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Everything posted by TK.

  1. Hi, I think that skee1 is meaning that he didn't receive a reply to his request yet. This is because I wasn't at home in the last days and had no access to the source files... Roman: today you will get the source code, too Best Regards, Thorsten.
  2. Hi all, today I tried the newest version of IC-Prog (v1.05A) and noticed that programming the PIC18F452 with the JDM programmer is working now without any modification! So, everything is fine: all MBHP modules are compatible with the new chip. :) So, my plans for the next weeks: final release of MIDIbox MF and MIDIbox16E firmware for PIC16F with full Mackie/Logic Control emulation. After this release, only bugfixes will be provided anymore and no new features (unless they are easy to integrate) Graphical LCD support for LC emulation only with PIC18F (!) additional MIDIbox SID features (Wave-Sequences, CV-Outs) for PIC16F and PIC18F Final MIDIbox64SEQ release with PIC16F SID Control Surface only with PIC18F MIDIbox NG which replaces MIDIbox64, 16E, MF, SEQ only for PIC18F Best Regards, Thorsten.
  3. Hi all, today I tried the newest version of IC-Prog (v1.05A) and noticed that programming the PIC18F452 with the JDM programmer is working now without any modification! So, everything is fine: all MBHP modules are compatible with the new chip. :) So, my plans for the next weeks: final release of MIDIbox MF and MIDIbox16E firmware for PIC16F with full Mackie/Logic Control emulation. After this release, only bugfixes will be provided anymore and no new features (unless they are easy to integrate) Graphical LCD support for LC emulation only with PIC18F (!) additional MIDIbox SID features (Wave-Sequences, CV-Outs) for PIC16F and PIC18F Final MIDIbox64SEQ release with PIC16F SID Control Surface only with PIC18F MIDIbox NG which replaces MIDIbox64, 16E, MF, SEQ only for PIC18F Best Regards, Thorsten.
  4. TK.

    Regler springen :(

    Da kann ich Dir leider nicht weiterhelfen - ich habe mich mit VB noch nie beschaeftigt und habe es auch nicht vor, da diese Programmiersprache zu eng an das Betriebssystem gekoppelt ist. Du koenntest es ja mal mit Java versuchen. Auf der MIDIbox SID Seite findest Du die JSynthLib; in synthdrivers/MIDIboxSID/MIDIboxSIDDevice.java befindet sich die Funktion reconfigure_device_id(), in der ein SysEx-String versendet wird. Gruss, Thorsten.
  5. TK.

    Regler springen :(

    Da kann ich Dir leider nicht weiterhelfen - ich habe mich mit VB noch nie beschaeftigt und habe es auch nicht vor, da diese Programmiersprache zu eng an das Betriebssystem gekoppelt ist. Du koenntest es ja mal mit Java versuchen. Auf der MIDIbox SID Seite findest Du die JSynthLib; in synthdrivers/MIDIboxSID/MIDIboxSIDDevice.java befindet sich die Funktion reconfigure_device_id(), in der ein SysEx-String versendet wird. Gruss, Thorsten.
  6. Hi Dan, looks ok so far :) I will answer this question as soon as I get the display from Reichelt I will support the KS0107/KS0108 controller, it comes with the same bus interface like the HD44780 and seems to be available in a lot of LCDs no - this feature is possible in theory, but for me it's a low-priority job to integrate this into the MIDIbox-link protocol, since I don't need it by myself. Note that the MB64 can also send Pitch Bender events - you could plug 8 faders to the analog inputs as cheap replacement for the motorfader section :) To the unused inputs: all open analog inputs must be tied to ground all open digital inputs must be tied to +5V via a 10k Pull Up resistor. You will notice that such resistors are already available at every input of the DIN module, so you don't have to take special care - it's just plug & play :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  7. Hi Dan, looks ok so far :) I will answer this question as soon as I get the display from Reichelt I will support the KS0107/KS0108 controller, it comes with the same bus interface like the HD44780 and seems to be available in a lot of LCDs no - this feature is possible in theory, but for me it's a low-priority job to integrate this into the MIDIbox-link protocol, since I don't need it by myself. Note that the MB64 can also send Pitch Bender events - you could plug 8 faders to the analog inputs as cheap replacement for the motorfader section :) To the unused inputs: all open analog inputs must be tied to ground all open digital inputs must be tied to +5V via a 10k Pull Up resistor. You will notice that such resistors are already available at every input of the DIN module, so you don't have to take special care - it's just plug & play :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. Hi Ynot, yes, could work! :) With the new LED_MAP feature such functions can be added very easily Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. Hi Roman, I plan to support such individual adaptions in the MIDIbox NG design in form of PlugIns. This are code extensions which can be hooked into the BIOS and interact with all control elements. In the meantime there is no other way than to take and to modify one of the existing firmwares (they are available on request). Currently it isn't trivial to add such extensions, since every firmware has been optimized for special applications. The MIDIO128 firmware is optimized for digital IO, but additional analog controllers would make the performance poor. And with the MB64 firmware it's contrary. You could try to change the MIDIO128 firmware in order to add a pot handler as low priority task, but this requires some assembler knowledge... With the MB NG design this will be solved, but you have to wait till next year, ok? :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  10. Hi Roman, I plan to support such individual adaptions in the MIDIbox NG design in form of PlugIns. This are code extensions which can be hooked into the BIOS and interact with all control elements. In the meantime there is no other way than to take and to modify one of the existing firmwares (they are available on request). Currently it isn't trivial to add such extensions, since every firmware has been optimized for special applications. The MIDIO128 firmware is optimized for digital IO, but additional analog controllers would make the performance poor. And with the MB64 firmware it's contrary. You could try to change the MIDIO128 firmware in order to add a pot handler as low priority task, but this requires some assembler knowledge... With the MB NG design this will be solved, but you have to wait till next year, ok? :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  11. Hi, ok, in your first posting you wrote about 8 joysticks, and AINX2 means that the half of a AINX4 module is enough for this setup - just a hint for people who make the PCBs by themself. However, having more than necessary inputs doesn't hurt and could be usefull for the experimental phase. :) Yes, just write me a mail later. It's just a quick change in the firmware. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  12. Hi, ok, in your first posting you wrote about 8 joysticks, and AINX2 means that the half of a AINX4 module is enough for this setup - just a hint for people who make the PCBs by themself. However, having more than necessary inputs doesn't hurt and could be usefull for the experimental phase. :) Yes, just write me a mail later. It's just a quick change in the firmware. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. Ok - no pots, but encoders; it's ok :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. Ok - no pots, but encoders; it's ok :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  15. TK.

    Regler springen :(

    Es freut mich zu hoeren, dass nun alles funktioniert :) Gruss, Thorsten.
  16. TK.

    Regler springen :(

    Es freut mich zu hoeren, dass nun alles funktioniert :) Gruss, Thorsten.
  17. This time from Matti (Finland). The great surface (on the right side!) has been made by himself with 3mm aliminum and endcheecks of Gaia-mahogany. Check also his homepage: http://gamedude.klaanit.net/~mle/
  18. This time from Matti (Finland). The great surface (on the right side!) has been made by himself with 3mm aliminum and endcheecks of Gaia-mahogany. Check also his homepage: http://gamedude.klaanit.net/~mle/
  19. Dimitris: I will support a 40x2 LCD anyhow, but this solution isn't the best, since 15 characters have to be removed. :-/ The graphical LCD should contain a ks0107b / ks0108b controller. Thats a very common chip for cheap displays. It cannot handle with characters by itself; the command set supports "set address" and "write 8-pixel" and thats all. However, I will get my display end of week and will check the performance :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  20. Hi, there is a very trivial and fast solution which allows you to solve the problem with little effort from my side, and thats the lookup-table method. It works on this way: the controller gets the x and y position of the joysticks and fetches the corresponding radius and angle from two large tables with 128x128 values. 2*128*128 = 32kByte --- thats exactly the capacity of a BankStick. :) Which modules are required for this project: a core module a JDM module (but you could also ask your friends to burn the PIC) a AINX2 (-> 16 inputs, premade PCB not available) or AINX4 (-> 4 inputs, premade PCB available) a BankStick a modified MIDIbox64 firmware which converts the values automatically a special dump file for the BankStick, which can be transfered via MIDI and the joysticks of course Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. Hi, there is a very trivial and fast solution which allows you to solve the problem with little effort from my side, and thats the lookup-table method. It works on this way: the controller gets the x and y position of the joysticks and fetches the corresponding radius and angle from two large tables with 128x128 values. 2*128*128 = 32kByte --- thats exactly the capacity of a BankStick. :) Which modules are required for this project: a core module a JDM module (but you could also ask your friends to burn the PIC) a AINX2 (-> 16 inputs, premade PCB not available) or AINX4 (-> 4 inputs, premade PCB available) a BankStick a modified MIDIbox64 firmware which converts the values automatically a special dump file for the BankStick, which can be transfered via MIDI and the joysticks of course Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. Yes, definitely! :) On this way we can save a lot of unnecessary pots/buttons/LEDs and the poly mode configuration (where all three voices should have the same values) will be easier. And all pots will get an optional soft-overtake feature in order to prevent parameter jumps. :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  23. Yes, definitely! :) On this way we can save a lot of unnecessary pots/buttons/LEDs and the poly mode configuration (where all three voices should have the same values) will be easier. And all pots will get an optional soft-overtake feature in order to prevent parameter jumps. :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  24. Hi Frank, thanks again for testing! :) The LED-ring-pattern (0-3) is selected by logic itself, it's coded in the returned CC and therefore cannot be assigned to the encoder like in other ENC_MODE_*'s. However, you are able to change the LED pattern itself. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  25. Hi Frank, thanks again for testing! :) The LED-ring-pattern (0-3) is selected by logic itself, it's coded in the returned CC and therefore cannot be assigned to the encoder like in other ENC_MODE_*'s. However, you are able to change the LED pattern itself. Best Regards, Thorsten.
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