k200. Second one, at 1'st PIC pin was connected wrong. But... Nothing changed!

00000000192507 ms | [A7 00 00] Channel 8: Aftertouch C-1 pressure: 0
00000000192508 ms | [A7 00 00] Channel 8: Aftertouch C-1 pressure: 0
00000000192508 ms | [A7 00 00] Channel 8: Aftertouch C-1 pressure: 0
00000000192509 ms | [A7 00 00] Channel 8: Aftertouch C-1 pressure: 0
00000000192509 ms | [A7 00 00] Channel 8: Aftertouch C-1 pressure: 0
00000000192510 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000192513 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7
00000000192516 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000192519 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7
00000000192522 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000192524 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7
00000000192528 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000192530 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7
00000000192533 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000192536 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7
00000000192539 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000192542 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7
00000000192545 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000192548 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7
00000000192551 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000192554 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7
00000000192557 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000192559 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7
00000000192563 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000192565 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7
00000000192569 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000192571 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7
00000000192574 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000192577 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7
00000000192580 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000192583 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7
00000000192586 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000192589 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7
00000000192592 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000192594 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7
00000000192598 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000192600 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7
00000000192604 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000192606 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7
00000000192609 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000192612 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7
00000000192615 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000192618 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01 F7
00000000193216 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 (...) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00000000193744 ms | [80 00 00] Channel 1: Note Off C-1 velocity: 0
00000000193744 ms | [80 00 00] Channel 1: Note Off C-1 velocity: 0
00000000193745 ms | [80 04 44] Channel 1: Note Off E-1 velocity: 68
00000000193746 ms | [80 00 08] Channel 1: Note Off C-1 velocity: 8
00000000193746 ms | [80 01 00] Channel 1: Note Off C#-1 velocity: 0
00000000193747 ms | [80 62 00] Channel 1: Note Off D7 velocity: 0
00000000193747 ms | [80 04 00] Channel 1: Note Off E-1 velocity: 0
00000000193748 ms | [80 01 00] Channel 1: Note Off C#-1 velocity: 0
00000000193749 ms | [80 40 00] Channel 1: Note Off E4 velocity: 0
00000000193750 ms | [80 59 05] Channel 1: Note Off F6 velocity: 5
00000000193750 ms | [80 18 01] Channel 1: Note Off C1 velocity: 1
00000000193751 ms | [80 10 24] Channel 1: Note Off E0 velocity: 36
00000000193752 ms | [80 04 00] Channel 1: Note Off E-1 velocity: 0
00000000193752 ms | [9A 48 19] Channel 11: Note On C5 velocity: 25
00000000193753 ms | [90 10 2A] Channel 1: Note On E0 velocity: 42
00000000193754 ms | [90 06 00] Channel 1: Note On F#-1 velocity: 0
00000000193754 ms | [D8 00 00] Channel 9: Channel Pressure value: 0
00000000193755 ms | [A4 00 00] Channel 5: Aftertouch C-1 pressure: 0
00000000193755 ms | [8C 00 00] Channel 13: Note Off C-1 velocity: 0
00000000193755 ms | [82 00 00] Channel 3: Note Off C-1 velocity: 0
00000000193756 ms | [A3 06 01] Channel 4: Aftertouch F#-1 pressure: 1
00000000193757 ms | [C8 00 00] Channel 9: Program Change no: 0
00000000193757 ms | [E3 00 18] Channel 4: Pitch Bend value: 3072
00000000193758 ms | [E3 20 00] Channel 4: Pitch Bend value: 32
00000000193759 ms | [9C 76 50] Channel 13: Note On A#8 velocity: 80
00000000193760 ms | [9C 30 22] Channel 13: Note On C3 velocity: 34
00000000193761 ms | [9C 22 2A] Channel 13: Note On A#1 velocity: 42
00000000193762 ms | [FF] System Reset
00000000193761 ms | [9C 65 19] Channel 13: Note On F7 velocity: 25
00000000193763 ms | [9C 23 69] Channel 13: Note On B1 velocity: 105
00000000193763 ms | [AA 55 00] Channel 11: Aftertouch C#6 pressure: 0
00000000193764 ms | [B6 49 25] Channel 7: CC Sound Controller 4 value: 37
00000000193765 ms | [B6 07 F7] Channel 7: CC Volume value: 247
00000000193767 ms | [FB] Continue
00000000193767 ms | [9A 4F 78] Channel 11: Note On G5 velocity: 120
00000000193768 ms | [EF 00 00] Channel 16: Pitch Bend value: 0
00000000193769 ms | [E7 00 00] Channel 8: Pitch Bend value: 0
00000000193769 ms | [E1 5B 1F] Channel 2: Pitch Bend value: 4059
00000000193770 ms | [DB 00 00] Channel 12: Channel Pressure value: 0
00000000193771 ms | [81 0F 00] Channel 2: Note Off D#0 velocity: 0
00000000193771 ms | [EA 00 00] Channel 11: Pitch Bend value: 0
00000000193772 ms | [FE] Active Sensing
00000000193772 ms | [E7 7D 00] Channel 8: Pitch Bend value: 125
00000000193773 ms | [CB 00 00] Channel 12: Program Change no: 0
00000000193773 ms | [BB 00 00] Channel 12: CC Bank Select value: 0
00000000193774 ms | [8E 3E 65] Channel 15: Note Off D4 velocity: 101
00000000193775 ms | [DB 4E 00] Channel 12: Channel Pressure value: 78
00000000193776 ms | [DF 00 00] Channel 16: Channel Pressure value: 0
00000000193777 ms | [FF] System Reset
00000000193777 ms | [FE] Active Sensing
00000000193778 ms | [FB] Continue
00000000193777 ms | [E7 00 00] Channel 8: Pitch Bend value: 0
00000000193778 ms | [EA 00 00] Channel 11: Pitch Bend value: 0
00000000193780 ms | [F9] Undefined
00000000193779 ms | [EE 7A 20] Channel 15: Pitch Bend value: 4218
00000000193783 ms | [FE] Active Sensing
00000000193783 ms | [FF] System Reset
00000000193785 ms | [FF] System Reset
Starting upload of mios_v1_9f_pic18f452.hex
Hex file contains code in MIOS range, forcing reboot!
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
This was an expected error - please ignore!
Received Upload Request
Sending block 00000400-000004FF
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Aborting after 16 errors

I've checked resistance, reprogramed PIC (PIC18F452), swapped optocoupler with one from midi interface (both works), tried to program without connected CORE MIDI OUT. I use power supply from C64 with voltage regulator, like in mbhp_8xsid_c64_psu_optimized.

I've built circut on veroboards, so it's possible that i've made mistake somewhere. Have anybody got any idea about what probably cause it?

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Have anybody got any idea about what probably cause it?

Have you done the midi troubleshooting procedures at ucapps.de? If you do those, and get the results of all of the tests, it will give a very strong indication of the cause. Good luck, let us know how it goes!

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Have you done the midi troubleshooting procedures at ucapps.de?

I haven't found them! I think, it could be moved to "Misc"...

    * TEST PROG1: Werified.

    * TEST CORE1: "MSC 10.000MHz. Description at e-shop says, that it can work as parallel or serial.

    * TEST CORE2: I haven't got it.

    * TEST CORE3: Checked.

    * TEST CORE4: Checked.

    * TEST CORE5: Checked.

    * TEST CORE6: Checked.

    * TEST CORE7: Like on midi adaptor, checked.

    * TEST CORE8: Red-red-brown-gold. Good.

    * TEST CORE9: Works.

    * TEST CORE10: Very funny! Connected multimeter and... 0.01 Ohms!

Ok, corrected.

00000000284621 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000286512 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000288402 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7
00000000290293 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

Thank you very much! Now I've to check why it won't recive and still sends requests.

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This is an upload request every 2 seconds. That's not a bug, that's the bootstrap loader telling you to upload MIOS.

I know, but I've received it during smart-mode upload.

Received Upload Request
Sending block 00000400-000004FF
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Received error code 03: Checksum mismatch
This was an expected error - please ignore!
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Received error code 03: Checksum mismatch
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Received error code 03: Checksum mismatch
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
During manual mode upload, i receive something other:
Received Upload Request
Sending block 00000400-000004FF
Received error code 03: Checksum mismatch
This was an expected error - please ignore!
Sending block 00000500-000005FF
Received error code 03: Checksum mismatch
Sending block 00000600-000006FF
Received error code 0C: MIDI IN Frame Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Sending block 00000600-000006FF
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Sending block 00000600-000006FF
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error
Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error

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I'm uploading mios mios_v1_9f_pic18f452.hex.

Is it possible, that the PIC is corrupted?

(I'm going to make now loopback test on core board with unplugged pic.)


Loopback test (CORE RX and TX bridged) failed.

timestamp [unknown] | [90 18 64] Channel 1: Note On C1 velocity: 100
timestamp [unknown] | [90 18 00] Channel 1: Note On C1 velocity: 0
00000000-19038 ms | [80 00 10] Channel 1: Note Off C-1 velocity: 16
00000000-18853 ms | [80 40 00] Channel 1: Note Off E4 velocity: 0
00000000-18852 ms | [80 10 00] Channel 1: Note Off E0 velocity: 0

Again checked resistance. 220, 5k580 1k180. I was unable to find last two in 1% metalised, so used typical 5%.


Looped back midi adapter (74LS400+6N138) works fine.

Rechecked optocoupler and connections resistance.

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