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Big ponoko order arrived


For MBSeq + BLM16x16 + my own mixer section with encoders, motorfaders and buttons. It's a continuous wide panel to ease fitting PCBs inside, and as it will sit as a single unit on top level of my 2-tiered keyboard stand.:sorcerer:

From the album:

findbuddha's midibox adventures

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Thanks all for your support! It is a bit intimidating - not sure where to begin now :frantics: Still waiting for some screws to arrive.

Hawkeye, I have designed a BLM PCB. I haven't had the big one manufactured yet, but I've got the small one (seen on bottom right of panel). This will be my test to see if it is working properly.

I intend to share all my design files once the project is 'complete enough' and I've found any errors, but anyone who wants a look at a specific part before then is welcome. Just send a PM.

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"Life equals to suffering."

Avijjâ paccayâ sankhârâ - Ignorance conditions kamma formations.

Sankhârâ paccayâ viññanam - Kamma formations condition consciousness.

Viññanam paccayâ nâmarûpam - Consciousness conditions mind-matter.

Nâmarûpa paccayâ salâyantanam - Mind-matter conditions six-sense bases.

Salâyantana paccayâ phasso - Six-sense bases condition contacts.

Phassa paccayâ vedanâ - Contacts condition feelings.

Vedanâ paccayâ tanhâ - Feelings condition craving.

Tanhâ paccayâ upâdânam - Craving conditions clinging.

Upâdâna paccayâ bhavo - Clinging conditions becoming (or action).

Bhava paccayâ jâti - Becoming conditions birth.

Jâti paccayâ jaramaranam soka parideva sukkha domanassu-pâyâsâ sambhavanti

Evametassa kevalassa dukkha-khandassa samudayo hoti - Birth conditions old age, death, grief, lamentation, pain, depression and despair.

Thus the entire mass of suffering arises.

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