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Part confusion.

Guest Xcen

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Guest Xcen

Hi it's me again getting prepared for my MB+ till I get my next paycheck to buy the parts :)

I was reading the forums a bit to get used with the kind of problems I could run across and some questions about pots and faders came up tomy mind:

1- I said I was going to scavenge pots from and old Peavy amp... How can I check to see if those will be the correct "kind" of pots for the MB+?

2- I was planning on having 8 Pots (round buttons) and 8 Faders (mixer volume thing right?). Now I see in the forums all kind of faders being used... What are my options? (I will need to buy these since I don't have anything with faders to destroy :) )

TIA once again! :)

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For the 1.:

There are 3 pins at the pots. Measure the resistance at the outer two ones. It should be at 10kOhm. But 4,7k and 47k should also be OK, also 10k is just the best. Then measure from one of the outer pins to the middle one. Rotate the poti. It should be a linear one, meaning that the resistance grows linear with the rotation (so at 12 o´clock you should have 5k). If the resistance is growing (or decreasing) fast on the one and slow on the other side of rotation, you´ve gotta logarithmic one, which is not so good to use in an MB.

For the 2.:

Yeah, you´re right, the mixer ones. ;)

You can use nearly all faders, the only thing is the price. There are some for 1.50 Euros around, and some for 20 Euros. The only thing, I would recommend, use one with metall housing. Theyre smoother normally.

The best you can do, is trying them out. But normally, if you take some for an average price, you´ll get good results.

Also look at ebay, there are often old pots and faders at good quality and the hack less money than somewhere else.

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Guest Xcen

Thanks Pay_C you're being quite helpful! :)

What is all I hear about rotary encoders (those are "infinite" controllers right?) and motor faders?

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OK the encoders are like the modern digital eqivalent of analogue pots, like you talked about with pay_c. They are much more handy when switching banks. The only drawback is that they have a different feel... they go round and round to increase a value, or decrease a value, but this feel is also dependant on the'pulses per rev' (ppr) I prefer 24ppr for my LC emulation, no detent (detented types click as they go around) You don't have the definate position like a 'real' pot.

But I would prefer encoders anyday. BTW they have switches inside that send pulses. You also have no problem of pot jitter (see faq)

The problem of no definate position for lower level and highest level position can be solved through use of 'ledrings' like on protools procontrol, digi002, Logic control, fairlight prodigy etc. and led ring lights up to show position of the virtual knob within the software...very cool (but lots of holes to drill, and lots of soldering, but worht it I think)

motorfaders.... move by themselves to update to where the software's faders are when switching banks.... very cool, the coolest thing in a recording studio!! ;D

ok, I am using panasonic motorfaders (mf for short) but alps are much better, I believe, but I simply cannot afford them!!

don't waste too much time searching for used components, but then again... its a good feeling when something gets used instead of thrown out!! (find a balance)

ok, have fun, and good luck, ask questions, they are welcome!!

bye, from Steve  

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Guest Xcen

Thanks really helpful info :)

since this is my first MB and that I want to invest a minimum amount of money due to the failure risk factor I will use used pots from my amp as stated before.

No doubt if I get a little bit more familiar with this I will want to use led ringed encoders in the future :)

Thanks again!

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Guest Xcen

I was planning to test them tonight if I get a chance... I was too tired yesterday as I want to a nice gig: Four Tet. Manitoba and Prefuse 73!

They seemed to all have nice equipment hehe I wish I would've been BEHIND the stage ;)

I'll see then if they fit...

SmashTV, if you read this, can you tell me if you were planning to sell pots as well in your kits??

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SmashTV, if you read this, can you tell me if you were planning to sell pots as well in your kits??

Heya Xcen!

I was not planning on it, because there are so many variations in what people want/need for their MB.

Take a look at what http://www.mouser.com has and if you don't find what you are looking for there let me know, I'll help you locate what you want.



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Guest Xcen

Are mouser's services available in Canada? We got electronic shops here call Edison's maybe I could go there?

...new to all this hehe

(btw I am at work now so I can't go to mouser that's why I'm asking instead of checking... I'm not even supposed to come on this MB but it's discreet so I risk it ;P )

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