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MBHP_USB_PIC V1 released (and imperfections documented)


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Although I initially planned to cancel the project (which I've implemented years ago), I finally decided to release the MBHP_USB_PIC "as-is" with a documentation of the known issues.

-> http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_usb_pic.html

Short summary:

  • In general it works fine under Windows and Linux, but there is a potential risk for data loss when large SysEx dumps are sent and received concurrently. However, MIOS uploads are unidirectional, and therefore working stable enough
  • Windows legacy driver is not multiclient capable. This means: you have to close your MIDI software (or release the MIDI ports) when using MIOS Studio
  • The module is not working correctly under Mac OS X (tested with Leopard only)
  • the latest PIC18F4550 (or PIC18F2550) revision 5 is required to overcome the EUSART bug
  • no PCB available (yet), but MBHP_CORE module can be used. Just add the USB socket, a 470 nF cap, replace the crystal by a 20 MHz type, and add a Reset and Bootloader button.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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