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How to upload files in the wiki

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I think I am in the group that should have upload permissions for the Wiki. I don't seem to be able to upload though. I am able to go through the motions and it looks like the upload occurs. I just don't find what I've uploaded after it is done. Stryd tried uploading for me a few months ago and he couldn't do it either. So maybe this is a bump of an issue that was previously sent in a private message. I'm trying to upload Assembling_a_MIDIbox_Core.pdf.

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  • 3 weeks later...
You're in the programmer group, I think you have write access already - did you try it?

yes, I tried with both firefox 2/3. the upload form should show up underneath the files on the right side

in the Media-Files window, right?

Anyway what's wrong with the magic email?

since I'am a child, I have a pathologically need to be as autonomious as possible..  :)

no, just a joke, I simply would love if I could upload the stuff myself. What do I do

if the magick email-address is sleeping, and I feel a burning desire to add/change some

pics for my project documentation?

I will upload no porn stuff, I promise

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They'll be up, later today

ok, this seems not to work. won't it be easier for everbody if you just give

write access to people who need to upload files?

quote by narwhal:

It's a shame that it relies on human interaction.  I'm impatient and when I get the itch to write documentation, I like to add lots of pictures.
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It works just fine, you're just being impatient. It normally doesn't take this long, usually they're up within an hour or two, there have been extenuating circumstances. I'm too busy to explain now, but I'll come back soon.

You'd have to wait for Twin-X to add your permissions anyway, so either way, it will require human interaction. Just, sometimes we get busy...

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It works just fine, you're just being impatient

I wouldnt' have mentioned this if I was the only one who has criticts to this way of uploading stuff. That's why I quoted narwhal.

You'd have to wait for Twin-X to add your permissions anyway, so either way, it will require human interaction. Just, sometimes we get busy...

Fact is that you never said a thing like "Twin-X will give you write permission, until then use the email". You just ignored my request to gain write permission.

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I wouldnt' have mentioned this if I was the only one who has criticts to this way of uploading stuff. That's why I quoted narwhal.

You're both being impatient. The thing to realise here, is that nobody posts here when they come to me in the chatroom and I upload the files within 5 minutes, nobody comments on the current solution when it works.

Fact is that you never said a thing like "Twin-X will give you write permission, until then use the email". You just ignored my request to gain write permission.

I didn't want to imply that either, that is not the plan.

Write perms on the wiki are, at present, granted by adding users into the 'Frequent Writers' group. This doesn't just give you access to upload files to the wiki, but some other things. It's a tricky situation, because while it makes perfect sense to give upload perms on the wiki to a guy who is working hard at it like you are, it may not make sense to apply the other permissions which are granted by making you a member of this group.

What I was implying when I mentioned twinnie, is that there will always be a degree of human interaction required to grant write access to the wiki. Whether that human interaction is twin-x adding you to the group, or whether it is me uploading the files for you, it's still possible that sometimes either one of us will have unexpected troubles in our personal life which will prevent us from doing that straight away. So, sometimes if you are unlucky, it will take me two or three days to find time to upload the files, sometimes if you are unlucky it might take twin-x two or three days to add you to the group, etc... that is speaking hypothetically, because adding someone to that group is by invitation only, not by request, and also because twinnie is pretty busy with maintaining this website in his sapre time, which is why we have this email address to prevent him from having extra workload of adding and removing people to the wiki permissions.

Also, I'm not the only one who can upload for you - anyone who is a 'frequent writer' can do it - I've setup the gmail address to make it easy for people to contact us, but at present, I'm the only one who monitors the emails. It's the down-side of a volunteer-based support arrangement like we have here, that we don't all have as much time to give to midibox as we would like :(

I'm sorry I ignored your request for write access, but it is because I didn't want to offend you by saying that adding you to the group would not be possible until you are invited, and that is unlikely as you're kinda new...

But yeh, long story short, normally I am pretty quick to upload... Just, sometimes, it f*** up, and I apologise for the inconvenience, but I'm doing all I can...

Annnnd damnit my on-call phone just rang, so now I have to dial in to work and there will be more delays. F*** IT@!!!

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thanks for uploading, I find the files now!

but why this weird path ':root:community:this:midi_mapper' ? the 'root' I mentioned in the mail was thought to be the [root], means really the root of all the wiki-files.. anyway, you may have good reasons to have done it like this. thanks again for uploading.

Stupid work. Who needs money anyway...

how nice would it be to do the things that you really like (and I think this implies that you do them well), and as a 'side effect' get money from it!

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All done, and some extra to follow up on your other post. great stuff man. Sorry for the wait!

Edit: I put the root namespace there because of your other post... perhaps I misunderstood...We should continue this conversation over in that thread... (or the chatroom!)

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