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Posts posted by TK.

  1. Hi Przemek,


    hm... at least I can say that this isn't related to the software, especially because all inputs are debounced.

    Maybe buttons and encoders are damaged, e.g. because the guy who soldered the components overheated them.


    E.g. I had a similar problem with a button which is also used in the sammich devices and had to replace it.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  2. Fine! :)



    1. As the id-mapping for the scs-ports beginns now at 1 , what happens if i would connect additional DINs? Continuing at id=17?

    additional, not topic-related questions:


    The J10 ports overlay DIN shift register positions.

    So, with this default example DIN 1 and 2 wouldn't have a function anymore.

    If somebody would add a MBHP_DINX4 module, and still would like to use the J10A/B based inputs, he would change the emu_din_sr parameter to higher numbers (of unused DIN SR positions)



    ( 2. Dont want to ask for a new feature again, ... but is it possible to build a NG-Application with something like a default NGC, that the people at the workshop dont need to solder the sd-card interface? Of course i could compile one with some custom fixed-config code, but maybe i just overlooked that "Avoid-SD-Card"-Feature ) 


    No, this isn't possible.

    Just build the Low-Cost adapter as documented here: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_sdcard.html


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  3. Great!


    Thanks also for the detailed report. I guess that sooner or later somebody else with similar interests will come back to us. :)


    > Is that easy to "just" remove the PID controller in the MF soft and assign output not to the PIC PWM but AOUT ?


    yes, this would be easy. Do you have a schematic of the PID controller?


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  4. @stuartm: 

    While for sound affecting CCs it perfectly makes sense to first dump the program change and then the CC, in the case of the bank change it should be the other way around to get it working.


    V4.084 got a new function which helps to overcome this issue. In the UTIL->Options page you can define the order at which particular CC layers are sent (before or after program change).




    Hmm this only seems to occur on existing tracks. If i switch types and init it works. Also affects my preset tracks.


    I haven't changed the format in the last years... this seems to be an unintended change.


    Could you please send me one of your preset tracks so that I can compare?

    And do you remember with which version you created the problematic tracks?


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  5. Maybe the number is too high so that an overrun happens?


    Which note is played when you are using din_key_offset=1

    which note when you are using din_key_offset=2

    and 3... and 4... are you able to increase it until the expected note will be played?


    At which value an unexpected note will be played?


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  6. Hi,
    the encoder behaviour has been improved in an unreleased MIOS8 and MBSID version.
    Please join the beta test! :-)
    An update is very easy: install MIOS Studio (if not done yet): http://www.ucapps.de/mios_studio.html
    Connect MIDI IN/OUT of your MB6582 to your computer, open MIOS Studio, select the MIDI interface, try the bidirectional communication with the "Query" button.
    If working, first upload the new MIOS V1.9h version, thereafter the new MIDIBox SID application.
    Both are linked in this posting: 
    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  7. Of course, providing something to such an audience is a nice motivation :smile:

    (as long as the requests don't get too illusory or clash too much with given concepts ;-)


    Please try this version: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_ng_v1_031_pre3.zip


    Configuration examples can be found in cfg/test/diocfg_1.ngc:



    and cfg/test/diocfg_2.ngc



    I haven't tried this, but with this new feature is should also be possible to scan a 8x8 DIN *or* a 8x8 DOUT matrix (unfortunately 3 8bit ports would be required to scan a 8x8 DIN and DOUT matrix at the same time).


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  8. The wishlist is located at the bottom of this file: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fcontrollers%2Fmidibox_ng_v1%2FCHANGELOG.txt

    But I only take over requests where I think that they are useful for myself, and/or the implementation & testing isn't so difficult.



    And how can i use the J10B for connecting Buttons/Encoders? Cant find any documentation about it.



    When you don't find certain functions in the documentation, then it's very likely not available.

    Either because nobody requested such a function yet, or there is a conflict with another function which you've overlooked.


    When you are writing "Cant find any documentation about it" it sounds to me like a complaint, and not like a request!  :no:


    J10B (on MBHP_CORE_LPC17: J28) is typically used as extension port for CLCDs/GLCDs.

    Normally I prefer to use the ports only for a single purpose to avoid conflicting configurations which could lead to the next request from somebody else to make it somehow possible without considering what it means at my end. 


    I spend some thoughts about possible solutions anyhow, and came to the conclusion that the most simple way would be to provide a new function which maps J10A/J10B to DIN or DOUT shift registers (some kind of "shift register emulation")


    E.g. with:

    DIO port=J10A  emu_din_sr=1
    DIO port=J10B  emu_din_sr=2

    I could provide the possibility to handle J10A and J10B pins the same way like pins of the first and second DIN shift register (id=1..16)

    Advantage: this would work completely transparent for the firmware, so that encoders could be connected as well, and configured like if they are connected to shift registers.



    DIO port=J10A emu_din_sr=1
    DIO port=J10B emu_dout_sr=1

    it would be possible to use J10A for buttons (id=1..8), and J10B for LEDs (id=1..8)


    Is this the right direction, or do you have something else in mind which conflicts with this approach?


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  9. Hi Julian,


    button ids are normally mapped to digital inputs of MBHP_DIN modules connected to the SRIO chain via J8/9


    If you want to trigger button events with J10A:D0..D7, you could use the button emulation function of the SCS (because the SCS is normally connected to J10A)


    So, please try:

    # the SCS should emulate button/enc functions in main page
    SCS soft1_button_emu_id=2000 \
        soft2_button_emu_id=2001 \
        soft3_button_emu_id=2002 \
        soft4_button_emu_id=2003 \
        shift_button_emu_id=2004 \
    EVENT_BUTTON id=2000 type=CC chn=1 cc=16 range=0:127 ports=1111000000000000
    EVENT_BUTTON id=2001 type=CC chn=1 cc=17 range=0:127 ports=1111000000000000
    EVENT_BUTTON id=2002 type=CC chn=1 cc=18 range=0:127 ports=1111000000000000
    EVENT_BUTTON id=2003 type=CC chn=1 cc=19 range=0:127 ports=1111000000000000
    EVENT_BUTTON id=2004 type=CC chn=1 cc=20 range=0:127 ports=1111000000000000


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  10. Ok, please try this version: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4l_085_pre1.zip


    The clock divider should be taken over for all tracks now (not only the note tracks)


    I wasn't able to reproduce the PitchBend issue, but this might be related to a handling error.

    E.g. the CLEAR function will only clear the note tracks if you push GP button #1 resp. #9


    In order to clear the PitchBend track, push CLEAR+GP button #4 resp. #12

    The LED above these buttons should flicker if PitchBend events are sent


    Does this help?


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  11. Ok, understood.


    I spend some time in order to make this possible - the configuration isn't straightforward, but I hope that this will meet your expectations:

    1. upload this firmware to the core: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4l_085_pre1.zip
    2. enter the "store" command after upload. This will ensure that the latest parameters are visible in the file (that's the reason why LiveForceToScale wasn't visible previously - last time you stored this file was with a version which didn't provide this parameter)
    3. edit the MBSEQ_C.V4 file:
      Change MIDI_BUS_Channel 0 ... to MIDI_BUS_Channel 0 17
      (bus will listen to all channels)
      Change the MIDI channel of MIDI_BUS_Channel 1 ... and MIDI_BUS_Channel 2 and MIDI_BUS_Channel 3 ... to 0
      (bus won't listen to channels)
      Change LiveKeepChannel to 1

    Parameters should be taken over automatically once you save the file

    (terminal will show "AUTOLOAD 'MBSEQ_C.V4'")


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  12. Yes, there is a hidden feature in MBSEQ V4L which allows you to enable force-to-scale for the In->Out option! :)


    Connect to MIOS Studio, open the MIOS32 File browser, edit the SESSIONS/DEF_V4L/MBSEQ_C.V4 file.

    Search for "LiveForceToScale" and set it to 1

    Thereafter save the change, and then enter "reset" in MIOS Terminal in order to reboot the device.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  13. Hi Benoit,



    First store command is rejected : bootloader says "Failed to store new settings"


    there is a workaround for this in following (unreleased) version:


    (store command will be retried if flash operation failed - I guess that this is related to flash protection, but haven't debugged this further. With the retry the store command will work reliable)



    LCD: it's very likely a hardware issue.

    LCD isn't correctly initialized after power-on, and in your pictures it looks like the second line will never be written.


    This indicates, that the D6 pin is always 0

    Check it with the scope. If it doesn't toggle than my assumption is correct and you know where to continue with debugging.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  14. Ok, you already found out the required calculation by yourself! :)



    How can I monitor the 10 bits value data used, i can only monitor 14bits PB value to take and record the point I need for my table.


    For the case that it helps: in mf.inc you will find following lines


            movff   ADRESL, MF_TRACE_VALUE_L        ; take original value from ADC so that AIN deadband doesn't matter!
            movff   ADRESH, MF_TRACE_VALUE_H

    You could replace them by:

            movff   MF_VALUE_L, MF_TRACE_VALUE_L        ; take original value from ADC so that AIN deadband doesn't matter!
            movff   MF_VALUE_H, MF_TRACE_VALUE_H

    in order to display the translated response in MIOS Studio


    There is no alternative way how I can help you to visualize the changes.

    I know that the task to find a satisfying calibration table w/o further analysis is a challenge - but providing more sophisticated debugging helps would result into much more effort at my side.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  15. I don't manage to get the arpeggiator to work. I have tried with a midi keyboard. I set the appropriate midi channel and port in the midi->transposer and arp. menu. Have tried port: all too. And I have set the mode of the track to arpeggiator. T/A split is off (tried on too) and in midi->misc->midi monitor I see incoming midi on the right port. The keyboard works fine for transposing. I must have missed some setting.

    Also, how can i control arpeggiator via loopback? making a loopback track with chords sends only chords with root note unless i transpose them with the keyboard, right?



    Please follow this guide:

    -> http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_manual_tut5.html

    It should answer both questions.

    If not, please let me know what is unclear, I will improve the page! :smile:



    Another one, there are several bus ports, what are they for.


    It's possible to route the transposers & arpeggiators to different busses in order to handle up to 4 independent note entries (regardless if from external keyboards or loopback tracks)


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  16. Hi,


    yes, you can use the same board, but since LPC17 Tx pins are working at 3.3V level (and not in push-pull mode), you've to change some resistor values:

    R3, R5, R8 and R10 have to be 47 Ohm.

    And J1:Vd has to be connected to 3.3V


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

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