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  1. ...but please keep in mind that I'm planning a special firmware for a dedicated SID control surface which allows to control the SID parameters more ergonomically. I will publish the final layout for the panel w/ pots/encoders/display/buttons/LEDs in january, when I've time enough to think about a perfect solution. Not every parameter will become it's dedicated pot or button, some can be combined, and together with a LCD<->pot/encoder/button interaction tweaking the sounds will finally make more fun! :) In the meantime you could use the Java editor and maybe a MIDIbox with 16 pots or more to access the most important parameters w/o the mouse. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  2. ...but please keep in mind that I'm planning a special firmware for a dedicated SID control surface which allows to control the SID parameters more ergonomically. I will publish the final layout for the panel w/ pots/encoders/display/buttons/LEDs in january, when I've time enough to think about a perfect solution. Not every parameter will become it's dedicated pot or button, some can be combined, and together with a LCD<->pot/encoder/button interaction tweaking the sounds will finally make more fun! :) In the meantime you could use the Java editor and maybe a MIDIbox with 16 pots or more to access the most important parameters w/o the mouse. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  3. Here are the new files with more dedicated features for the LC emulation: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox16e/midibox16e_v1004pre2.hex.zip http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_mf/midibox_mf_v1000pre2.hex.zip http://www.ucapps.de/midibox/mk_syx.zip New features: o support for LED-rings in LC emulation o support for MIDIbox Link (only tested in LC mode yet) o LED shift registers can be mapped to different functions Currently both firmwares can only be configured with the mk_syx script. From the .ini files: ################################################################################ # MIDI Merger: enable the merger in order to forward the incoming MIDI # events to the MIDI Out. A must if you would like to plug a keyboard # on the MIDI In, or if you want to cascade MIDIboxes # Allowed Keywords: # disabled don't use merger at all # enabled merges all external with internal events # mblink_fp MIDIbox Link Forwarding Point: like a common MIDI merger, # but internal events will be framed so that a MIDIbox Link # End Point can distinguish between a event which has been # sent by a common MIDI device and events which have been # generated by a MIDIbox # mblink_ep MIDIbox Link End Point: merges only external events # from a MBLink FP (Forwarding Point) ################################################################################ [MIDI_MERGER] enabled See also this posting: http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=concepts;action=display;num=1038961702 ################################################################################ # LED Map: assignes the LED shift registers to the Button Shift # registers or special values # Currently following values are supported: # 0 Default Setting (see Map below) # 1 Button Shift Register 1 (Button ID #1-#8) # 2 Button Shift Register 2 (Button ID #9-#16) # 3 Button Shift Register 3 (F1-F4 and Navigation Buttons: ID #17-#24) # 4 Button Shift Register 4 (Button ID #25-#32) # 5 Button Shift Register 5 (Button ID #33-#40) # 6 Button Shift Register 6 (Button ID #41-#48) # 7 Button Shift Register 7 (Button ID #49-#56) # 8 Button Shift Register 8 (Button ID #57-#64) # 9 Internal Bank (1 of 8) # 10 External Bank (1 of 8) # 11-15 reserved # 16 MIDI Status received for Button ID #1-#8 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 17 MIDI Status received for Button ID #9-#16 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 18 MIDI Status received for Button ID #17-#24 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 19 MIDI Status received for Button ID #25-#32 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 20 MIDI Status received for Button ID #33-#40 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 21 MIDI Status received for Button ID #41-#48 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 22 MIDI Status received for Button ID #49-#56 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 23 MIDI Status received for Button ID #57-#64 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 24-31 reserved ################################################################################ [LED_MAP] LED_SR1 = 1 # (Button ID #1-#8) LED_SR2 = 2 # (Button ID #9-#16) LED_SR3 = 3 # (F1-F4 and Navigation Buttons: ID #17-#24) LED_SR4 = 4 # (Button ID #57-#64) LED_SR5 = 5 # (Button ID #25-#32) LED_SR6 = 6 # (Button ID #33-#40) LED_SR7 = 7 # (Button ID #41-#48) LED_SR8 = 8 # (Button ID #49-#56) A more practical example can be found in the midibox16e_lc.ini and midibox_mf_lc.ini files Some words to the LC emulation with multiple core modules: the LC_EMULATION_ID should only be set for the last MIDIbox in the chain - the "MIDIbox Link End Point". All other MIDIboxes should work in common mode and configured as "MIDIbox Link Forwarding Point" Example: a chained MIDIbox16E and MIDIbox MF should be configured on this way: # MIDIbox16e .ini file # ... [MIDI_MERGER] mblink_fp # ... [LC_EMULATION_ID] 00 # ... # MIDIbox MF .ini file # ... [MIDI_MERGER] mblink_ep # ... [LC_EMULATION_ID] 10 # or 14 for Mackie Control emulation # ... Best Regards, Thorsten.
  4. Here are the new files with more dedicated features for the LC emulation: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox16e/midibox16e_v1004pre2.hex.zip http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_mf/midibox_mf_v1000pre2.hex.zip http://www.ucapps.de/midibox/mk_syx.zip New features: o support for LED-rings in LC emulation o support for MIDIbox Link (only tested in LC mode yet) o LED shift registers can be mapped to different functions Currently both firmwares can only be configured with the mk_syx script. From the .ini files: ################################################################################ # MIDI Merger: enable the merger in order to forward the incoming MIDI # events to the MIDI Out. A must if you would like to plug a keyboard # on the MIDI In, or if you want to cascade MIDIboxes # Allowed Keywords: # disabled don't use merger at all # enabled merges all external with internal events # mblink_fp MIDIbox Link Forwarding Point: like a common MIDI merger, # but internal events will be framed so that a MIDIbox Link # End Point can distinguish between a event which has been # sent by a common MIDI device and events which have been # generated by a MIDIbox # mblink_ep MIDIbox Link End Point: merges only external events # from a MBLink FP (Forwarding Point) ################################################################################ [MIDI_MERGER] enabled See also this posting: http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=concepts;action=display;num=1038961702 ################################################################################ # LED Map: assignes the LED shift registers to the Button Shift # registers or special values # Currently following values are supported: # 0 Default Setting (see Map below) # 1 Button Shift Register 1 (Button ID #1-#8) # 2 Button Shift Register 2 (Button ID #9-#16) # 3 Button Shift Register 3 (F1-F4 and Navigation Buttons: ID #17-#24) # 4 Button Shift Register 4 (Button ID #25-#32) # 5 Button Shift Register 5 (Button ID #33-#40) # 6 Button Shift Register 6 (Button ID #41-#48) # 7 Button Shift Register 7 (Button ID #49-#56) # 8 Button Shift Register 8 (Button ID #57-#64) # 9 Internal Bank (1 of 8) # 10 External Bank (1 of 8) # 11-15 reserved # 16 MIDI Status received for Button ID #1-#8 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 17 MIDI Status received for Button ID #9-#16 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 18 MIDI Status received for Button ID #17-#24 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 19 MIDI Status received for Button ID #25-#32 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 20 MIDI Status received for Button ID #33-#40 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 21 MIDI Status received for Button ID #41-#48 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 22 MIDI Status received for Button ID #49-#56 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 23 MIDI Status received for Button ID #57-#64 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 24-31 reserved ################################################################################ [LED_MAP] LED_SR1 = 1 # (Button ID #1-#8) LED_SR2 = 2 # (Button ID #9-#16) LED_SR3 = 3 # (F1-F4 and Navigation Buttons: ID #17-#24) LED_SR4 = 4 # (Button ID #57-#64) LED_SR5 = 5 # (Button ID #25-#32) LED_SR6 = 6 # (Button ID #33-#40) LED_SR7 = 7 # (Button ID #41-#48) LED_SR8 = 8 # (Button ID #49-#56) A more practical example can be found in the midibox16e_lc.ini and midibox_mf_lc.ini files Some words to the LC emulation with multiple core modules: the LC_EMULATION_ID should only be set for the last MIDIbox in the chain - the "MIDIbox Link End Point". All other MIDIboxes should work in common mode and configured as "MIDIbox Link Forwarding Point" Example: a chained MIDIbox16E and MIDIbox MF should be configured on this way: # MIDIbox16e .ini file # ... [MIDI_MERGER] mblink_fp # ... [LC_EMULATION_ID] 00 # ... # MIDIbox MF .ini file # ... [MIDI_MERGER] mblink_ep # ... [LC_EMULATION_ID] 10 # or 14 for Mackie Control emulation # ... Best Regards, Thorsten.
  5. Germans say "Not macht erfinderisch" (if you really desire for a solution, you will make the best inventions ;-)) The software handler for the graphic LCD requires some memory to save the bitmaps and characters, I will try to integrate this into the MIDImon firmware since it already has some free space for such extensions. Yes, the MIDIbox NG will also support graphic displays in form of a PlugIn Best Regards, Thorsten.
  6. Hi Pete, thats a simple job for the MIDIO128 --- with digital inputs. Reed switches are working like common buttons, they just close a connection. Therefore they can be connected to the DIN module without additional components. Best Regards, Thorsten. P.S.: don't forget to take a photo from your project for my MIDIbox gallery! :)
  7. Hi Pete, thats a simple job for the MIDIO128 --- with digital inputs. Reed switches are working like common buttons, they just close a connection. Therefore they can be connected to the DIN module without additional components. Best Regards, Thorsten. P.S.: don't forget to take a photo from your project for my MIDIbox gallery! :)
  8. Hi, your inputs are welcome! :) Your website is very interesting; hard to believe that such issues have not been fixed yet, in spite of your detailed descriptions. It seems that Steinberg isn't interested in improving the Houston driver anymore (or in other words: the devlopers left the company or they are doing something else), on the other hand it would be interesting of the integration of Mackie Control into Cubase really succeeded. Ok, you will test it :) I'm interested if the faders are really sending MIDI values with a 10-bit resolution (what is the minimum increment value when the fader is moved softly), and if the faders are moved with the same resolution from the application (I don't think so). Also the sending speed would be interesting; I mean: how much values will be sent when a fader is manually moved up and down very quickly (this could be recorded in a MIDI file to have a time reference and compared with my results). Btw.: I read on your website: and the top 5-6mm of travel is 'dead' (so 6dB is reached around the half-way point between 4 and 6dB on the Houston's front panel). I noticed the same with the LC emulation when the faders control the volume, which is displayed in dB. When I assign the fader to a MIDI value instead, the whole range is used for values between 0-127 My recommendation is to wait 2 or 3 weeks, until more people have tested the new firmwares and until all issues have been solved. Two core modules should be ok for a simple emulation without v-pots Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. Hi, your inputs are welcome! :) Your website is very interesting; hard to believe that such issues have not been fixed yet, in spite of your detailed descriptions. It seems that Steinberg isn't interested in improving the Houston driver anymore (or in other words: the devlopers left the company or they are doing something else), on the other hand it would be interesting of the integration of Mackie Control into Cubase really succeeded. Ok, you will test it :) I'm interested if the faders are really sending MIDI values with a 10-bit resolution (what is the minimum increment value when the fader is moved softly), and if the faders are moved with the same resolution from the application (I don't think so). Also the sending speed would be interesting; I mean: how much values will be sent when a fader is manually moved up and down very quickly (this could be recorded in a MIDI file to have a time reference and compared with my results). Btw.: I read on your website: and the top 5-6mm of travel is 'dead' (so 6dB is reached around the half-way point between 4 and 6dB on the Houston's front panel). I noticed the same with the LC emulation when the faders control the volume, which is displayed in dB. When I assign the fader to a MIDI value instead, the whole range is used for values between 0-127 My recommendation is to wait 2 or 3 weeks, until more people have tested the new firmwares and until all issues have been solved. Two core modules should be ok for a simple emulation without v-pots Best Regards, Thorsten.
  10. Hi Frank, today (ooops - yesterday) I built a nice 32 LED/Button module which allows me to play with the LC emulation more ergonomically: I finally noticed the same strange behaviour and found a way to fix it. With the new release, it is possible to map the LED shift registers to different functions, so that you can decide if the LEDs should only be controlled by the button handler, or only from the host application via MIDI. Remark: all buttons should be in On/Off mode, Logic/Cubase handle the toggle function by itself, and sometimes the LEDs flash on special events. I.e., the mute LEDs are flashing in solo mode) LCD display: I will try it next week. It makes sense to support both solution: a cheap & dirty 40x2 LCD driver, and a graphic display solution (which also isn't perfect but still cheaper when a dedicated 55x2 LCD) Best Regards, Thorsten. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  11. Hi Frank, today (ooops - yesterday) I built a nice 32 LED/Button module which allows me to play with the LC emulation more ergonomically: I finally noticed the same strange behaviour and found a way to fix it. With the new release, it is possible to map the LED shift registers to different functions, so that you can decide if the LEDs should only be controlled by the button handler, or only from the host application via MIDI. Remark: all buttons should be in On/Off mode, Logic/Cubase handle the toggle function by itself, and sometimes the LEDs flash on special events. I.e., the mute LEDs are flashing in solo mode) LCD display: I will try it next week. It makes sense to support both solution: a cheap & dirty 40x2 LCD driver, and a graphic display solution (which also isn't perfect but still cheaper when a dedicated 55x2 LCD) Best Regards, Thorsten. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  12. TK.

    SPST Toggles

    It's really a F-A-Q ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. TK.

    SPST Toggles

    It's really a F-A-Q ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. Let's check it step by step: are you using a LCD with backlight? In this case you should disable the backlight first, this will lower the current consumption by 100-200 mA. Thereafter you should disconnect the pots - if the PIC boots again, you possibly didn't solder the pots correctly, so that they are causing a short circuit. See also http://www.midibox.org/midibox64_walkthrough/potsbuttons.html Best Regards, Thorsten.
  15. Let's check it step by step: are you using a LCD with backlight? In this case you should disable the backlight first, this will lower the current consumption by 100-200 mA. Thereafter you should disconnect the pots - if the PIC boots again, you possibly didn't solder the pots correctly, so that they are causing a short circuit. See also http://www.midibox.org/midibox64_walkthrough/potsbuttons.html Best Regards, Thorsten.
  16. Hi Juanjo, in the old design the input shift registers (74HC165) have the same pin enumeration, so just compare the DIN module description with the PCB circuit or find out the correct buttons with try & error - it's easy :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  17. TK.


    Hi Moritz, do you really need 4A? Or is this just the assumed surge current? Maybe it's better to take a LM138, an adjustable regulator which allows you to adjust the voltage with a pot Best Regards, Thorsten.
  18. TK.


    Hi Moritz, do you really need 4A? Or is this just the assumed surge current? Maybe it's better to take a LM138, an adjustable regulator which allows you to adjust the voltage with a pot Best Regards, Thorsten.
  19. This value is derived from the MIDI baudrate 31250b/s 32µs for one bit, 320µs for start/stop-bit and 8-bit value, 960µs for a common MIDI event without taking the running status into account (which can save one byte in special cases) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  20. This value is derived from the MIDI baudrate 31250b/s 32µs for one bit, 320µs for start/stop-bit and 8-bit value, 960µs for a common MIDI event without taking the running status into account (which can save one byte in special cases) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. TK.

    SPST Toggles

    Hi Justin, which firmware are you using? The "bb" version (BankButton) version requires the same buttons like the menu navigation. If these buttons are working fine, the others should do it also. It's important that the contacts of the button are not closed when they are depressed. Do you own a measuring instrument or something else in order to check the contacts? With three pins you have just only 3 possibilities ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. TK.

    SPST Toggles

    Hi Justin, which firmware are you using? The "bb" version (BankButton) version requires the same buttons like the menu navigation. If these buttons are working fine, the others should do it also. It's important that the contacts of the button are not closed when they are depressed. Do you own a measuring instrument or something else in order to check the contacts? With three pins you have just only 3 possibilities ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  23. TK.


    The current consumption of the pots is very low (5V2/10kOhm = 2.5mW), so the smaller pot is ok. Concerning the Log/Lin or A/B issue: see the FAQ http://www.ucapps.de/qa.html#21 (Should I buy linear or logarithmic pots/faders?) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  24. TK.


    The current consumption of the pots is very low (5V2/10kOhm = 2.5mW), so the smaller pot is ok. Concerning the Log/Lin or A/B issue: see the FAQ http://www.ucapps.de/qa.html#21 (Should I buy linear or logarithmic pots/faders?) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  25. TK.


    I don't know a manufacturer for keyboard switches who sells single pieces to private people. So, best solution is to search for a cheap keyboard @ Ebay and to enhance it by some additional MIDI stuff. Best Regards, Thorsten.
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