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k-rAd MB6401

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Everything posted by k-rAd MB6401

  1. Also will the AOUT PCB be comming back? Or do we have to go with the AOUT_NG? Nevermind that. Found the aout at mikes midi shop.
  2. Waiting for seq v4 pcb to show up on smash tv again..... any word?
  3. Also looking to build a SEQ v4! Can i still get a wilba pcb or didi miss the boat?
  4. im sure you are right. i was just being extra careful. and i saw diodes used in the uln2003.
  5. made a transistor breakout board with a 2n6290 transistor a flyback diode for the solenoid and a flyback on the trransistor.
  6. wow i could have used that a long time ago. just figuring out the encoder thing now and i built my box more than 6 years ago. ;) I'm going to have to modify it a bit and add that one encoder for up and down scene selection in ableton.
  7. I'm using it to trigger a relay for solenoid fun. I'm waiting for some transistor to see if i can get those to work in place of the relays. Also testing encoders to add to my old box. I need and encoder for selecting scenes in ableton. Previous build. here's a video of the solenoid in action have fun! K-rAd http://www.padk-rad.com
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