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Everything posted by ChinMuzik

  1. I had a small panel fabbed for the CORE, SID and DIN/OUT modules with the available layouts in the wiki. The fab house printed these as two layer boards but the drill outs show the vias for the bridges. Stupid question, the soldering guide instructs to solder the bridges.. but do these still need to be populated if it's already a 2 layer board?
  2. The unit is fully assembled. All LEDs and encoders functional but several buttons do not respond (SID2 and SID4, a few if the mod matrix buttons) ... Not sure where the fault is but I just don't have the time to throw at it anymore. Already flashed the MIOS app to the cores and audio outs all tested fine. FPE designed panels w/perspex LCD window (standard layout) and PT-10 case. Can include up to 6 fully tested 8580 SID's. PM if you want to work out a deal.
  3. You laid out the modules with SMD components? I've been thinking of trying my hand out at laying out a few in kiCAD..for education. I'd really like to do an SMD layout for a 2x stereo SID build I want to make with a full CS sans Mod Matrix..so it should be pretty easy to pull off a nice compact layout and cs. I have a reflow oven here collecting dust. FWIW - I believe you can create any component for the library in kicad too
  4. Sry for the necrobump...don't want to make a new thread for a very specific question... From the ponoko site, it says The acrylics are cut with protective paper on, and all areas with heavy raster/vector engraving are ready to be painted. I assume ponoko have since began engraving with the backing paper on? So that the engraving can basically just be spray painted?
  5. Alternatively, could I use a standard c64 tracker and then punch the values in the wavetable sequencer in MIOS?
  6. Well..I don't think anybody needs 24 voices. That's ridiculous. I was wondering if it was possible. Reading through the manual, I concluded that setting 4 instances of the same Multi Engine patch across the 4 engines was the only way... I thought I remembered setting keyranges per midi channel was possible in MIOS though...this way it could be set as an ensemble any time you wanted a 24 voice instance (which would be cool)... Appears I was wrong...a hardware/software solution to this would probably be clunky and counterintuitive anyway.
  7. Yea I had a major "d'oh" moment...just run the output to a single channel in the mixer lol. I'm guessing the best option for playing a single patch with max voices is the Superpoly mode? I am probably wrong here...but wouldn't this allow 12 voices and the parameters would affect all the voices globally?
  8. Ok so I noticed that in a single core I can achieve 6 note polyphony. One if the patches (poly saw) that uses the multu-engine demonstrates this. BUT... I noticed that the first 3 voices will play in the left channel and the last 3 will play in the right. Is panning of voices limited to ONLY hard L/R? Is it possible to play all 6 voices from a stereo pair (or all 24 from 4x stereo pair) in mono?
  9. Ok thanks for the help. So any 15vdc 1.5a or more adapter will work fine? switching or linear?
  10. Right I get that but as far as space on the pcb for mounting both a 5v and a 9v recom.....im guessing one would need to be mounted on the underside?
  11. I'm confused... How (or where) could/would both a 9v and 5v recom be installed for a mixed SID setup?
  12. Wow..that enclosure is massive. What are the dimensions? Looks like you're going to have a lot of empty real estate on the front panel after laying out the control surface. This kind of dashes my dreams of fitting 8 SID in a reasonable enclosure. I might opt for a 4x mono SID build. I am glad you pointed out the difference in the applications now. I have a mixed SID config in an mb6582 I am building and I cloned all the slaves from the master core. Need to go back over that now.
  13. BTW..make sure to upload pics of the finished MB SID! I was curious what space limitations, regarding an eclosure, could be pushed with stuffing 8 SID via the modular approach (as opposed to something like the MB-6582.
  14. Hawkeye, thank you. I'm *think* I'm making a bit of progress here. As far as the background noise is concerned I checked the "known issues" and TK noted. I assumed the audio in is the jumper for the feedback pots..so after connecting the pots..the background noise went away only if the pots were turned to 0. With the pots set to 0 some of the patches sound thin and turning even slightly reintroduces a fair amount of the noise. Also, the amplitude between each patch is all over the place (some quiet, some distorted at unity gain) Are these inherent issues with the SID and/or design?
  15. As far as my understanding....MIOS is the OS for the cores, which control the SID modules...there is no difference when stuffing a 6581/8580, only the voltage that needs to be supplied and the capacitor value (470pf for 6581 and 22nf for 8580/6582)
  16. I really appreciate the efforts of the FPGA SID devs. I think that providing a critical components in keeping the legacy boxes running is commendable (even though the VIC II and PLA are still looming issues).....however....I have a psychological bug that will just not allow me to forget it is not a real SID...no matter how insignificant the differences may be.
  17. ^^^ so this doesn't edit wavetables? So the only way to program wavetable sequences is through the MIOS menu? Is there any non-Hex windows based application that can edit sequences? I hate to say it..but Mode Machines had a really nice way to do it.
  18. Thanks Latigid.. That's actually what I was inquiring about. How the transistors are implemented in addition to the standard sinking in the matrix design (so that I have more flexibility with LED choice). I am now thinking it may it easier for my level of skill to just use 20mA max LED's
  19. So I've been contemplating building a non-MB6582 midibox with 8 SIDS....but one thing I haven't found is how the current sinking is implemented for the LED's. I see it referenced in the wiki but does anybody have a detailed explanation how they've done it?
  20. I have an extra switch. I'm in the US. just pay the shipping. I'll cut it out from my spare boards. You'll have to desolder it yourself though. PM me if you want.
  21. I've emailed him a month ago. two weeks ago. I've never gotten a response from him. Waiting a month is no issue at all, just wish for a little better communication.
  22. I'm almost at the point of giving up lol. One more ?...if it was a ground loop would it cause the LED matrix to light up strangely like such?
  23. Did these ship yet?I ordered a month ago as soon as they were available. sent several messages.
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