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  1. TK.

    PIC question

    Hi Adam, 24AA256 should work, PIC16F877A also - it's just an (compatible) redesign Best Regards, Thorsten.
  2. thanks for the reminder ;-) However, here a schematic of the touch sensor circuit which will be supported with the next MIDIbox MF version. In theory it could also work with other MIDIboxes as cheap button replacement, but this will not work until I've added the special charging pulse signal at Port J14 http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_din_touchsensors.pdf Best Regards, Thorsten.
  3. TK.


    no adaption is required. Just connect all open analog pot inputs to ground and don't forget the pull-up resistor on all digital inputs - otherwise the box will send random values. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  4. Yes, the 24LC256 is ok; it's just the low-current version. Where did you find this chip? I would like to add it to the BankStick order list. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  5. TK.

    midibox chain

    Alright - yes, for MB16E it's the same. You have to omit all optocouplers. They are only for "common" MIDI lines, which are working as opto-isolated "current loop". So long as you are wiring digital Rx/Tx signals, no additional components are required between MIDI IN and OUT. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  6. Sure, this is realistic. You could use the MIDIO128 with just a single DINX1 or DINX2 module for 8 or 16 buttons. This would come to about 25 EUR (w/o case, buttons & JDM PIC programmer). Or - if ableton reacts on program changes - this cheaper circuit could be interesting for you: http://www.ucapps.de/floorboard.html Best Regards, Thorsten.
  7. Optical encoders mostly send TTL pulses and can be connected to the DIN module on the same way like mechanical encoders - only difference: the pull-ups are not required. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. TK.

    MIDIbox64SEQ Beta

    For the records: my answer to kierans posting can be found here: http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=concepts;action=display;num=1037621791
  9. correct. And with the upcoming MIDIbox NG design you will be able to change the application PlugIns via MIDI on-the-fly :) Here the explanation of the MB64 tutorial: Snap Mode: When you adjust a knob in Snap Mode, the original setting determines the value until the point where the movement of the knob passes beyond this position. In other words, the parameter does not jump to the value as in Normal Mode. However, keep in mind that your adjustments have no effect on the parameter until the knob "snaps" on at the position equivalent to the original parameter. In SNAP mode, an right arrow symbol appears instead of the parameter bar. It indicates in which direction the knob must be turned to exceed the current parameter value. Arrow Left implies the value is lower. The parameter bar appears when the value is "snapped". And an example: your knob points to note C-1, you switch to another bank which restores the note F-3. When you now turn the knob clock-wise, it would send C#1, D-1, D#1 and not F#3, G-3, G#3 in normal mode. In snap mode no value will be changed until the knob passes the position for F-3 --- on this way parameter jumps are avoided. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  10. The purpose of the LEDs: if the appr. push-button is in toggle mode, the LED shows if the button is active or not the LEDs can also be controlled via MIDI. If your MIDI software supports some kind of feedback, you can use the LEDs to display the status of something (the MIDI event which controls the LED is the same like the event assigned to the appr. button) the MB64SEQ uses the LEDs to display the sequencer position the LEDs can also be misapplied as christmas illumination, you need: a core module running with any MIDIbox firmware a DOUT module the appr. number of LEDs (different colours increase the effect) some christmas songs in MIDI file format a computer with MIDI player software a christmas tree hang the LEDs over the christmas tree, plug the MIDI OUT cable of your PC into the MIDI IN jack of the core module, assign the LEDs to some notes of different MIDI channels, start the MIDI file player and enjoy the show ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  11. Jump to this article :) http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=news;action=display;num=1034254654 Best Regards, Thorsten.
  12. Hi Stefan, This must be a problem between the MIDI Out of your PC and the MIDI In of your MB64. It seems that the sysex dump will not be transfered correctly. See also: http://www.ucapps.de/howtodebug.html However, for the first tests I could send you a modified firmware which is already configured for your equipment. No Port 0. The order has not been changed in the mbhp_core version Unused outputs can be left open Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. The SID gets hot, thats normal. It's just good old analog stuff! :-) If the SID hangs up, it might be the reason that something influences the data transfers between the core and the SID module. I mean that ESD issue... e.g. if you have a temperature regulated soldering iron which switches on/off sometimes, this can cause unwanted transients on the data lines which disturb the data accesses. Or if your mobile phone rings during a SID session, the data flow could also be disturbed. Solution: build the circuit into a metal case like known from "real" synthesizers... You are writing that the cutoff frequency of one chip cannot be controlled. I hope that this isn't a 8580? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. TK.


    It depends on the quality and from where you order the parts, from the way you mount the stuff (PCBs or vectorboards), from the enclosure, from the available tools... it's really hard to say. I would assume that a least-cost MIDIbox with 8 faders, 8 pots and some buttons, built on a vectorboard can be realized for about $30. But the total costs increase fast when you order the parts from different shops, when you also need a programmer (btw: I still burn PICs for free), when the required tools like soldering-iron, cable cutter, etc. are not available. It doesn't make a big difference if you build a box based on the MBHP design or on the old MIDIbox Plus design, because the cost-intensive parts (pots/faders/PIC) are the same. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  15. Best experiences have been made with seperated AIN modules which are as close to the pots as possible (see also the pictures at the bottom of http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_ain.html). All other modules can be combined to one PCB without any risk of unstable signals. You could also try to create a AIN board which allows you to mount the pots - this saves effort, but requires some experiences in layouting a PCB. Best Regards, Thorsten. P.S.: I hope that somebody else can provide some good links to soldering guides...
  16. TK.

    midibox chain

    Hi, sure, this is possible on this way: LTC J1:MI -> MIDIbox Plus Rx Pin MIDIbox Plus Tx Pin -> MB64 Rx Pin MB64 Tx Pin -> LTC J1:MO Hope that this short description is clear enough (just compare the schematics of the MBHP core, the LTC module & MIDIbox Plus). I will draw a diagram if required... Best Regards, Thorsten.
  17. Hi, you just only have to take care for the different voltage domains (9V / 12V). If you create a single PCB for both SIDs and cores, you have to stuff one 7812, one 7809, one 7805: both cores and both SIDs can be supplied by a 7805 The 6581 additionally by a 7812 The 8580 by a 7809 15V should be ok for all 78xx in this configuration Best Regards, Thorsten.
  18. Hi Kieran, With the next update there will be no difference concerning the external functions (64 pots, 64 buttons, 64 LEDs), but the implementation differes a lot. In the MB64 firmware, 128 bytes are used to store the MIDI event for every pot in RAM... the fast access to the "events" is required to handle incoming MIDI events for the soft-takeover function (snap mode, etc.) in realtime without dataloss. The MB64SEQ firmware supports soft-takeover only for internal events - this saved me from storing the events in RAM, and so I was able to use the free memory for two additional layers (see sequencer concept in the news section). The MIDI events itself are saved in the slow flash memory (slow means: ca. 5 uS read-access delay) I wouldn't do this - so long as the "snap" mode is not required, the MB64SEQ can also be used as common MIDI controller. Every track can be switched to "controller" mode, where every pot sends the event immediately. Also mixed configurations are possible (n tracks as sequencer, m tracks as controller). My suggestion: just use two BankSticks for the different purposes. One stick should be prepared for controller functions, the other for sequencer functions. :) Best Regards, Thorsten. P.S.: with the MIDIbox NG design, all these limitations will be obsolete :)
  19. TK.


    solange nur die Bauteilkosten und der eigene Aufwand verrechnet, und die Copyrights nicht von den PCBs/Firmwares entfernt werden, bin ich damit einverstanden. Gruss, Thorsten.
  20. TK.

    freie Belegungwahl?

    Die Reihenfolge der LEDs ist fest vorgegeben und kann nur durch Umloeten geaendert werden. Button 1 entspricht LED 1, usw... diese Zuordnung darf allerdings nicht mit der Reihenfolge der Schieberegister verwechselt werden. Die DIN-Register 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 entsprechen den DOUT-Registern: 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 Diese etwas seltsame Reihenfolge habe ich deshalb so gewaehlt, weil viele MIDIboxen mit lediglich 16 LEDs bestueckt sind, und die Navigationstasten an DIN.1 nicht unbedingt beleuchtet werden muessen. Gruss, Thorsten.
  21. Fine :) I will grab some of the photos next monday (I'm currently quite busy... no, not for any MIDI project ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. TK.

    SID 16F vs 18F

    no, everything is 1:1 hardware compatible, no parts beside of the PIC have to be exchanged. I'm only unsure if the JDM module can be reused (still waiting for inputs ;)) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  23. TK.


    Hi Rogic, the error messages can be ignored; the DRC test notices that the font used for the copyright overlaps the GND area, but this is ok Best Regards, Thorsten.
  24. No, this isn't possible with MB16E, but it will be supported by MIDIbox NG where encoders and buttons are sampled on the same shiftregister chain. However, there is a workaround: if you plan to build a DINX4, and want to connect (lets say...) 8 encoders and 16 buttons, you can cut the SO; SC and RC track between IC2 and IC3 and connect one half to port J7 of the core module (encoders) and the other half to port J9 of the core module (buttons). Just handle it like 2 seperate DINX2 modules... (the power tracks have to be connected only once) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  25. I've planned to integrate 4 analog CV outputs and 4 triggers so that such filters can be controlled from the SW implemented generators (LFOs, envelopes) and via CC. :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
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