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Posts posted by Zam

  1. Salut Bruno !

    Yes you'r right, that also my conclusion since I post this

    But I personally don't like the idea to swap the MCU

    I will probably go for the CHD solution


    Hooked at a midibox core (via J11) to have USB midi and 16 ch Ain/Aout (J19) to read/write analog pot and automate all parameters :rolleyes:

    If only I have time and code skill, I'll design a full midibox HW and SW solution for Juno60 retrofit...




  2. Hello

    EUCON is proprietary and AVID (who buy it from Euphonix) don't let anyone manufacturing compatible HW controller.

    Even industry big name that offer digitally controlled desk with at least five 0 on the bill can't implement eucon...

    IIRC the only access is for soft dev that want to implement the protocol for they app, DAW or plugins (to be controlled by HW)

    I suppose you need a confirmed company to have access to SDK, and sign restrictive NDA.

    So my suggestion is... forget it :decayed:





  3. Hello

    I'm here :cheers:

    I use direct midi uart coupling between core at 10x speed, not optocoupler.

    For this you need:

    Same PSU for all core (my 3 core are in a 3U rack)

    Short wire between core J11 connectors

    Routing configuration at "master" core where midi i/o (to/from slave) go to USB midi 2 to 4


    My protocol emulation is MCU


    Now for your specific configuration, If cubase only allow 1 HUI device to be configured, I suspect all your controllers will be mirrored, whatever chaining/connection between controllers you use...

    Are you sure you can't use MCU protocol which usually allow 4 units (1master+3 extanders) to be configured in most DAW





    ps @Antichambre any news about MCAN ?

  4. Hello


    1 hour ago, u-link said:

    The data sheet i found for the newer version of this fader says "stall current" is 0.54A. I guess "stall" means "not moving", and that seems like a lot of current for doing nothing

    "Stall current" is the current consumption  when the motor is "lock", meaning want to move but can't, like mechanical stop end when you still ask him to move further. In short this is the max current the motor can ask.

    To move (without constraints) the motor should ask less that that...

    Your issue is somewhere else



  5. Hello

    We can't call a resistor a decoupling device but you use " so it's ok.

    In this case I think it's a small voltage drop to ensure Vref stay below VDD, to avoid error at full scale, as I nether won't call 10ohm resistor a current limiting for Vref input with half an amp at 5V...

    If you use separate regulation you don't need this resistor.



  6. 1 hour ago, tago said:

    Just to be sure. Vref is also used on the analog inputs J6 (AINSER8) instead of Vd (5V), right? If i connect pots to J6 they will provide max 4.096V (Vref) to the analog ins.

    Edit: i wonder why the external psu on AINSER64 is only connected to Vref of the ADC, but not to J6-13.


    Vref is your ref analog voltage, you need to provide the pot with the same voltage.

    Vref is the 100% value for analog inputs whatever voltage you feed.


    Please check again the AINSER64, Vref connect to ADC as J6 to 13 for pots (and 4051 multiplexed analog switches)




  7. Hello Tago

    Yes J5 ports are available at .NGC, as analogue input, EVENT_AIN

    with "ain_mode=switch" flag you can hook a button on it

    You have to enable the input pins with:

    # AIN hardware
    AIN enable_mask=110000
    will enable the J5A.A0 and J5A.A1 inputs. 

    To connect LED I suppose you have to go deeper in mios32.

    If you use toggle switch (and not tact switch) you can solve this with a dual pole version, one for the AIN and one for a LED directly powered by the switch.



  8. 12 hours ago, tago said:

    Yeah, i couldn't figure out the needed input voltage either.

    The whole datasheet define it more or less like a zener, so I suppose there is no voltage drop, but a "voltage limiter" behaviour.

    Just my guess, but you better try a 4.1 version (4.096V) because if your 5VDD go down below 5V for any reason, your "precision zener" at 5.000V will follow. With the 4.1V version you have 20% margin before issue at analoge Vref.




  9. 1 hour ago, FantomXR said:

    Well... at least for me it solved all problems :-) 

    I mean 1mV per bit or 1.25mV per bit (according to different Vref, 4 or 5V) won't change that much if you have a regulator that clean the supply below or around mV noise/ripple, you'll still have jitter at 12bit but clean at 11bit or lower, which is way better than jittery 7bit for the OP !



  10. Hello

    21 hours ago, tago said:

    The MCP1541 datasheets says 4V output. Is really enough for Vref? What effect has a 1V drop for the A/D converter? Does it mean -20% resolution?

    No, you still have 100% res , but steps is lower, 4v is more or less 1mV per bit at 12bit (4096 steps) wile 5V it's about 1.25mV

    in fact the MCP1541 is designed to produce 1mV/bit resolution at 12bit ! (data say 4096mv Vout)

    This won't change that much for ripple, noise and jitter from external interferences.

    22 hours ago, tago said:

    Do have to branch the USB power before it goes into the core or can use the 5V of J19 as input voltage for the MCP1541?

    Use the digital 5V close to the MCP3208 (coming from J19) and don't forget to use the same Vref for your pots or faders, be careful about load as this regulators don't offer that much mA at output (don't drive anything but ADC and pots)


    Have a look at MCP3208 datasheet page 19 for design notes and coupling with the precision regulator



  11. Hello

    Dedicated regulator for AINSER8 Vref help a lot...

    Unfortunately it will be difficult to regulate 5V from a 5V USB power (usual voltage drop at regulator)

    With the proper design it's possible to run the AINSER8 at 11bit without jitter and 12bit low jitter.

    As already mentioned, 0V path is also a key to achieve this result.



  12. Hello

    Seems ok but exit command ?

    So none of your CC get out at start-up? is the debug message say something like some invalid at ngr?

    To what device are you sending that ?

    Can you try to route these CC to USB port and monitor incoming data at your computer (eg: midi monitor for OSX)



  13. 55 minutes ago, goyousalukis said:

    To me, it seems strange for Moog to provide a CV input with out some sort of gate

    as I say, it's a OSC modulator, not a note CV, you have to think it as a "pitchbend"

    maybe that's why you encounter strange behaviour, if KB trig and/or sample & hold circuit keep some voltage at IC9/Q2 output, then your ext CV at R13 is just adding/subtracting to sum amp what's coming from R48...

    I suspect you should "reset" KB trig in the mean time you gate from external if you want to use J1-4 to "play" a note



  14. Find the connector end, redundant to the external filter jack !!!

    For the math, I see that we have a 1 octave sw that send 9V to sum amp via 450K (442+20K trim, I suspect 450K nominal calibration setting) I deduce that 1 octave is 20uA for the summing amp... after that it's all ohm law again...



  15. OK...

    I think that you maybe do this the wrong way. (I just find the whole service manual for the satelite)

    Let try this:

    First, measure Q2 emitter voltage (junction Q2E/R48/R51) for lower key press, and higher key press, you'll have the KB voltage range that feed the summing amp...

    I suspect you won't have a +/-4.5V range here... this will define the requested range at R13/A22 junction for the same behaviour at summing amp as summing resistors have same value (R13 and R48)

    Only when we know that we can go further... (and maybe just change R13...)


    I guess you won't have any correct result whatever CV system you use if we don't clear this.




    side note 1, as this "accessory socket" is offered with +/-9V(J1-1 and J1-3) for the external pot biasing or whatever you use to initially modulate at A22, I guess that's the limit you can feed to the summing amp (whatever the scale VS octave is)

    side note 2, I don't find J2-3 (coming from J1-5) which might be for trig ???



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