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Everything posted by TK.

  1. Did you assign note events to the pots via MIDI-Learn? Because normaly Controllers are sent Best Regards, Thorsten.
  2. Did you assign note events to the pots via MIDI-Learn? Because normaly Controllers are sent Best Regards, Thorsten.
  3. TK.

    Keypad 0-9?

    Hi Albert, do you have a schematic or datasheet of this keypad? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  4. Hi Dan, great to hear that your idea works!!! :) Hi Chriss, I wrote that you found the solution and thought that it was clear that the pinning has to be changed for STEC16B... however, in the meantime I tried the encoders directly with MIOS: no changes are necessary, the waveforms are not inverted like assumed (instead one channel of my scope was inverted...) - everything is fine! :) In order to avoid additional confusion here some final infos: Under http://www.rs-components.de a datasheet for STEC16B can be found where the terminals are shown in following order: C A B --- this is different from my documentation, where I wrote "A C B" (thats the common pinning for ALPS encoders) Link to the modified schematic: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_dinx4_16enc_alps_stec16b03.pdf Some more words to the supported encoder modes (or types): MIOS (and MIDIbox16E) allows to use the rotary encoders with double resolution. But this feature only works with non-detented encoders, the detented ones would increment two or four times with every "click". This has to be taken into account when configuring the hardware settings in mios_tables.inc: ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; In this table DIN pins have to be assigned to rotary encoders for the ;; MIOS_ENC driver ;; ;; up to 64 entries are provided ;; ;; The table must be terminated with an ENC_EOT entry. Unused entries should ;; be filled with ENC_EOT ;; ;; ENC_ENTRY provides following parameters ;; o first parameter: number of shift register - 1, 2, 3, ... 16 ;; o second parameter: number of pin; since two pins are necessary ;; for each encoder, an even number is expected: 0, 2, 4 or 6 ;; o the third parameter contains the encoder mode: ;; either MIOS_ENC_MODE_NON_DETENTED ;; or MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED ;; or MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED2 ;; ;; Configuration Examples: ;; ENC_ENTRY 1, 0, MIOS_ENC_MODE_NON_DETENTED ; non-detented encoder at pin 0 and 1 of SR 1 ;; ENC_ENTRY 1, 2, MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED ; detented encoder at pin 2 and 3 of SR 1 ;; ENC_ENTRY 9, 6, MIOS_ENC_MODE_NON_DETENTED ; non-detented encoder at pin 6 and 7 of SR 9 ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIOS_ENC_PIN_TABLE ;; encoders 1-16 ;; SR Pin Mode ENC_ENTRY 13, 0, MIOS_ENC_MODE_NON_DETENTED ; V-Pot 1 ENC_ENTRY 13, 2, MIOS_ENC_MODE_NON_DETENTED ; V-Pot 2 ENC_ENTRY 13, 4, MIOS_ENC_MODE_NON_DETENTED ; V-Pot 3 ENC_ENTRY 13, 6, MIOS_ENC_MODE_NON_DETENTED ; V-Pot 4 ENC_ENTRY 14, 0, MIOS_ENC_MODE_NON_DETENTED ; V-Pot 5 ENC_ENTRY 14, 2, MIOS_ENC_MODE_NON_DETENTED ; V-Pot 6 ENC_ENTRY 14, 4, MIOS_ENC_MODE_NON_DETENTED ; V-Pot 7 ENC_ENTRY 14, 6, MIOS_ENC_MODE_NON_DETENTED ; V-Pot 8 ENC_ENTRY 15, 0, MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED ; Jog-Wheel ENC_EOT And here a diagram which illustrates the waveforms: Best Regards, Thorsten.
  5. Before it get lost in the main boards, here some useful informations provided by Peter Lindqvist from Sweden:
  6. Die MTC-Option ist fuer eine spaetere Release vorgesehen (genauso wie die Audio-Meter Option), bedeutet aber keinen groesseren Aufwand (und auch keinen Performanceverlust) - siehe http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_doutx4_mtc.pdf Die LED-Digits werden einfach an die DOUT-Kette gehaengt, genauso wie die LED-Kraenze. An welchem DOUT sich nun was befindet, kann man konfigurieren. Gruss, Thorsten.
  7. Hi Matteo, as far as I know you are using an unofficial release which bypasses the "pot behaviour" menu and sets the mode directly depending on a logic level of pin C.4 So, before you are unhappy with this solution, just switch to V1.910 There is only one change necessary: RC4 has to be connected with the R/W input of the LCD. See the red wire http://www.ucapps.de/midibox/midibox_plus_16.pdf Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. For CMOS designs it's better to take Vdd (=drain supply voltage)- however, just another issue ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. Hi Chriss, thats a very interesting notice! I just have also tried the encoders from Schuricht (which are reserved for the MBSID Control surface) and came to the same results with my scope. Perfect that you already found the solution! By exchanging the pins, MIOS receives 4 transients for every pulse like expected instead of three, so that the encoders are usable again. Currently MIOS doesn't interpret this special order of transients correctly (one signal is inverted), but I will integrate a fourth encoder mode into MIOS so that you will not notice a difference. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  10. Hi Steve, do you mean a character or graphical LCD? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  11. PS/2 is different from RS232 and I don't think that there are special MIDI drivers available, as today it is only used for mice and keyboards... Best Regards, Thorsten.
  12. Do you know where to find a "MIDI implementation chart" of this device? So far as it receives simple MIDI events like Note/Program Change/CC Controller, MIDIbox Plus will work ok, otherwise (if SysEx has to be sent), you will be happier with a MIOS based application Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. Ok, I will open the case of my MIDIbox LC in order to find out which polarity I used (documentation will be published in the next days). But it doesn't really matter. As I wrote: you just only have to exchange the two cables to the motors if you choose the wrong polarity. In worst case - if you finished your PCB and didn't use flexible cables - I could build an option into MIOS which allows to invert the polarity via software. ;-) Faders: Vdd should be on the upper end, so that the analog pin receives +5V when the fader is at max position. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. TK.

    MIDIbox LC V1.1.2

    No, I haven't found the time to evaluate higher language tools yet, but sooner or later I will inform you about the usability with MIOS. There isn't really a limit for chained cores, you only have to take the additional latencies into account, but they depend on the CPU load and in the way how you programmed the application. Example: if a core serves only 64 pots or 8 motorfaders, the worst case latency (forwarded MIDI event from MIDI In->MIDI Out) below 300 uS. With 128 additional buttons and LEDs it increases by 200 uS (worst case...), LCD messages can increase the latency also. But these delays are nothing in comparison to the initial MIDI delay of 960 uS for a common MIDI event (not caused the MIDIbox, but by the serial transfer protocol) Yes, an AN1x style sequencer is a good beginning point. I love this synth, too :) Frank: thanks for the input! I will check that - I only tested the 2-LCD option for 5 minutes and rely on your feedback. Just tell me if you've ideas for a fourth display page :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  15. Hallo Sly, momentan ist es fuer mich sehr schwierig, meine Homepage up-to-date zu halten, weil quasi die Umstellung aller Projekte auf den neuen PIC18F bevorsteht, deshalb fuehle Dich bitte nicht von den teilweise widerspruechlichen Informationen verwirrt. Bis spaetestens Sommer moechte ich alle Projekte ausser MIDIbox Plus auf MIOS portieren, so dass die Dokumentation fuer mich wieder etwas einfacher wird. Bis dahin werde ich ueber den aktuellen Stand nur ueber das Forum berichten. Fuer Banking, MIDI Learn, etc. Features werde ich irgendwann spaeter mal eine separate MIOS Applikation schreiben, die zur MIDIbox64, MIDIbox16E und MIDIbox MF hardware-kompatibel sein wird. Fuer die Logic Control Emulation sind solche Funktionen ueberhaupt nicht notwendig (seit ich die MIDIbox LC habe, brauche ich so etwas auch gar nicht mehr ;-). Das soll wiederum nicht heissen, dass der MB64 oder MB16E Port nicht auf einer MIDIbox LC laufen wuerde --- dank des einheitlichen Betriebssystems ist man ziemlich flexibel. Selbst der MB64 Sequenzer wird auf einer MIDIbox LC laufen :) Zur LC-Emulation: sobald die Applikation einmal konfiguriert wurde (im Wesentlichen traegt man die Pinbelegung der Buttons/LEDs in lc_io_table.inc, und die Belegung der Encoder in mios_tables.inc ein), sind weitere Einstellungen im laufenden Betrieb nicht mehr notwendig, das macht die Host-Software (also Logic, Cubase, etc) quasi von alleine. Sie kommuniziert permanent mit dem Controller und erlaubt einen direkten Zugriff auf (fast) alle Parameter. Wenn man bspw. einen neuen Track erzeugt (egal ob fuer einen Audio oder MIDI-Kanal), erscheint er sofort auf dem Display, ohne Mausklicks kann man mit dem Schrauben loslegen, saemtliche Namen und Bezeichnungen werden auf dem Display im Klartext (meistens Kuerzel) angezeigt. Wenn man ein VST-Instrument oder -Effekt hinzufuegt, so hat man ebenfalls ohne weiteres Zutun direkten Zugriff auf die Einstellungen. Mit den Cursor-Tasten scrollt man durch die (leider nicht veraenderbaren) Parameterlisten, mit der Bank +/- Taste durch die Trackliste.... im Global Mode werden die "Elemente" nach ihren Eigenschaften sortiert, hier sieht man bspw. die Eingaenge/Ausgaenge/Busse/Instrumente nebeneinander, und und und... ;-) Welche Hardware benoetigt wird, hat ja Christian bereits aufgezaehlt (jep, war alles richtig - ich bin fuer jede Antwort, die mir die Schreibarbeit abnimmt, dankbar! :) - fang am besten mit dem Core, dem Display, den Encodern und ein paar Buttons an. Damit laeuft die Emulation schon ziemlich gut. Dass passt auch erstmal auf eine Pizzaschachtel. Spaeter kannst Du schrittweise die zusaetzlichen Module wie Motorfader, Touchsensoren, LED-Kraenze, VU-Meters, MTC-Display oder was auch immer hinzufuegen, am Ende folgt dann der schwierigste Part - das Gehaeuse. Gruss, Thorsten.
  16. TK.

    Multimeter und so

    Hallo Luk, neben dem Loetkolben und dem Loetzinn sollte man auf alle Faelle eine Spitzzange, einen Seitenschneider und ein Schraubenzieher verschiedener Groesse parat haben. Die gibt es in jedem Baumarkt in den Wuehltischen. Ausserdem sind eine Loetpumpe und ein Loetschwamm hilfreich - kann man bei Reichelt gleich mitbestellen. Fuer die Bastelarbeiten am Gehaeuse werden dann noch zusaetzliche Werkzeuge benoetigt, aber das haengt dann vom Gehaeusetyp ab... Messgeraet: hier reicht das billigste Multimeter (5-10 Euro) voellig aus. Ich wuerde sogar eines mit analoger Anzeige bevorzugen, weil es die Werte direkter anzeigt. Wenn man beispielsweise ein digitales Messgeraet an den MIDI-Out anschliesst, wird man keine Aenderungen feststellen, die Anzeige ist zu traege. Bei einem analogen Messgeraet wird hingegen der Zeiger zittern. So kann man auch ohne ein teures Oszilloskop feststellen, ob MIDI-Daten uebertragen werden. Die Genauigkeit der Messergebnisse ist voellig nebensaechlich. Meistens muss man lediglich ueberpruefen, ob zwischen den Spannungspins 5V anliegen. Ob es nun in Wirklichkeit 5.1V oder 4.9V sind, spielt keine Rolle, der PIC wird sich davon ziemlich unbeeindruckt zeigen. Und gleich noch ein Tip: Widerstaende, Kondensatoren, Stecker, Pfostenleisten, Flachbandkabel, Minitaster (die billigen!), LEDs sollte man sich in Uebermengen bestellen. Statt 1 x 1.2k Widerstand also lieber gleich 5, statt 70 x 10k Widerstaende lieber gleich 100, statt zwei MIDI-Buchsen lieber gleich 4, usw. - ausserdem vielleicht noch 1-2 Lochrasterplatinen (die guten mit den Loetpunkten: H25PR200), so dass Du auch mal eine Erweiterung "fliegend" aufbauen kannst, ohne gleich neu bestellen zu muessen. Gruss, Thorsten.
  17. TK.

    Stereo SID

    Hi Matteo, I've prepared an example which should demonstrate the possibilities. When you look for synthesizers today, you will notice that mostly the audio routine is the same: Oscillators -> Filters -> (EQs) -> Stereo spread -> Effects The SID provides oscillators and filters, but everything else has to be attached after the Audio out in order to improve the sound (some years ago this was the common way, most synths only provided some cheap and useless effects...) So, easiest way is to use a sequencer like Cubase or Logic, open the Audio In, attach some VST effects and activate the live playing mode :) Here a comparison: http://members.tripod.de/ucapps/midibox_sid/mbsid_demo9_1.mp3 This well known tune from a C64 game is played only with a MIDIbox SID and some EQ improvements. http://members.tripod.de/ucapps/midibox_sid/mbsid_demo9_2.mp3 Here two slightly detuned MIDIbox SID are playing. It doesn't really sound interesting http://members.tripod.de/ucapps/midibox_sid/mbsid_demo9_3.mp3 and here a Stereo Delay has been inserted into the audio path. Do you hear the difference? ;-) And the last example should show, that MIDIbox SID is not far from a Virus when you just add an chorus effect. In this example, three MIDIbox SID are played with the "Cool Brass" preset over the same MIDI channel. The oscillators of the first SID are not detuned, the second is transposed by -12, the third by +12 http://members.tripod.de/ucapps/midibox_sid/mbsid_demo9_4.mp3 Have fun w/ VST! ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  18. Currently you can play the 3 voices in Mono, (Legato), and Poly mode. That means that a Note Stack has already been implemented. Oh, and I just remember that the PIC18F version is slightly "incompatible" with the PIC16F version, because it supports three note stacks which can be assigned to three different MIDI channels ;D Planned: Key Split, so that three different voices can be played on one MIDI channel (also nice for drums), and Unisono (possibility to stack even more SIDs to one MIDI channel with slightly changed parameters) Not planned: two SID modules at one core. I must repeat myself: the software part of the SID eats alot of CPU power, so that a second SID cannot be served with the same features. So I decided not to waste my time for this cheap solution, but to support a method to control up to 3 additional SID slaves from one "master" core. See also the news section. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  19. Looks much better! :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  20. It depends on the fader, so best way would be that you try it before. Just connect the fadermotors with a flexible cable, so that the wires can be exchanged if necessary. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. Soft-overtake is another name for the "snap" feature known from the common MIDIboxes. Especially users of Native Instruments software will know it under this term. :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. TK.

    MIDIbox LC V1.1.2

    The meter readings are provided by the protocol - so, if Sonar supports Mackie Control, there is a good chance that the meters are also working with this "host" :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  23. TK.

    MIDIbox LC V1.1.2

    Now it doesn't matter anymore, but it's still recommented to attach them to the end of the chain. This will ensure the compatibility with other applications which don't support encoders (-> only buttons) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  24. http://www.piclist.com Have fun! :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  25. Hmmm.. the long cables could decrease the max. data transfer rate due to additional capacities, so that I would prefer a 4-slave board. Ok, this could be connected with an IDE cable to the core module (nice idea!) Best Regards, Thorsten.
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