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Posts posted by TK.

  1. V4.093 has been released

    From the ChangeLog:

    MIDIboxSEQ V4.093
       o new parameter type "Chord3" provides an alternative set of 108 chords.
         Thanks to EsotericLabs for providing the chord table!
       o notes in edit screen are displayed transposed now
       o drum tracks: random probability layer now working as intended
       o layers are now initialized for 6 notes polyphony by default (8 layers, 128 steps)
       o optionally pattern changes don't re-send the PC/bank settings.
         This option can be configured in the UTILITY->Options menu (item #4/18)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  2. On 22.9.2017 at 3:51 PM, eptheca said:

    I have a BLM 16x4 connected to my SEQ V4.

    Would it be possible that on Drum tracks each drum instrument had its own track showing and that it was possible to jump to the next 4+4+4 instruments with the up&down buttons for example. I think this would be great for editing the drums.

    It's very difficult for me to check this (because I haven't used the BLM16x4 since more than 7 years), but I assume that the appr. tracks should be visible when you select a trigger layer within this quarter?

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  3. Update: I got one of the last 2 prototypes from Andi so that I can test the device before the next batch run. :)


    Target is to test all functions, and to prepare direct shift register based access, so that the module could be directly connected to a MIOS8 or MIOS32 core w/o MBHP_SID module :)

    The sound is *very* close to the original.
    I will provide a A/B comparison soon.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  4. The MBHP_CORE_LPC17 design is pretty much outdated, I would recommend to use a MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 instead.

    It shouldn't be so difficult to connect a MBHP_DIO_MATRIX module to the pins which belong to J8/J9 even without the line driver, but if you are not an electronic expert, it's safer to use a PCB - both (MBHP_DIO_MATRIX and MBHP_CORE_STM32F4) are available in John's shop: https://modularaddict.com/manufacturer/midibox

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  5. Hi,

    yes, MIDIbox KB is the most simple project for this purpose.

    Note that it supports two keyboards. For 88 keys just use the first 64 keys as keyboard #1, and the remaining keys as keyboard #2 transposed by 64 semitones.

    You will need two MBHP_DIO_MATRIX modules

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  6. Quote

    In JAM mode I can record CC in as long as the layers are "free"

    And you can overdub the recordings.
    The initial recording will just define the CC number if it was set to "off" before.


    Is it a better way to do this?

    You could change the CC number to >127 until it shows "off"

    But if you mean the values: I just press the "ALL" button and change the value to >127, so that it shows "---"
    Intuitive and sufficient (easy to remember, no special key combination or hidden menu option, no need to introduce protections, etc)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  7. It isn't required to change the MIOS32_USB_PRODUCT_STR

    Just change the name with the bootloader as documented here: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32_bootstrap_newbies.html
    Search for "set name"
    Once defined, the customized name will be taken instead of the default name defined with MIOS32_USB_PRODUCT_STR

    It isn't possible to give each port an individual name, the USB MIDI spec doesn't define this as a use case, hence USB MIDI drivers won't support this.
    In addition, I never saw a commercial device which uses these standard drivers and supports this.

    However, under MacOS it's possible to change the port names in the MIDI Configuration, and most MIDI applications (incl. MIOS Studio) support this.
    Maybe Windows provides similar mechanisms?

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  8. Yes, this isn't the first time the licenses are discussed...


    I've to step out now for the next days, because my vacation is over and I've to set priority for more important stuff.


    Unfortunately instead of spending my limited time to help people, to implement nice new features and/or bugfixes, my attention was too much on this thread.


    I'm not really happy about this - please understand, that I don't have enough time anymore for this forum to discuss with everybody sufficiently enough.


    And please don't see this as arrogant behaviour - it's just too difficult to manage under the given conditions.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  9. 1 hour ago, julianf said:

    Members of this group are about to be asked to "risk" money on an untested pcb, when a confirmed good copy of the same exists, and has existed, for years.

    I find this very confusing, given my (possibly inaccurate) assumptions as to the community benefit nature of the project.

    I can fully understand this, and this will be discussed (I'm also not happy with this situation)

    But please give us the time - PM or forum postings won't help to come to a conclusion.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  10. Hi,

    2 hours ago, the86things said:

    My first question is, how can I chain 2 MF module and use only one midi interface? Do you need to change the id of one of the module, if yes, I did not find the way to do it! 

    yes, it makes sense to change the ID of the module.
    This can be done with the "change_id" application which can be downloaded from http://www.ucapps.de/mios_download.html

    Thereafter use the MBHP_MF_NG configuration tool in MIOS Studio to configure the MIDI merger. The first core in the chain has to be assigned to "MIDIbox Link Forwarding Point", and the second one to "MIDIbox Link Endpoint".

    Once this has been done, you can chain the cores and address them individually by using the different device IDs.

    2 hours ago, the86things said:

    econd question is. I'm bit struggling with the touch function. It seems like the touch sends midi on/off note that are one octave too low... First note on fist fader is G#6, it should be G#7 (in Mackie Control mode)

    According to the Logic Control documentation, 0x68..0x6f has to be sent, and this is what the application is doing.
    MIOS Studio shows G#6, but some other MIDI monitors (or specs) might display G#7 for this number (it depends from which number the octaves are counted.

    However, here a modified firmware which increments +12 to the number, but I guess that it won't help at your side: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_mf_ng_v1_005_modified_ts.zip

    2 hours ago, the86things said:

    ast question, how the TouchSensor Sensivity parameter work? Is there a way to make it more reliable? (Hardware side, I have some fader that are working fine, and on of them that are triggering more than one fader) 

    The core generates a pulse which charges the sensor. Than longer the pulse, then higher the sensitivity. Use the "touchsensor sensitivity" option in the MBHP_MF_NG application to adjust the value. 3 is usually a good choice, try 2 to decrease the sensitivity, maybe this helps. 

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  11. 2 hours ago, julianf said:

    The midibox code is open source, right?

    I assumed the hardware was also?  Ie if i realise that there is an error in the mb6582 panel file, I'm not to just keep this to myself, but to publicise it, so as the rest of the community benefits, right?  Indeed, i thought i was obliged to to this?

    It depends under which license terms the hardware is released. The creator of the MB6582 panel layout preferred not to publish the file.
    But if you find an error, I'm sure that we find ways to fix it for the community.
    Does this handling cause a problem at your side?

    1 hour ago, mongrol said:

    The code source is open for personal use only. It's not "Open Source" in the normally understood terms, in that you can modify and redistribute it. It's a shame really, I'd love to hack on it but I can't redistribute a modified version so I'm not going to bother putting the effort in. No idea about hardware licensing, I have a bad enough time with software. :)

    I feel personally attacked when you write that the way how I release my work is "a shame".
    You misinterpreted the "licensed for personal non-commercial use only, all other rights reserved" term. There are even ways to use my code for commercial products with my permission, see also http://midibox.org/forums/topic/5359-rules/

    Same question: does this cause a personal problem at your side?

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  12. We continue via PM (and a HQ meeting in 3 weeks :)
    And we will communicate a more plausible explanation about the future handling in a separate thread once this has been sorted out.

    Just to make it clear again: there is nothing wrong with this bulk order, and I really hope that it will happen!

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  13. What exactly is non-transparent here?

    Initially Lisa wanted to buy the frontpanel PCB from SmashTV. She had already many parts (such as the expensive Heidenreich case) and was waiting for appr. 1 year to get it re-stocked. She asked SmashTV multiple times on the progress, but without luck. Under frustration she developed a (I find: pretty cool!) method to reconstruct the layout. She asked Wilba (the creator of the layout) and me (the architect of the circuit) for permission, and got it for the small batch run. If it turns out to be a mature design, it would be ok for me to publish the layout.

    From my point of view, this is the natural result if PCBs are not stocked anymore, people already invested into hardware, waiting until they can buy the final part from the official source, and don't get updates on the status for an extremely long time.

    It's on SmashTV to give a statement on the situation from his point of view. This thread exists since more than 3 months, but we haven't got it yet.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  14. If we've the same understanding, we can stop the discussion now.

    Looking forward for the boards! :)

    To interested builders: please keep in mind that LatigidOn is working on a new front panel with some improvements:

     Wilba's design is interesting for people who already prepared this variant, or don't want to wait until the new one is ready (can still take some weeks/months).

    Best Regards, Thorsten. 


  15. I tried to contact Wilba multiple times since several years and never got a response.
    Lisa tried to contact SmashTV multiple times - also no response.

    I assume that Lisas clone will work, it just needs a prove before it will be provided as open source.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  16. 6 hours ago, lacuna said:

    - The arpeggiator would not be limited to 4 notes only. 
     I want to play whole lines with the arp. I'd like to play a whole scale. At least with the  *+- steps in the arp

    Unfortunately can't be changed due to conceptional reasons


    - BUG: in the arpeggiator, while playing a *+- step and I delete that step, a note is stuck and will never stop.

    will check this


    - The option to play the notes in the order I play them (and not in reversed order, as it does now with sort=off)

    Ensure that you are using the latest version. Then set Note to "First" in the Track Mode page


    - The arpeggiator could optionally restart asynchronous, i.e. retrigger immediately, when hitting the notes on the keyboard, not waiting for the next step in the beat.

    not possible due to conceptional reasons.


    - There would be more performance tricks as in the BPM menue with the "fire preset function" like:
      Selecting loops by holding a start and stop-step button (as already thought for BLM)
      Being able to shift notes without hearing the scrolling (holding a button while scrolling, leaving the button and you hear it) & the same for other edits

    added to the wish list


    - Being able to set the probability to other than 50/50.
      & maybe being able to "connect" steps in their probability (chance of a whole line)

    you can assign one track layer to probability and then adjust it for each step (or change the value for all steps at once by pressing the ALL button)


    - Import / export of patterns from and to Midi-files (is this only possible for songs? Is there a workaround?)

    In the MIDI file import/export page you can also select dedicated tracks


    - Echo FX: Maybe being able to send echoes to other ports & channels. For echoes of monosynths & as an additional tool for creating complex structures.

    You can use the Duplicate Fx for this purpose

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

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