Well, the 16f88 is supported by the PICkit 2 and you should be able to program one directly on a breadboard. The biggest problem is if you load a Hex that sets the MCLR to a GPIO or uses timers (that use RB6 or 7), so once the code boots you can't enter PRG mode to verify or erase.
I would advise against trying to 'force feed' Vpp to the chip as you can't control the timing needed and likely kill the chip.
With a fresh chip you should be able to connect the PICkit 2 header, as above without external 13.1V or Vdd, and the PICkit 2 will supply Vdd and Vpp to the chip. If your USB port can't supply the needed current for the PICkit try using a powered hub.
This is a very basic breadboard setup (pretty much what I use with the ICD2) :