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Ableton Live controler/audio mixer


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The easiest way to do what you need (assuming I have understood correctly) would be to set a variable to store the current selected bank, and using a switch or IF statements fire off different midi events depending on the bank selected.

Yes, that was only solution I would think of, and I`m capable doing, but wouldn`t bank switching took to long for comfortable usage?

If switching takes as much time as MBSID takes to switch between 2 presets it is not very good solution. I remember I was bit disappointed when I discovered cannot send patch change to SID along clips MIDI notes without a glitch from Live. Thorsten explained negative MIDI delay is solution but unfortunately Live don`t have that option. :-\ Maybe in some next version.

Live users would be very happy if Abletons decide Live finally have everything MIDI mappable.

Is it so hard to have something like MIDI mappable browser navigation and pre-listening tracks before loading into selected slot... To me it should be one of main features that serious DJ sofware needs to have. It is like DJ can play only the tracks from juke box without a freedom to decide freely what they will play next or they can load superbig project which makes no sense because of many reasons.

Abletons just need to look at other programs that DJ use for some MUST HAVE features. Anyway, I`ve gone offtopic. :P

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a MBLC with some extra MIDI features (see the dB live)

The dBLive is not a MBLC or variant, the code isn't even based on the MBLC code - I didn't even realise there was a C version of the MBLC till I was about 95% done with the software.

mm interesting, thanks for pointing this out (and sorry for misleading...)


.The protocol has to be initialized by the box and recognized in the host

I haven't found this to be true.

hold on hold on.. let s take Ableton so we have a common ground, in the MIDI preferences you have to activate the MackieControl interface for a given device, otherwise you won t be able to send MC events.

Please Luke can you explain how you can achieve this without enabling the MC protocol? do you mean that you can use the navigation buttons without the initialization of the protocol?

EDIT  (hot thread uh?):

ok ok when i say "the protocol has to be initialized" i mean that you need to activate the MackieConteol tab on the midi preferences, that s it

Thorsten explained negative MIDI delay is solution but unfortunately Live don`t have that option

everytrack can have its own delay, isnt  it that?

Is it so hard to have something like MIDI mappable browser navigation

isn t that mappable since the python script was introduced?

pre-listening tracks before loading into selected slot

that s possible isn t it? which version do you have sasha?

I`ve gone offtopic.

dunno if you are offtopic but i am interested


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hold on hold on.. let s take Ableton so we have a common ground, in the MIDI preferences you have to activate the MackieControl interface for a given device, otherwise you won t be able to send MC events.

That is what I said. If you chose Remote SL Live will think Remote SL is hocked onto MIDI interface. I don`t know where did you get that initialization from? There is no such a thing. There is no any kind of handshake between controller and Live. If you look around you will see people mapping their commercial controllers to send specific Mackie messages so they can navigate trough clips or such. It really have nothing to do with initialization.

Please Luke can you explain how you can achieve this without enabling the MC protocol? do you mean that you can use the navigation buttons without the initialization of the protocol?

I think you misunderstand him. He obviously have selected Mackie Control in Live`s Control Surface list, but he dont need to swear on his mothers life he is really using Mackie Controll. ;D We lied to Live, so what! If it thinks we are using Mackie, let it be, why you are complaining. ;D  ;)

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yup - sasha just saved me some typing :)

Yes, that was only solution I would think of, and I`m capable doing, but wouldn`t bank switching took to long for comfortable usage?

If switching takes as much time as MBSID takes to switch between 2 presets it is not very good solution.

No - it's lighting fast, I'm re-mapping some of my buttons to other midi events and notes and there is no noticable delay.

Unless you have a ton of other stuff executing all the time I can't think of any problems.

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No - it's lighting fast, I'm re-mapping some of my buttons to other midi events and notes and there is no noticable delay.

If so, you saved me too. Thanks. I`ll go that way.

It is really difficult to test every idea before deciding about design. Having all the wires, buttons, pots, pcbs all around isn`t fun at all. Especially as I have no dedicated workbench and I have to take it off the kitchen table when my lovely comes hungry back from work. I made short circuit because of lose wires before or brake some connection and lost alot of time to find that stupid problem.  :-\  So I really like to have controls mounted on a panel before configuring and testing it.

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ok i am going to quote myself cause i edited my previous post (seems like i am more messing around than helping out, bear with me):

EDIT  (hot thread uh?):

ok ok when i say "the protocol has to be initialized" i mean that you need to activate the MackieConteol tab on the midi preferences, that s it


Thorsten explained negative MIDI delay is solution but unfortunately Live don`t have that option

everytrack can have its own delay, isnt  it that?


Is it so hard to have something like MIDI mappable browser navigation

isn t that mappable since the python script was introduced?


pre-listening tracks before loading into selected slot

that s possible isn t it? which version do you have sasha?


I`ve gone offtopic.

dunno if you are offtopic but i am interested

at this point, dunno if you like it but as a completely provisional and unelegant slution you can use either midipipe or midiox to map your controls, that will give you the time to code while having a functional box


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Is it so hard to have something like MIDI mappable browser navigation

isn t that mappable since the python script was introduced?

I checked that pythos website after, I think David mentioned it, and seams that project is abandoned as no updates for a loong time. It didn`t catch me for some reason.

pre-listening tracks before loading into selected slot

that s possible isn t it?

I didn`t meant just pre-listening. It is too basic. I meant something bit more serious as Traktor player included in browser. When you like the track... you just send a command (MIDI) and it is loaded in the previously selected sloth. Simple as that. If they want to sell Live as a software for DJs and not a tool then It is a MUST. There are more things of course.

which version do you have sasha?

Live 5, 6 and 7

at this point, dunno if you like it but as a completely provisional and unelegant slution you can use either midipipe or midiox to map your controls, that will give you the time to code while having a functional box

I never liked Idea of third party software sits in between. Maybe I`m just paranoic about it. But if all that is running on Wintendo as TK calls it, it dont makes me feel safe from crush enough. :-\

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I built a master section + 1 channel and mounted them in cardboard when designing my box

I did that too once, but when I unscrew all the pots for mounting them onto real panel I ended with fishing net full of pots. I realized than only real solution is what guys from OCC on Discovery doing... Build a whole bike, disassemble it, did the painting, chroming and assemble it again. Alot of work I would like to avoid but that is the only right way to go.

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I never liked Idea of third party software sits in between. Maybe I`m just paranoic about it. But if all that is running on Wintendo as TK calls it, it dont makes me feel safe from crush enough. Undecided

i couldn t agree any better

I did that too once, but when I unscrew all the pots for mounting them onto real panel I ended with fishing net full of pots. I realized than only real solution is what guys from OCC on Discovery doing... Build a whole bike, disassemble it, did the painting, chroming and assemble it again. Alot of work I would like to avoid but that is the only right way to go.

your creations show that indeed

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  • 1 month later...

Here are some pictures from this weekend cutting session. As you can see this is sub-panel for my controller. Can`t say anything special about it except there will be at least 2 additional parts so I can have all the parts in same level. Pretty difficult job designing it as I don`t use CAD software for it so I have to visualize and errors are possible. :P


I never like the idea using mechanical encoders for transport jogs. Low resolution aside, I always felt it will break shortly. So, after I tested IR interrupt sensor (recycled from printer) hooked on DIN amd make sure it work well, I decided to make my own optical encoder. I recycled HDD spinner motor as it seamed very rigid and perfect for my need. What I hate about it is that not metric thread is used so I have to improvise to mount everything on the controller. I wanted to have one piece disk but at the end I was forced to make it different, and it will look very much like the one on Vestax VCI100 controller. I want be using those ugly screws and I need to cut steel circle to cover the HDD motor that you see in center. If it had smooth, flat surface I would leave it like it is. Oh.. resolution is 80 and I`m planing to make it adjustable with screw or something so it can spin freely or to be more stiff. ;)

img0934by0.th.jpg img0935nx2.th.jpg img0936ud4.th.jpg img0938bl4.th.jpg

This is probably my 4th illuminated construction, and hopefully the last one. I have good results in light spreading before but or it was too much work to assemble or too big...

This one is designed to use with small 6x6 buttons, it have enough space for LED and distance so good light spreading shouldn`t be a problem. On top I`m planing to glue the smaller engraved opal acrylic cap so whole construction can`t fell out of controller and I don`t need to glue it to the button anymore. ;)

I still didn`t made the top piece. I need to decide few more things about labeling.

img0942ii7.th.jpg img0941jw5.th.jpg

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Thank you Ultra. Encoders are irreplaceable for some things, but I prefer pots for most of controls. I`m really missing small sliders for sends here. I always wanted to have it. At least 2 per channel, but I couldn`t fit it all on the panel I had in my mind. I originally had touch pad too and also removed it because of the space.  :-\

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i suppose you haven't documented anywhere how this works yet?  as in, what the buttons are, how the shift buttons work, etc.  you're probably using live in a different way than i am, and i recognize a lot of the buttons, but i'm not sure what some of them are there for.

i'm not asking you to do this if you haven't, but eventually i'll get all the info out of you in bits and pieces anyway.

i decided to go with all encoders because i don't mind looking at the screen, and i really want to keep mine fairly basic, hence the touchpad mouse so i can get at things not on the CS.  i figure i'll have some code that changes live to show the track when i move an encoder so i can see what the value is.  not to hijack your thread or anything, i'll create my own one of these days :).

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I`ll wright a details one I finished it. I didn`t tested my concept but as the code isn`t custom everything is already there. Lower 2 rows of buttons are multifunction and they are changed with group buttons at most right. Nothing special about it but should be easy and quick to handle. This is done according to my perception so it might not fit everybody even I think it is pretty logical. If there are something you would like to know just ask.  ;)

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ok sasha, you asked for it. :)

what is SEL?  just to show the track is active?

Yes, but this dont exist now. I changed the design a little more.

what is AUX?

It is multipurpose encoder... for system functions, for MIDI audio mixer...

why 3 sends?  i only see A and B per track in live.

Live shows only 2 sends visible, but you can add as many as you like. 2 sends would be really insufficient in any program, don`t you think?

Are you Live user?

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yeah i use live but i haven't done as much with routing audio out thru a send to a compressor and back, etc.  i would mostly make loops in reaktor and put them together in live and i didn't go much further than that.  i see how to add more sends now.

i've been trying to find some of the functions you're using in live.  i can't figure out how to assign session and arrangement view to midi, and left/right for the navigation buttons.  also the fast forward and rewind buttons on the transport.

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