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Why will velocity of played seq notes ignored for SIDV2?


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Since it isn't the first time you forgot to mention such important details, here a reminder:

   - when reporting an issue, always check it with the latest firmware (currently: RC17)

   - if you are not able to use the latest firmware for any reason, please mention this in your posting

   - please describe the effects you've noticed in a way, which makes it easy for somebody to reproduce the issue

If it's too difficult in english, just write in the german section, thats ok from my side.

Best Regards, Thorsten.


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Hi TK!

Sorry for posting it here. But I am not able to assamble the new FW RC17. Is there any hint about that ??

Tried the setups that come with the release but i get 269 errors when compiling it  ??? I also downloaded it a few times but without success.

Does anyone know this ??

ps. RC16 works fine for me  ;D

BG Brumsel

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the compile procedure has been simplified - we are not using MPASMWIN anymore, but GPASM

So, after you installed GPUTILS, just doubleclick on the "make.bat" file, that is part of the release package.

More infos:



README.txt of the release package

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I've upload last MBSIDV2 RC17 (setup 8580 and 6581 hex) yesterday and checked out.

Volume/Velocity will be ignored again. (i've checked up another synth device, there it works fine).

what i've forgotten to setup? What could be wrong?

Best Regards, Rio.

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You know, we have multiple sequencers, multiple engines, multiple possibilities to control the volume concurrently to velocity. Your question "what I've forgotten to setup" doesn't really make it easy for somebody to understand, what could be wrong ;)

Please read the RIOFAQMARKER again:

please describe the effects you've noticed in a way, which makes it easy for somebody to reproduce the issue

If you don't remember the details anymore, why not attaching the patch (in .syx format) to this posting, so that somebody could try it on his own hardware?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Totally simple:

i use a pattern in MBSEQ V3. If i play a sequence with different volume levels - MBSID2 doesn't take notice about that incoming volume information. If i use another syntheziser instead the MBSIDV2 -> it works... i've only upload your last setup_6851.hex and setup_8580.hex to my MBSIDV2 - nothing more.

The same issue happends, when i press a key on my roland keyboard with velocity-sensitive keys - the velocity will not noticed by MBSIDV2.

To get sure that the volume level control works correct on MBSIDV2 for the SIDs, i have tried to change the volume level in MBSIDV2 box manually for the current playing patch - that works very well.

My hardware is 4x Core_V2 and SID_V2 upgraded platines. Everything else works very well.

Did anyone else notice that problem?

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So, with "seq" you don't mean an internal sequencer (like WT, bassline or drum engine sequencer), but just an external MIDI device.  You haven't meantioned, how you've configured the velocity "knob" assignment - perhaps because you missed this?

See also this doc for the parameter table. Volume is Parameter #1 for all engines.

So, which parameter number is displayed in the Knobs menu, when K#V knob assignment is displayed? And what is the specified Min/Max range?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Ok, the K#V in Knobs menu shows me the current velocity value which is played. Min, Max is defined between 0 and 255 for that knob and correct shown.

So i'm sure that the velocity will recognized, but the signal output plays still in full volume level (incoming velocity parameters don't influence the signal out).

Greets Rio.

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You have to actually map velocity (K#V) to a parameter.

Mapping it to volume (i.e. the SID's volume register) isn't that great, as with a lower volume, the noise floor goes up. Don't ask me why. Mapping to "Sustain OSC#123" is a better option and works the same way for oscillator envelopes where A=0 and D=0.

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Right. It would not make sense to do this by default. Plus you can have more fun mapping velocity to other parameters or use "K#V" as a second modulation source in the mod matrix (i.e. add it to an envelope or LFO that's modulating filter cutoff).

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