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Everything posted by niklasni1

  1. Excellent news! I'm not sure how much it'd interfere with existing MIDIBox stuff, but I really think you should consider using the dedicated SD controller. It is a *lot* faster.
  2. I don't think paralel connections are a problem at these frequencies, except of course it's more solderpoints to fork up :) 2 modules would be very nice.
  3. That is impressive! Excellent work!
  4. I know. It looks like it woulod be a suitable basis, though. I couldn't get it to talk to my SD card reader when running on the Discovery board (though other apps saw the card fine), but I haven't looked at it for a while.
  5. It's been feasible for a while -- just need someone to build it :)
  6. I use the ARM toolchain from Arch Linux's user repository (currently GCC 4.8.1). I can do testing of compiles but I don't have a free MBHP_Core or other hardware. I've got a Discovery board though, obviously. In (somewhat) related news, me and a friend succesfully read from an SD card on his home-made STM32F4-based board. In 4bit mode with DMA we got just under 10MByte per second...
  7. TK - I seem to have successfully compiled with support for hardware floating point. In include/makefile/common.mk, I changed the STM32F4xx CFLAGS (line 59) to: CFLAGS += -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -mlittle-endian -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fomit-frame-pointer I haven't built anything that successfully uses this yet (bitten off more than I can chew for my first project :smile:), but I've tried a few of the examples with this change and it seems to work.
  8. If you have the schematics for the Saturn the hardware side is probably within grasp. I think this chip is too rare for it to make sense... and pulling those LQFP chips without proper desoldering gear is not going to be fun. At the end of the day, though, I think you'd spend as much time implementing the software to control this thing reliably as you would implementing comparable functionality in an FPGA or software. Wavetable-based FM isn't exactly rocket science.
  9. Does enough info exist for working with a pull? I don't see a pin out in the manual, and it's a proprietary chip...
  10. Is it done yet? :smile: Like said, I don't mind debuggering, and I'm handing in my MA thesis on monday so I have a few weeks/months/lifetimes of free time to look forward to. Gotcher. This is exactly what I had in mind :smile:
  11. Sweet! I have the components needed for PIC-core and OPL3 module, just need the PCBs, but I'd really rather use a MIOS32 core where I know how to work with the sauce. Any ETA on this? How functional is it? I'd be happy to help you test and polish the code.
  12. I just flashed the .bin that TK posted using the st-flash utility from the stlink package, and then uploaded the firmware with MIOS studio as normal. This is all on Linux. I don't use any IDEs so I don't know how it's done, but with st-flash it's just $ st-flash write project.bin 0x08000000 (where 0x08000000 is the memory offset where the internal flash starts, as per the STM32F4 datasheet) After that, I reboot the board and it shows up as a MIDI device (make sure you connect both USB ports to your computer).
  13. No, this is not necessary for the Discovery board.
  14. This is weird: The SD card sampler player app isn't seeing the SD card at all, whilst it works fine with the sequencer app. Is there a definition that's missing somewhere in the application code for use with the Discovery board?
  15. Cool project. I want this too. BTW, Where did you get those green on black displays?
  16. The Discovery board can run the sequencer app so it should be able to run the MIDI interface example. Just get the latest MIDIBox sources, make sure to set: MIOS32_FAMILY=STM32F4xx MIOS32_PROCESSOR=STM32F407VG MIOS32_BOARD=STM32F4DISCOVERY and compile as normal.
  17. Right. Having gotten my two brain cells to cooperate :) I looked at the SD card module schematic and figured it out. For anyone wanting to try it, this is the pin out for the Discovery board: PA4 - CS PA5 - SCLK PA6 - MISO PA7 - MOSI
  18. Hey. I tested the synth tutorial and it works perfect out of the box. So already we have a nice prototyping tool for making MIOS synths :) I'm having trouble attaching an SD card (1GB, Fat16 formatted), but I'm not sure exactly where the fault is. I'm connecting the card reader's DI to PA7, CLK to PA5, DO to PA6 and it's not seeing the card. The reader also has a ^CS pin, but I'm not sure where that should go. I've tried pulling it both high and low, and also swapping the DI/DO pins just to check. This is with seqv4 app, latest SVN revision. [133411.656] sdcard [133411.658] SD Card Informations [133411.658] ==================== [133411.658] ERROR: Reading CID failed with status -256! [133411.658] ERROR: Reading CSD failed with status -256! [133411.658] [133411.658] Reading Root Directory [133411.658] ====================== [133411.658] SD Card: not connected [133411.659] Failed to open root directory - error status: 12
  19. OPL3 controlled from MIOS32? I'd love to see that code :) :question: :sleep: :santa: :nuke: :queen:
  20. Great news, TK. I've got one of these boards already, wilil be trying this out. I think the reason for the missing functionality is that all the STM32F4 have the same peripherals, but they come in packages from 64 up to 176 pins... Like said, the static memory controller is present on the 100 pin version on the Discovery board, but it exposes less than half of the address pins (and not a sequential section of them, either -- pin 0 and 12-22 or something) so it's next to useless. I'm guessing they designed the largest one first and took stuff out. Oh well. Still a lot of stuff for the price.
  21. I noticed that a port to the STM32F4 Discovery has shown up in the MIOS sources. What is the status of the port? Is a new Core board planned? The STM32F4 parts have a few features that the LPC1769 doesn't, mainly a proper SD card controller that can use 1 or 4 bit modes instead of SPI, should be a lot faster; and an external memory controller for SRAM or additional Flash. Unfortunately the 100 pin part on the Discovery board doesn't expose all the pins needed to properly interface with external memories, but for synth/sampler-types of instruments the prospects of a MIOS with access to megabytes of fast storage is quite exciting I think :smile: The Discovery board does have the nice feature of an integrated audio quality stereo DAC, which I'd hope to see supported.
  22. Ah, yes, I see now the firmware's in PIC assembly. Looks like an easy build, though. Will get cracking.
  23. Hey. Can I control a MBHP_OPL3 module from the Core_LPC17, or do I have to build the PIC-based core?
  24. Is the SD card the sole factor in limiting the number of voices? how much processing power is left over? I'd like to see this grow into a more featureful sampler: envelopes, LFOs, CV control of analogue filters...
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