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Win XP, JMD and IC-prog.


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:) :) :)

Hi everyone,

This post is aimed at people who like myself have had difficulty

programming PIC's with the JMD programmer and IC-Prog.

1/ Do you have  "icprog.sys"

     This is seems to be driver which you need in order to use the    

    "Direct I/O" interface. WinXP does NOT support interface without    

    this driver.

     If you don't have this file it can be found at:


     I think this site is in spanish, but you will find the file      

  (second to bottom on the page)

2/ Once you have downloaded this file it must be put in the same

directory as    "IC-prog.exe"

3/ Next right click on  "IC-prog.exe" and select "Properties", select    

  "compatibility". Now check "Run this program in compatibilty mode    

for:" box

  In the drop down menu below the check box select "Windows 2000"

  Click "Apply", then "OK"

4/ Run "IC-prog". Open the "Settings" menu, then click on "Options".

  Click on the "Misc" tab and check "Enable NT/2000/XP Driver".

  Click "OK"

5/ Shutdown "IC-prog" and then open it again (This will load the driver)

6/ open the "Settings" menu and click on "Hardware".

  In the "Hardware settings" click "Direct I/O"

  Note: After much experimentation I found that an "I/O Delay " of 9      

worked on my computer.

7/ Follow ALL the steps on the JMD page on the MIDIbox site.

If all goes well you should have a programmed PIC.

I've discovered that it is a good idea to put your PIC into a IC socket,

then insert the socket that the PIC is plugged into the IC socket into

the socket which is soldered on to the PCB. This way you can remove the

PIC all you want from the PCB without damaging the pins of the PIC.

I hope this info is useful. Had I known this I would have saved 2 days

of frustration.

Ian, I ended up building a new JMD before I discovered these steps. You

can have it back if you want, or we could pass it on to the next poor

sod how cann't be bothered building one.


:) :) :)

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MMMM... it is such a fine piece of JDM too.

Glad you got it going though. Did you use the 877 ?

If you need any help let me know...........then on the other hand ...........ye who are doing electronics at uni ............ ;) ;)

Got me fevered about the school too you rat........got my registration papers today !!


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i have different results with ic-prog everytime i reinstall xp - for instance, now it works in  API mode... with a delay of 1...before it was only doable in direct mode...long as the fikker toasts good tho - i'm happy ;p



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Rowan, I'm sure you could get MIOS running... it just takes a few more steps and more patience, but once you have figured out the process... upload bootstrap, os, and application, it saves so much time, being able to tweak settings, and then upload the changes in a matter of seconds, instead of powering down pc, plugging in chip (unless you program in circuit... a luxury I don't have with my programmer!!) etc...

but one step at a time!! It really is a good feeling to know you have burnt a file into a tiny wafer of silicon isn't it!!

good luck, from Steve

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Thank for the reasurance Steve. I'm going to give it a go this weekend. Hey, I've got this far. As you say it it can be that hard. I'm sure it will not frustrate anymore than getting ic-prog to work.

You mention that the PC should be powered down before the PIC is plugged into the programmer. I did not do this. Will I have damaged the chip? Now that you bring this to my attention to the it make perfect sense.

My girlfriend thought I had gone crazy when I started to dance about the room when the PIC verified for the first time. My MIDIbox has become known as "The Mistress" in my house. I'm sure I'm not the only one.


:) :) :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest cjlargear

I'v done all that you recommend Rowan, but when I'm reading the Volts as TK describes I get wrong values:

from the clock I get 0.8V instead of 5V

from the Data Out I get 2V instead of 5V

and when the PI"C is on the programmer the values between pins 12/31 and 1, as well as between 12/31 and 11/32 while perorming read all are always 0.6V no matter the delay is. Please can anyone help me. Ican't even imagine what is wrong. I checked the wiring and everythning seems to be OK.

???             ???                 ???                  ???            :-[

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Hi cjlargear

First thing I would check is the diode polarity is correct. If I remember correctly from lectures at uni about zener diodes is that a forward biased zener will drop between 0.7 to 0.9 volts across it (zeners are designed to be run in revese bias).

Next cheack that the polarity of the eletro cap is correct. I made this mistake. Check and recheck the circuit. Are you using a desktop or laptop? I've seen post on the forum where people can not get a high enough voltage from a laptop serial port.

Fingers crossed these suggestions fix the problem. I really think it is hardwear problem.


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Guest cjlargear

The wiring is good I double checked it already.How can I supply extra power to the jdm? Is there any power input anywhere and I can't see it?  ???

Thanks for the reply. I have to mention that I tried the same in win98 with the same results.

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Hi again

I don't think thre is a power supply i/p for the JMD. I don't want to sound like a nagging woman, but cheack the circuit again. It is very easy to miss small errors. Try to forget about it all for a day or two, then come back with a fresh head (A bit like having a good break before you mix a tune) :) :) :)


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I'm agree with rowan, check and check again!!

If the zener is not in the right polarity, it would act as a 0.65V zener diode (well, it's an easy answer, I don't konw the english word to explain it correctly!!!).

For another power supply, it's not easy with the JDM, I'm going to look at...

I made a Programmer for PIC16f84, and I've got problem with it. I just made an external power supply, and it works fine. On forum, I saw many people having the same problem! that's why I think it can be a power problem

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I would double check that the transistors are connected correctly. When I build the JDM I misread the little drawing in the corner of the schematics and connected the transistors upsidedown. The testing results I got was pretty much the same as you got.

Good luck


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Oh yes!! maybe just a transistor problem! I'm going to tell you something : yhe JDM is the first thing I build with transistor which work ;D I fix stuff with transistor, but never get something with it working (with chip no problem)... Why? because I think I took to much time to solder them!!! not more than 3 or 4s for a pin, and wait about 30s between soldering each pin...

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Guest cjlargear

Well, I corrected the 8.2V Zener Diode's polarity and now Ican get a 13.7V between pins 12/31 & 1, but between pins 12/31 & 11/32 I get 3.6V or in times 4.6V. Also when trying to program the PIC18F452 (bootstrap loader) I always get a  Programming Failed at Code Access 000000h ! message again. Any help please?

???             :-[               :'(

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Hi cjlargear

The problems not new so keep trying and then you will crack it. ;)

I agree with JS check those transistors, the transistors I received looked the same as TK's pics but checking the datasheet I discovered the legs were in a different order.

Also I had a dodgy conection on the din socket.

But after what seemed an eternity the file was transfered ;D

So don't give up

Good luck


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Guest cjlargear

First of all, thanx all of you for your posts.I checked the Zener Diodes' polarities and corrected them.I started the hardware check process all over again and now I get these values:

MCLR     --> 14V

VCC       --> 4.7V instead of 5V

Clock     --> 2.2V instead of 5V (when clock is off it reads -2.5V ??? )

Data Out --> 2.6V instead of 5V

In Read All Mode between 12*31+11/32 I get 4.6V instead of 5V.

I also checked all the components by using the multimeter in Ohms mode and noticed that everything has a certain amount of resistance so I assume that the components are not burnt ???

I even tried to connect the pin 5 (GND) to the metal chassis with no results.

I still get the message Programming fialed at Code Access 000000h !

Sorry for this but I'm new into electronics.

Which datasheets do you mean Mark90, where can I find them?

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huuummm it maybe sound crazy but : check that the connection to serial are good (on the pcb ans the cable you use!), and check that's you've got 5.1V and 8.2V (or 8.7V depend on which zener you have) on the zener diode... maybe check that all other diode are int the right way...

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Guest cjlargear

I' ve built a new JDM and with the new one the same problems occur.I don't get VCC voltage when enabled, nor from the Data Out(the meter says 0V).Mayby I'll just give up after I try it on another PC (last hope ! ). Mayby I'm not able to built this correctly.(Not good on ironing mayby, who knows) ...

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Not having much luck are you  :-/

The datasheets i mentioned should be available from the supplier of the transistor. Like i mentioned earlier the legs sometimes are on a different order ie C-B-E

or E B C depending on the case.Try Google with the transistor markings

I had to use my works computer (WIN9x) to Burn my Pic

because i couldn't get mine to work (Win2000)

Another thing i did was to move the I/O delay in IC prog.

If all fails though post where your from, and maybe another member can burn your pic for you. ;)

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Have you:

1. installed the XP/W2k driver for icpog?

2. right click the icprog.exe and set it to  run in W2k mode?

3. Followed the instructions on the JDM page of the ucapps site to the T?

I'm using XP here and after having similar probs to urs when i first made the JDM module it now works perfectly everytime :)



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