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  1. TK.


    I don't know a manufacturer for keyboard switches who sells single pieces to private people. So, best solution is to search for a cheap keyboard @ Ebay and to enhance it by some additional MIDI stuff. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  2. If you are able to program the display handlers for such a controller: sure - but you possibly need 2 or 3 core for the best performance. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  3. If you are able to program the display handlers for such a controller: sure - but you possibly need 2 or 3 core for the best performance. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  4. Two displays can be attached to the LCD bus of core module without problems, just only the E (enable) signal has to be inverted in order to allow a proper addressing --- but IMHO the result would look stupid. :-/ However, I searched on the web but haven't found a suitable display. So I thought about alternative solutions - how about a graphical LCD? A 320x80 LCD like known from some synthesizers would be the best, because it would allow to display 5x7 pixel characters. But it seems that such displays are vanished from the stocks of the main distributors. A 240x64 could also do the job - up to 48 characters can be displayed on one line, that means, 7 characters less than the LC (the spaces between the tracknames could be left out...). The big advantage: the LED-rings could be replaced by nice pixel-maps on the screen, the MTC and some more values could be displayed due to the available space - this means less effort for constructing the enclosure Best Regards, Thorsten.
  5. TK.

    Regler springen :(

    Das LCD macht natuerlich auch ohne Navigationsbuttons Sinn, so siehst Du zumindest, an welchen Werten Du gerade drehst. :) Zu dem Setup-Problem: ich vermute mal, dass Du da etwas durcheinander gebracht hast. Die alte Firmware ist mit dem neuen mk_syx Skript inkompatibel, da ich die Datenstruktur geraendert habe. Um Dir weiteren Stress zu ersparen, habe ich die Konfigurationsdatei einfach mal schnell selbst angepasst, Du findest sie unter: http://www.ucapps.de/tmp/mb16e_ini.zip Diese Setup-Datei funktioniert nur mit der neuen Firmware: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox16e/midibox16e_v1004pre1.hex.zip Serge moechte den vmidibox16e-Editor dieses Wochenende ueberarbeiten; alles wird gut! :) Gruss, Thorsten.
  6. TK.

    Regler springen :(

    Das LCD macht natuerlich auch ohne Navigationsbuttons Sinn, so siehst Du zumindest, an welchen Werten Du gerade drehst. :) Zu dem Setup-Problem: ich vermute mal, dass Du da etwas durcheinander gebracht hast. Die alte Firmware ist mit dem neuen mk_syx Skript inkompatibel, da ich die Datenstruktur geraendert habe. Um Dir weiteren Stress zu ersparen, habe ich die Konfigurationsdatei einfach mal schnell selbst angepasst, Du findest sie unter: http://www.ucapps.de/tmp/mb16e_ini.zip Diese Setup-Datei funktioniert nur mit der neuen Firmware: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox16e/midibox16e_v1004pre1.hex.zip Serge moechte den vmidibox16e-Editor dieses Wochenende ueberarbeiten; alles wird gut! :) Gruss, Thorsten.
  7. There is a new release available now which allows to setup the device ID and MIDI channel with the device driver configuration panel: http://www.midibox.org/midibox_sid/jsynth_017_with_mbsid_rel2.zip Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. It was my invention - don't know if any other controller is working with the same optimization, but if such a controller has been created after May 2001, the designer was possibly inspirated by MIDIbox Plus V1.802 ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. It was my invention - don't know if any other controller is working with the same optimization, but if such a controller has been created after May 2001, the designer was possibly inspirated by MIDIbox Plus V1.802 ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  10. Auch die LED-Pattern kann man im midibox16e.ini File anpassen (siehe http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=german;action=display;num=1039009816 ) [LED_PATTERNS] 0.00 = 0000000000000001 0.01 = 0000000000000001 0.02 = 0000000000000011 0.03 = 0000000000000011 0.04 = 0000000000000011 0.05 = 0000000000000111 0.06 = 0000000000000111 0.07 = 0000000000000111 0.08 = 0000000000001111 0.09 = 0000000000001111 0.0A = 0000000000001111 0.0B = 0000000000011111 0.0C = 0000000000011111 0.0D = 0000000000011111 0.0E = 0000000000111111 0.0F = 0000000000111111 0.10 = 0000000000111111 0.11 = 0000000000111111 0.12 = 0000000001111111 0.13 = 0000000001111111 0.14 = 0000000001111111 0.15 = 0000000011111111 0.16 = 0000000011111111 0.17 = 0000000011111111 0.18 = 0000000111111111 0.19 = 0000000111111111 0.1A = 0000000111111111 0.1B = 0000001111111111 0.1C = 0000001111111111 0.1D = 0000001111111111 0.1E = 0000011111111111 0.1F = 0000011111111111 umaendern in: [LED_PATTERNS] 0.00 = 0000000000000001 0.01 = 0000000000000001 0.02 = 0000000000000011 0.03 = 0000000000000011 0.04 = 0000000000000111 0.05 = 0000000000000111 0.06 = 0000000000001111 0.07 = 0000000000001111 0.08 = 0000000000011111 0.09 = 0000000000011111 0.0A = 0000000000111111 0.0B = 0000000000111111 0.0C = 0000000001111111 0.0D = 0000000001111111 0.0E = 0000000011111111 0.0F = 0000000011111111 0.10 = 0000000111111111 0.11 = 0000000111111111 0.12 = 0000001111111111 0.13 = 0000001111111111 0.14 = 0000011111111111 0.15 = 0000011111111111 0.16 = 0000111111111111 0.17 = 0000111111111111 0.18 = 0001111111111111 0.19 = 0001111111111111 0.1A = 0011111111111111 0.1B = 0011111111111111 0.1C = 0111111111111111 0.1D = 0111111111111111 0.1E = 1111111111111111 0.1F = 1111111111111111 Insgesamt kannst Du vier verschiedene Patterns definieren und den Encodern zuweisen... viel Spass beim "Malen nach/mit Zahlen" ;-) Gruss, Thorsten.
  11. Auch die LED-Pattern kann man im midibox16e.ini File anpassen (siehe http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=german;action=display;num=1039009816 ) [LED_PATTERNS] 0.00 = 0000000000000001 0.01 = 0000000000000001 0.02 = 0000000000000011 0.03 = 0000000000000011 0.04 = 0000000000000011 0.05 = 0000000000000111 0.06 = 0000000000000111 0.07 = 0000000000000111 0.08 = 0000000000001111 0.09 = 0000000000001111 0.0A = 0000000000001111 0.0B = 0000000000011111 0.0C = 0000000000011111 0.0D = 0000000000011111 0.0E = 0000000000111111 0.0F = 0000000000111111 0.10 = 0000000000111111 0.11 = 0000000000111111 0.12 = 0000000001111111 0.13 = 0000000001111111 0.14 = 0000000001111111 0.15 = 0000000011111111 0.16 = 0000000011111111 0.17 = 0000000011111111 0.18 = 0000000111111111 0.19 = 0000000111111111 0.1A = 0000000111111111 0.1B = 0000001111111111 0.1C = 0000001111111111 0.1D = 0000001111111111 0.1E = 0000011111111111 0.1F = 0000011111111111 umaendern in: [LED_PATTERNS] 0.00 = 0000000000000001 0.01 = 0000000000000001 0.02 = 0000000000000011 0.03 = 0000000000000011 0.04 = 0000000000000111 0.05 = 0000000000000111 0.06 = 0000000000001111 0.07 = 0000000000001111 0.08 = 0000000000011111 0.09 = 0000000000011111 0.0A = 0000000000111111 0.0B = 0000000000111111 0.0C = 0000000001111111 0.0D = 0000000001111111 0.0E = 0000000011111111 0.0F = 0000000011111111 0.10 = 0000000111111111 0.11 = 0000000111111111 0.12 = 0000001111111111 0.13 = 0000001111111111 0.14 = 0000011111111111 0.15 = 0000011111111111 0.16 = 0000111111111111 0.17 = 0000111111111111 0.18 = 0001111111111111 0.19 = 0001111111111111 0.1A = 0011111111111111 0.1B = 0011111111111111 0.1C = 0111111111111111 0.1D = 0111111111111111 0.1E = 1111111111111111 0.1F = 1111111111111111 Insgesamt kannst Du vier verschiedene Patterns definieren und den Encodern zuweisen... viel Spass beim "Malen nach/mit Zahlen" ;-) Gruss, Thorsten.
  12. TK.

    Regler springen :(

    Die MIDIbox hat einen eingebauten MIDI Merger, der alle Daten, die in den MIDI-In reingehen am MIDI-Out wieder ausgibt. Wenn In- und Out-Port der MB16E direkt an einen Computer angeschlossen sind, sollte der MIDI-Merger deaktiviert werden, damit es keine Feedback-Loop gibt. Normalerweise stellt man den MIDI-Merger direkt an der MIDIbox ein, aber da Du kein Display angeschlossen hast, musst Du die Konfiguration ueber MIDI vornehmen. Dazu benoetigst Du folgende Programme: das http://www.ucapps.de/midibox/mk_syx.zip Skript Perl: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Downloads/ActivePerl/index/ die vsysexbox von Serge http://serge.ucapps.de (die vmidibox16e ist momentan leider nicht mit der aktuellsten Firmware kompatibel und hat auch sonst so seine Macken!!!) Nachdem Du Perl installiert hast, gehst Du einfach in das mk_syx/samples Verzeichnis, aenderst mit Deinem Lieblingseditor die midibox16e.ini Datei nach Deinen Wuenschen ab, rufst in einer DOS-Shell das Skript auf (perl ..\mk_syx.pl midibox16e.ini midibox16e.syx), laedst das .syx-File in die vsysexbox und sendest sie zur MIDIbox - das wars auch schon :) Zu Deiner eigentlichen Frage: in der .ini-Datei kann man den Merger in folgender Zeile deaktivieren: [MIDI_MERGER] enabled umaendern in: [MIDI_MERGER] disabled Und ganz wichtig: das neue mk_syx-Script funktioniert auch nur mit der neusten Firmware zusammen: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox16e/midibox16e_v1004pre1.hex.zip Gruss, Thorsten.
  13. TK.

    Regler springen :(

    Die MIDIbox hat einen eingebauten MIDI Merger, der alle Daten, die in den MIDI-In reingehen am MIDI-Out wieder ausgibt. Wenn In- und Out-Port der MB16E direkt an einen Computer angeschlossen sind, sollte der MIDI-Merger deaktiviert werden, damit es keine Feedback-Loop gibt. Normalerweise stellt man den MIDI-Merger direkt an der MIDIbox ein, aber da Du kein Display angeschlossen hast, musst Du die Konfiguration ueber MIDI vornehmen. Dazu benoetigst Du folgende Programme: das http://www.ucapps.de/midibox/mk_syx.zip Skript Perl: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Downloads/ActivePerl/index/ die vsysexbox von Serge http://serge.ucapps.de (die vmidibox16e ist momentan leider nicht mit der aktuellsten Firmware kompatibel und hat auch sonst so seine Macken!!!) Nachdem Du Perl installiert hast, gehst Du einfach in das mk_syx/samples Verzeichnis, aenderst mit Deinem Lieblingseditor die midibox16e.ini Datei nach Deinen Wuenschen ab, rufst in einer DOS-Shell das Skript auf (perl ..\mk_syx.pl midibox16e.ini midibox16e.syx), laedst das .syx-File in die vsysexbox und sendest sie zur MIDIbox - das wars auch schon :) Zu Deiner eigentlichen Frage: in der .ini-Datei kann man den Merger in folgender Zeile deaktivieren: [MIDI_MERGER] enabled umaendern in: [MIDI_MERGER] disabled Und ganz wichtig: das neue mk_syx-Script funktioniert auch nur mit der neusten Firmware zusammen: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox16e/midibox16e_v1004pre1.hex.zip Gruss, Thorsten.
  14. Hi Josh, for the update cycle I took special care and implemented a nice feature called "dynamic priorities" which samples the last two turned pots more often then the others. Therefore, the latency (or update-cycle) for these two pots is less than 1ms (note that the transmission of a MIDI events gets about 960 µS). All the other 64 pots of MB64 are sampled in between 10-15 mS. Summary: the general update frequency is 50-70 samples/second (MB64), the dynamic update frequency of the last two turned pots about 100 samples/second Best Regards, Thorsten.
  15. Hi Josh, for the update cycle I took special care and implemented a nice feature called "dynamic priorities" which samples the last two turned pots more often then the others. Therefore, the latency (or update-cycle) for these two pots is less than 1ms (note that the transmission of a MIDI events gets about 960 µS). All the other 64 pots of MB64 are sampled in between 10-15 mS. Summary: the general update frequency is 50-70 samples/second (MB64), the dynamic update frequency of the last two turned pots about 100 samples/second Best Regards, Thorsten.
  16. Should be a 2200uF - it's time again to check the consistency of all schematics and docs ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  17. Should be a 2200uF - it's time again to check the consistency of all schematics and docs ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  18. Great Frank! :) It seems that Cubase sends the message strings with two different device identifiers - or did you change the ID during the run? The first string goes to device 2F and includes Preparing Connection Cubase SX - Version The second string goes to device 14 and includes Pan Pan Left-Right Page:01/02 How does Cubase react with LCEMU_ID 14 or 2F? If the message handling under Cubase is the only imperfection, I will add an option which allows to display string which are going to any Mackie device What's about the button function, do they work? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  19. Great Frank! :) It seems that Cubase sends the message strings with two different device identifiers - or did you change the ID during the run? The first string goes to device 2F and includes Preparing Connection Cubase SX - Version The second string goes to device 14 and includes Pan Pan Left-Right Page:01/02 How does Cubase react with LCEMU_ID 14 or 2F? If the message handling under Cubase is the only imperfection, I will add an option which allows to display string which are going to any Mackie device What's about the button function, do they work? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  20. Ok, I see - the example file isn't perfect ;-) I didn't assign all button functions to my physical MB16E, since my own version has only 8 buttons (the 4 navigation buttons, and four MIDI triggers; in the configuration file Button number 17-24). However, all other button inputs are functional when I temporary connect two DINX4 modules, but since my desk is currently full of instruments, I had to replace everything which needs too much place ;-) In the next days I will start to build a more compact prototype which allows me to use the LC emulation more on a more ergonomic way - and with much more buttons! :) The navigation buttons are normaly used for the MB menu navigation, but you can disable it in LC emulation mode and use the buttons as normal MIDI triggers. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. TK.

    LC<MBNG question

    Hi, I will check the db resolution with Logic this weekend. Which sequencer software are you using? And which possibilities are given by the program to control higher resolutions from external? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. TK.

    LC<MBNG question

    Hi, I will check the db resolution with Logic this weekend. Which sequencer software are you using? And which possibilities are given by the program to control higher resolutions from external? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  23. TK.

    Regler springen :(

    Hallo Dmitry, hast Du das Problem mittlerweile geloest? Wahrscheinlich war der MIDI-Merger eingeschaltet, dadurch ist eine Rueckkopplung entstanden, die Cubase durcheinander gebracht hat. Gruss, Thorsten.
  24. TK.

    Regler springen :(

    Hallo Dmitry, hast Du das Problem mittlerweile geloest? Wahrscheinlich war der MIDI-Merger eingeschaltet, dadurch ist eine Rueckkopplung entstanden, die Cubase durcheinander gebracht hat. Gruss, Thorsten.
  25. Isn't the PIC delivered with the core module? This must be a fault! :-/ Best Regards, Thorsten.
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